Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:04 PM Post #21,767 of 42,782
I would have preferred never to have arrived.

That review should be a template on how NOT to do a review.

The thing about his channel is how everyone blindly follows him and trusts him just based on his words... It's so sick I've seen his headphone reviews and sound demos and whatever Zeos says in the review like "big soundstage, outstanding bass" and I switch over to the sound demo videos, everybody in the comments are like "Wow these have a huge soundstage wow that bass is amazing" when they are listening through completely different gear and in some cases IMO the statements hold no water, but ppl just follow him and trust him only because he has reviewed so many products. One should again imo, get as much information from as many sources as possible and put the puzzle pieces together themselves and not blindly believe 1 guy on the internet.
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:34 PM Post #21,768 of 42,782
The thing about his channel is how everyone blindly follows him and trusts him just based on his words... It's so sick I've seen his headphone reviews and sound demos and whatever Zeos says in the review like "big soundstage, outstanding bass" and I switch over to the sound demo videos, everybody in the comments are like "Wow these have a huge soundstage wow that bass is amazing" when they are listening through completely different gear and in some cases IMO the statements hold no water, but ppl just follow him and trust him only because he has reviewed so many products. One should again imo, get as much information from as many sources as possible and put the puzzle pieces together themselves and not blindly believe 1 guy on the internet.

I just wish there were others like him, to where I could compare opinions (videos because I like video) but headfi of course is best
Aug 26, 2016 at 10:34 PM Post #21,769 of 42,782
Any others?

I think very highly of reviews from @Brooko and @twister6 and xRelic and a couple others I cannot think of right now...
Their reviews are very detailed, comparing to other DAC / DAP / Headphones (depending on the item being reviewed), never bashing the ones they do not like just explain why they think other equipment is better, etc.
I also think they are fair, and happy to answer follow-up questions from fellow head-fi-ers  :wink:
Just my 2 cents...
Aug 27, 2016 at 12:07 AM Post #21,770 of 42,782
Saw this info on the Empire Ears thread and, I thought it might be helpful for people who are bothered by hiss on their sensitive IEMs with the Mojo:
P.S: The product is not out yet, but if it does work as the manufacturer claims, I think we may finally have a solution for world peace...
P.S #2: I'd like to hear Mython's thoughts on this because he has made some good points against, the use of impedance adapters for IEMs as those could potentially chance the signature of the IEM itself. So, I'd like to know if this iFi product might also have an Achilles Heal..
Aug 27, 2016 at 12:33 AM Post #21,771 of 42,782
So after the verge review and the Z review, the general consensus is that the chord mojo is a overrated piece of ****.


I bought one before this happened and now i feel like i made a mistake
Aug 27, 2016 at 12:40 AM Post #21,773 of 42,782
So after the verge review and the Z review, the general consensus is that the chord mojo is a overrated piece of ****.


I bought one before this happened and now i feel like i made a mistake

How so? The Verge spoke highly of it even though they aren't particularly qualified, Z is completely clueless half the time, some things he knows and does fairly well but he should just not speak of the things he doesn't rather than mindlessly ramble for no reason. Some of his reviews I've found to be accurate whilst others are utterly ridiculous (read: T90s, multibit vs non-multibit, etc.).
If you've thoroughly researched the Mojo and read through this thread you will/would know that it is quite obviously not an "overrated piece of ****" nor have you made a mistake. I assume you are not familiar with the remainder of Chord's track record and devices if you're having such doubts but Rob Watts and his team are highly intelligent and ultra competent.
Aug 27, 2016 at 12:41 AM Post #21,774 of 42,782
So after the verge review and the Z review, the general consensus is that the chord mojo is a overrated piece of ****.


I bought one before this happened and now i feel like i made a mistake


That doesn't make any sense. The Z reviews thought it was meh, and the Verge review praised it and said it was "Underrated".
Aug 27, 2016 at 12:42 AM Post #21,775 of 42,782
So after the verge review and the Z review, the general consensus is that the chord mojo is a overrated piece of ****.


