Feb 9, 2018 at 11:17 PM Post #9,976 of 26,005
I use the Ifi usb 3.0 with my dave when i use it plugged in and find it a very solid choice
Feb 9, 2018 at 11:20 PM Post #9,977 of 26,005
Just trying to see what sorts of things I could change/add to my system to benefit more.

That being said, this is my end game in terms of equipment until a DAVE 2 drops.

Wish I would have bought this a year ago when I started considering it.
Feb 9, 2018 at 11:36 PM Post #9,978 of 26,005
draytonklammer, this is very strong praise for the Abyss Phi. I have read some pretty strong praise for the HE-1000 v2 out of DAVE, to the point that I was thinking to pick up a pair at some point. When you mention the Susvara, I'm guessing that those clearly better the HE-1000's, but I haven't really looked into them (I wonder if you've heard the HE1000 v2, and how you'd rank them). To some extent, it may be hard to definitively rank those you mentioned if you haven't heard them out of DAVE (as they may all sound better, more or less), but you've got my attention. I haven't really seen the Abyss headphones discussed in the Chord threads that much, but a quick look at the Phi's and they seem pretty great.
Feb 9, 2018 at 11:42 PM Post #9,979 of 26,005
draytonklammer, this is very strong praise for the Abyss Phi. I have read some pretty strong praise for the HE-1000 v2 out of DAVE, to the point that I was thinking to pick up a pair at some point. When you mention the Susvara, I'm guessing that those clearly better the HE-1000's, but I haven't really looked into them (I wonder if you've heard the HE1000 v2, and how you'd rank them). To some extent, it may be hard to definitively rank those you mentioned if you haven't heard them out of DAVE (as they may all sound better, more or less), but you've got my attention. I haven't really seen the Abyss headphones discussed in the Chord threads that much, but a quick look at the Phi's and they seem pretty great.

For me, the Susvara was like a better version of the HE-1000. Still hate the build quality though. LOVE the comfort/weight. That being said, the Phi is comfortable once you get a good fit/proper fitting headband in my case.

My list currently: Abyss Phi > Susvara > Utopia/LCD-4 (they both have their strengths that I admire a lot) > SR-009 > HEK v2 > HEK v1 > LCD-X > LCD-3 > HD 800S > HD 800 > Sonoma Model One > Ether > LCD-XC > Ether C > Aeon > LCD-2 > Beyer T1 > HD 600 > Beyer T90 > HD 650/6XX > Audeze SINE > Beyer DT 990
Feb 10, 2018 at 12:06 AM Post #9,980 of 26,005
I have a question for those using ferrites with their DACs, what frequency cores would I need for usb cable going to Dave or Hugo 2 (no blu2 involved) 2.5ghz or 1ghz?

Product links would be even better. Thanks
Feb 10, 2018 at 12:17 AM Post #9,981 of 26,005
@draytonklammer, if wanting to improve the input from USB you can try ferrite cores or one of your mentioned iFi products, or others. However, Rob’s detailed posts have been quite clear that Jitter won’t really be improved so look more for what may cleanup the noise from USB as a priority, again, if looking in that direction. Ferrites have been shown to be effective and inexpensive for many but YMMV.
Feb 10, 2018 at 12:16 PM Post #9,982 of 26,005
One thing that strikes me about the DAVE (especially in comparison with my previous, much less expensive, NOS11) is how coherent and three-dimensional the soundstage is.

Both HD800S and Abyss Phi were already capable to display a very wide, out-of-the-head soundstage in my previous setup.

In some (several) cases, though, the soundstage had the typical headphone three-lobed presentation, where you could hear three distinct areas of sound, i.e. from (the left of) the left ear, from the (right of the) right ear, and center. The three sound volumes were quite separated, in that there were odd empty areas of the sonic front in between each, and the central "lobe" was typically on top or your head, or even behind your head sometimes.

