Chord Hugo
May 28, 2014 at 6:29 AM Post #3,573 of 15,694
No more than 9'o clock for both amps, hugo set to bypass mode level

Edit...did u mean off hugo directly? Too soft
May 28, 2014 at 7:18 AM Post #3,575 of 15,694
I dont think i can sleep properly until I have AP2 and PP in possession now

Or just don't use computer/usb as source and stick with your 901 coaxial out? :)
May 28, 2014 at 7:43 AM Post #3,577 of 15,694
Has anybody tried the ap1/pp with the Hugo
And what results ?
May 28, 2014 at 7:55 AM Post #3,578 of 15,694
Dude. Man.
Why you gotta ask stuff like that 

I'll write this out for anyone to hopefully be able to understand that may be reading along.
That's the ultimate objectivity question in this hobby. People's opinion will be at every level imaginable on this. There is no way I could remotely venture to answer the question for you, it's a very expensive "upgrade" that makes a vastly varying scale of opinion on its worth or effectiveness. But I'll tell you what I think about these type of devices in general, and generally what they do, and hopefully that will help you decide if that's important for you. 
I've tried a few. Not all of them. It's generally agreed that Audiophileo makes a top product, maybe the best, maybe not, but very good. Very solid, a top performer. And a reasonable price range. Sort of, but totally. 
Being able to even hear the difference depends on how much experience you have in audio. You have to know what to listen for. I owned mine for a while before I consciously heard what it was doing. I asked the same question when I was thinking about getting mine. And one guy that'd had his for a while said it was very much needed, and described the sound as fuzzy and lifeless without it. Of course that's way dramatic, but it is a good description, just take the magnitude down ten-fold. 
When I first got mine several years ago, I popped it in, and totally wondered what I had just dropped hundreds on. Now, I can't imagine my audio life without it. It's an integral part of my necessary equipment. Without it, I feel like I am shortchanging myself. If I can't have it, I won't even listen. All or nothing. baby, all or nothing. 
Of course it sounds just fine without it. Especially with Hugo, you do not need this to get stellar performance with the Hugo. But especially with the Hugo, I love the combo with it. It feels wrong to not serve Hugo up the best I can. 
With it, everything feels just a little more on-point and sharp, vivid. We're not talking a sound sig here, we're talking about the quality of the music file. It's like finding the sweet spot on a microscope focus, and it all comes in a little more clearly, and you can hear it a little better. It sounds a bit more natural and lifelike, less processed. It's taking a jumbled up signal, with the timing distortions, loaded up with noise from the USB cable, and mellowing that sucker right out. Sets it straight, gets it organized a little better -  minimizing jitter, reducing distortion, and helps your DAC be able to handle the data more efficiently since it's not all a complete mess. Hugo likes the AP2, makes him happier. 
I started with AP2 without the PurePower. I thought the PP was an expensive, fancy accessory. It's not. It matters. In fact it really matters. Turns out that interference really is a nasty, nasty thing. That's why all these cable manufacturers are putting all this crazy fancy shielding they invent to keep the cable, which is a giant metal antennae, from picking up as much interference from a hundred things around you. And the people making the best cables have the best shielding. The insides of cables are variations on a theme. Anyone can put a good conductor together, but it's all in the shielding. There are some cable manufacturers trying to push the envelope on conductor technology too, and they are coming up with some cool things, but that's another controversial talk entirely. 
ANYWAY, I was saying the PurePower makes it so that all this stuff that the Audiophileo is doing, awesome stuff, is not having to draw all of it's power to do its thing from the USB line it's plugged in to. From that noisy, crazy USB-out on your machine. That thing is jacked up, was never meant for audio, and you want to use that to power all the things it's trying to fix? Crazy I tell you!
The battery is well implemented in spite of taking a load of noise out of the signal because the AP2 can use the power from the PP - THE POWER FROM THE PP - haha, which has way less noise and variation. The PP is a bigger deal that the AP2, or may make a bigger impact on the sound than the AP2 does without it. But obviously, but without it, think of an arbitrary scale 1-10. 1 is the least amount of impact the Audiophileo2 can have, 10 is the most. Without the PP, AP2 alone may take you up to a 4. So 40% of it's capability. Add on PP, add on PP.. hahaha, add the PP and you get a full 10, the PP boosting it up the rest of the 60% remaining capability left. 
Make sense? Get it with PP. All or nothing, baby, all or nothing. 

Very good read. And thanks for your effort trying to ruin me! 

I guess that it would make a lot of sense using the Hugo with computers / laptops but how will it be connected to an iDevice and the camera connection adapter? Those devices are not as noisy as computers / laptops?
My primary on the go sources will be iDevices but it would be good to have the computer / laptop option as well. But I won't be upgrading if iDevices doesn't benefit from the AP1/PP or the AP2/PP.
I was thinking about the 384kHz version (supporting DSD128) as well, as the Hugo should be able to process it through the coaxial input. Even though it has not been tested by Chord, they have said that they have simulated it and said that it should work.
May 28, 2014 at 8:14 AM Post #3,579 of 15,694
In our search for audio nervana I can say this.
I have both an offramp and ap1/pp. They both help almost any DAC it connect them too
But our hearing does adjust to sound with out the USB converters.
If you play the music with out them and then connect them the change is very apparent. However if you just at the music and stop thinking
About every detail it seems fine. What they do is fine tune the entire presentation from bass to treble
But mostly increase soundstage if in speakers. With headphones this is less obvious
I do not own a Hugo so I do not know how much it will help. But the above post makes sense to me
For the money the ap1/pp is better but the offramp has ore outputs
With either device the USB cable or a USB add on card does not seem to Matter.
So it's a good return. As I have a PPA USB PCI x card and psu and there PPA red cable
And I could not hear a change with it or connect red to the mother board USB. But without the devices there was an improvement but not as dramatic as with the devices.
I very much would like to listen to Hugo with my I device
May 28, 2014 at 8:55 AM Post #3,582 of 15,694
A good coax cable matters plenty as bad ones add jitter and effect the sound . Empirical audio make a really good one and it comes with adaptors for bnc and coax.
I have a few of them from different comapinies non audio grade and I made two as well with the correct 75 ohm wire. And non sound as good as the emipieral audio one.
Now some devices Jose a single 3.5 mm connector as well as coax and bnc. But there is plenty of companies that make the adaptors. A simple and cheap way is no wire and just adaptors . Like what audiophileo does. This is a very cheap and great way to do this.
May 28, 2014 at 10:08 AM Post #3,584 of 15,694
Can someone explain to me what claims are being as sounds the same ?

Can you give us a little more context on that one, Amigo  :wink:
If you are referring to the earlier discussion re several high profile playback applications on the Mac sounding 'the same', that's a can of worms that probably belongs in Sound Science and I haven't been back there since 2011. Spend 20 minutes perusing a few of the topics and you'll soon see my POV. I posted the link to draw a line under my own choice - I'm not going to spend the rest of my life 'auditioning' playback software when I believe I now have the hardware that matters - purely my opinion. Some of the discussions on Computer Audiophile are beyond the pale - a dot upgrade in anything simply isn't going to be life changing ...... 
May 28, 2014 at 12:11 PM Post #3,585 of 15,694
Im back from the sin bin been banned for a day and shouts freeeeeeeedom

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