I bought one before this happened and now i feel like i made a mistake

Use your ears. To my ears the Mojo tames my all time fav cans (Fostex TH600/900's) and gives them a thick, detailed and meaty sound compared to my Lyr 2 which was previously my go to amp for everything. 
The Mojo might be overrated but it's freaking awesome. I've had the Hugo and it paired well with the Lyr2 providing extremely high detail but also causing sibilance on my fostex cans. The Mojo gives me most of the details but a lot more meat and more tamed sibilance areas.
If the Mojo blows your mind then it's a keeper and ignore any reviews. If it doesn't sound as good as you'd hopped then they go fast on the trade forum. I'm actually in the market for a second. :p
Aug 27, 2016 at 3:56 AM Post #21,776 of 42,782
On the subject of reviews , opinions and impartiality etc. There is no such thing as a definitive opinion. Too much emphasis is placed on reviews and opinions and too many purchases are made without listening to the product itself. Many of us reviewers have the sample for 1 week. In the context of full time working , running sophisticated web sites and youtube channels with other samples pouring in all the time , that's not very long to draw a definitive opinion and it won't be using your own ears. I review stuff if I am given the time to do it properly and I don't read other reviews before I put pen to paper. I don't see how a discussion forum or a review could take the place of what you can hear for yourself. It could only ever be a guideline to narrow down from a huge range of what there is out there
Aug 27, 2016 at 4:03 AM Post #21,777 of 42,782
I'm not a huge audiophile and the Chord Mojo was the single priciest audio related purchase I've made especially combined with the cable and case. I've been testing it the last couple days with the Trinity Audio Phantom Sabre and Vyrus on PC and Fiio X5II. I've definitely seen a noticeable quality jump on both, like they suddenly became much pricier earphones. I find the best way to describe the effect is it is as if all my music before sounded "dusty" and now it's crystal clear. It actually made it sound too analytical at first and ended up switching to a different filter more to my liking (yellow to purple on Sabre) but I'm also not used to hearing some songs like that kinda like adjusting to a new eyeglass prescription. HD stuff sounds is very immersive but even my CD quality music sounds much, much better than before.  
Anyway I'll post a slightly longer review later along with some pictures of my setup. I got the Fiio HS16 stacking kit for the X5II and the Moon-Audio right-angled cable, everything fits together beautifully and even feels nice to hold in your hand. I only happened to stumble across it as an option, might be good to add to the first page. The Moon-Audio cable ends are solid metal (brass?) so while it's the most expensive option you get a high quality, almost indestructible cable that's more worth what you pay. 
Whether it's worth it to you will largely come down to how much difference you perceive through your individual setup and whether that difference is worth the cost. For some people $600 is nothing for others it's a major purchase that could take some saving to afford. For me it was a semi-major purchase, had to at least put some serious thought into it, but after just a couple days I think I'd only sell it if I was desperate for cash and I certainly don't regret it. 
Aug 27, 2016 at 4:59 AM Post #21,778 of 42,782
My biggest gripe is where he says the line-out mode somehow bypasses the 'amp'. That statement right there has a lot of miss understanding, but that could be somewhat overlooked given most reviewers don't get the uniqueness of Rob's implementation. It's the way he presents his 'facts' about it that makes the statement even more inaccurate. As soon as a reviewer says that Chord gear is an amp first and DAC second I raise an eyebrow though.

The balls aren't glass as he continuously says. The cable provided for his review is an aftermarket cable, not stock. Any reviewer should be able to see that. He throws guesses out about the power output @32 Ohm. Not cool to just guess if you are trying to provide information to people. Oh, and he can't count. There are 95 steps in the Mojo's volume, not 100.

I get it, he's marketing to the general public that has no understanding about this gear. But it's that exact reason why he should take some responsibility to be somewhat accurate in his reviews. Apologies for contributing to the Mojo / Z derail.
what can I say! Fortunately there are so many other good reviewers that have reviewed our Mojo and do actually understand the subject matter that they are reviewing. Reviewers that don't tend only just to undermine their own reviewing credibility.
Aug 27, 2016 at 5:31 AM Post #21,779 of 42,782
Any recommendations for a good USB cable? I read that the cable can affect the sound quality.
I know that moon-audio sells some but they sell for like $80 which i'm not even sure if i should invest that much on a cable.

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