With the DAVE, especially with some crossfeed (1 is already OK for me in most cases), the soundstage becomes much more cohesive, while remaining as wide (even wider sometimes), thus providing a much more realistic and equally immersive experience. Also, the central part of the stage, say a singer or a solo instrument, appears to be more "in front" of you and less "on top" of your head.

All this combined with an increase focus and instrument localization / separation, wow!

Even more impressive is the depth that is added to the cohesive left to right scene. You can easily detect the configuration of the soundstage with respect to the absolute distance and relative front-to-back position. This is something new for me, in my (admittedly limited) experience with TOTL headphones.

This morning I was listening to a choral track (regular 44.1/16 CD-quality ripped wav, by the way), and it was like the perfect display of this holographic character of the DAVE.

I could "see" without effort the various rows of the chorus, and also their height was obvious, and so it was obvious where the soloists and the orchestra were placed in three dimensions, and how all these musicians were interacting with the venue where the music was played.

The imaging was in 2-channel speaker setup territory, although of course not quite as realistic.

Must add that, all the above was transcendentally satisfying with the Abyss Phi and less true to my ears with the HD800S, as good as they are.
Feb 11, 2018 at 12:38 PM Post #9,983 of 26,005
Anyone have any experience with DAVE, their computer as a source and a power conditioner?

Would it be worth buying one?

If so, which? (Without killing the bank too much)
Feb 11, 2018 at 12:58 PM Post #9,984 of 26,005
Anyone have any experience with DAVE, their computer as a source and a power conditioner?

Would it be worth buying one?

If so, which? (Without killing the bank too much)

I have used a power conditioner (PS Audio P10) on my system with my valves so that I can control the voltage. I have not noticed any difference to Dave whether it was plugged into the conditioner or the socket on the wall.
Feb 11, 2018 at 1:47 PM Post #9,985 of 26,005
If I can give you anymore detailed thoughts on anything, let me know!
I am considering a full review of the Chord DAVE driving the Abyss Phi (along with my Phi review finally)

It's the BEST I have heard in a headphone to date. It bests many loudspeaker setups I have heard as well (to my ears -- I love microdetails)
YES, I have tried the Orpheus, Stax 009 (not the 007 mk1 sadly), Susvara, LCD-4, HD800S, etc. -- no flagship has crossed the line like the Abyss Phi for me.

Now with the Chord, it's even better.
A review of Dave and Abyss Phi will be much appreciated by the community.
A YouTube video will be even better:)
Feb 12, 2018 at 2:41 AM Post #9,986 of 26,005
I went to spend an hour in store with a Dave today - my first time listening in a quiet room in store, with no pressure to hurry up.

They even had the same HD800-S cans that I have (and love) and I got to stream most of my own fav music, the same way I listen.

Of course I expected an improvement on my Hugo2 but I wasn't prepared for this much of a difference.... wow.

I got to listen with Blu2 added too... holy moly....

But I need to start with Dave first.
Feb 12, 2018 at 2:43 AM Post #9,987 of 26,005
A review of Dave and Abyss Phi will be much appreciated by the community.
A YouTube video will be even better:)

Currently building my website to release the review on it!
Considering a Youtube video, but I am a little bit nervous about that part.
Feb 12, 2018 at 2:56 AM Post #9,988 of 26,005
Currently building my website to release the review on it!
Considering a Youtube video, but I am a little bit nervous about that part.
I suppose - just be yourself. I had to do a promotional video once, and it wasn’t easy to look natural, but with practice, you get there.
Having your script, easy to read, like a teleprompter in front of you on laptop can help.
Feb 12, 2018 at 3:00 AM Post #9,989 of 26,005
I suppose - just be yourself. I had to do a promotional video once, and it wasn’t easy to look natural, but with practice, you get there.
Having your script, easy to read, like a teleprompter in front of you on laptop can help.

Thanks for the thoughts!

I will likely be writing a few text reviews first to get in the swing of things.
Afterwards I will eventually focus on some video reviews of gear I currently have in my possession.
Feb 12, 2018 at 4:53 AM Post #9,990 of 26,005
So, would anyone even be up for reading 4,000 words?

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