Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Nov 4, 2015 at 2:53 PM Post #3,856 of 42,836
Does the Mojo has USB BC 1.2 standard (Battery Charging Standard)? Does anyone knows?
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:09 PM Post #3,857 of 42,836
Just got my second Mojo, however, it emits a sort of RF noise when connected to a USB charger. Both directly from a wall wart or a battery charger. Sometimes it's soft and can barely hear it unless I put it touching my ears. Sometimes it's loud enough that I can hear it 2 feet away from me and sound like there is a fan inside.

My first Mojo is dead silent. Did I get the busted unit?

It's still working fine other than the audible noise while charging. When playing music via USB or optical everything seems ok and I don't hear any noise. Definitely, it will go back to the store.
Hello sorry for not posting sooner Yes we've shipped many thousands of units and we have had a very few well under ten with this problem it's due to a regulator issue on some early units. Naturally we soon altered the process and have solved this issue but there are a few out there please take it in for an immediate replacement. John E. Franks.
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:31 PM Post #3,858 of 42,836
Hello sorry for not posting sooner Yes we've shipped many thousands of units and we have had a very few well under ten with this problem it's due to a regulator issue on some early units. Naturally we soon altered the process and have solved this issue but there are a few out there please take it in for an immediate replacement. John E. Franks.

Do you know what serial numbers are affected by this problem?
My mojo arrived today and it too suffers from a noise during charging, it can be anything from a sound like the spinning disks on a portable hard drive to a high pitched shriek, audible from some distance. 
Bought over the internet from a hifi retailer in the South of England. I live in the North West, do I have to return to them or can I use a retailer closer to home?
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:55 PM Post #3,860 of 42,836
  This thread moves too fast so I may have missed it, but how many charge cycles can we expect from the Mojo and is the battery serviceable?

I think 10 years was mentioned. On cycles I don't know but normally you don't go deep cycles each time. The battery is replaceable by a dealer as it is just pin fitting vs the soldering of the Hugo. 
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:58 PM Post #3,861 of 42,836
Guess my weekend might just get busy...

QED Cables have sent me a couple of their reference USB cables to try, time to put Mojo through his DSD trials :)
Nov 4, 2015 at 3:58 PM Post #3,862 of 42,836
That's amazing, fantastic setup. I was just wondering placing a tube amp after the Mojo. Hifiman also has a nice little tube amp somewhat more affordable one can throw in the Mojo path, again portability is not going to work because it's a desktop device but I am sure the result can be more than satisfactory.

I think Fostex have a portable tube amp; HP-V1?
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:00 PM Post #3,863 of 42,836
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:16 PM Post #3,864 of 42,836
  @Mojo ideas please can you tell me whether the Mojo USB input is asynchronous.


Yes it is.

See my post for more info.


Yes it is and fully immune to jitter too! John F.

Thank you both. I feel reassured. I am sat hovering over the buy it button for the Mojo. However I am wary of the Chord mojo not being specified in the manual as asynchronous.
I have written a thread about this but don't really expect any replies.
I hope that it will be clear for everyone like me, looking at Chord products and wondering about clocking. Thus I dedicated a thread to it.
I know just from reviews and impressions that the Mojo and Hugo must be performing well.
One last word to everyone, please is it OK to think of using the Mojo as almost permanent desktop? Many thanks all.
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:27 PM Post #3,865 of 42,836
Thank you both. I feel reassured. I am sat hovering over the buy it button for the Mojo. However I am wary of the Chord mojo not being specified in the manual as asynchronous.

I have written a thread about this but don't really expect any replies.

I hope that it will be clear for everyone like me, looking at Chord products and wondering about clocking. Thus I dedicated a thread to it.

I know just from reviews and impressions that the Mojo and Hugo must be performing well.

One last word to everyone, please is it OK to think of using the Mojo as almost permanent desktop? Many thanks all.

Absolutely that's pretty much how I intend to use it, I will wire it through different amps working as a DAC because hey how many times can you have a DAC that's not off the shelf, further I will compare it to other portable and not so portable DAC I own. I do have the feeling it'll turn out to be one of my favorite DACs if not the favorite one. I'll be on the look out for a future Hugo TT but that's a different story.
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:34 PM Post #3,866 of 42,836
The beauty of the Mojo is the performance one gets relative to the size and portability..i do not understand why one would buy a Mojo and undermine its stregth by then pairing it with an amp that negates its portability....I have my Yiggy/Rag at home and if i go on a trip i take my Mojo now,I used to take the Hugo.....I also do not see the point of adding an amp which will then have its own coloation of the sound added to the Mojo.....of course this is all my humble opinion only  
Nov 4, 2015 at 4:35 PM Post #3,867 of 42,836
Onto an impression post:

What really impresses me is how Chord pulled off a more three dimensional, holographic sound than portable balanced amps (RSA Lightning and Intruder) without the need for a balanced output. After three years listening exclusively to balanced portable amps how a standard 3.5mm output can do this is quite an achievement.

On another note: I have not had any noise, vibration or problems when charging my Mojo. I use a 1V Apple charger (iPhone/iPod) with a USB A to Micro B cable. My Mojo was a first batch from Moon Audio.
Nov 4, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #3,870 of 42,836
Agreed. It would be helpful to know the serial numbers affected.

Hell's teeth. I just ordered one, and I am naturally having the 'what have I done' feeling anyway. Then you post scare stories, lol.


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