Apr 4, 2016 at 3:08 PM Post #2,401 of 26,002

Hi Speed--
I listen mostly to my two-channel system and thought it sounded great with DAVE. You can see the system by looking at my profile. You won't be able to find many, or just about any, of my system components at a standard dealer. But it may be of interest anyway. 
Apr 4, 2016 at 3:09 PM Post #2,402 of 26,002
I'm very sorry to learn about your tinnitus and a special kind of hyperacusis.  Thank goodness the headphone technology is improving all the time and I'm hoping at some point we can all experience a truly immersive sound similar to having an amazing pair of speakers like ones I’m sure you have built wrapped around our ears.

The good thing about my headphone orientation is that my neighbours aren't bothered by my strange music (anymore).
And myself I can live very well with headphones now – which I always had a weakness for anyway.
Apr 4, 2016 at 10:05 PM Post #2,403 of 26,002
Auralic Aries>Lightspeed 10G usb cable>DAVE>Marantz PM KI integrated amp>Gallo Strada speakers/Gallo TR3 subwoofer

All components plugged into a PS Audio P5 power conditioner

Strada speakers mounted on Mapleshade stands

Audience AU24E speaker cables and interconnects

Music sits on a Synology DS412+ NAS drive


2012 MacBook Pro with Jriver media center>Lightspeed 10G usb cable>DAVE>HE10000

DAVE is plugged into a basic power strip with a surge protector circuit

Hope this helps.

- Esau

You could load a trial copy of Jriver on a laptop(Mac or PC versions available), add in a few music samples for demo purposes, and then throw in your favorite usb cable. Load your laptop and usb cable into a carrying bag and head back to Sound By Singer for another demo.
Apr 5, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #2,404 of 26,002
Hi lovethatsound,

Thank you you for reply and it is exactly in-line with what others have said in that their is not much of a difference between the optical and usb.  I honestly didn't ask Andrew how many hours the Cord Dave had clocked on it.  But I do recall that Andrew mentioned he had the Cord Dave since January and he has sold 5.  I was really looking and keenly listening for that true depth of sound ("Z" axis) with respect to some great recordings I have.  With the HE-1000's the depth of the sound-stage was improved by at most 10-15% over my portable gear but when we went to the amp and speakers it was just a an order of magnitude of difference so much so that any full size cans at least that I own completely pail in comparison... I mean smoked!   So my present thought process is consider the Aurender music server via USB connected to the Cord Dave and use my full size cans until I can really step-up with a great pair of speakers.  I would love to know what speakers others on this forum have while listening to Dave and I would like to know what Rob has when he spends time in-front of the Dave.  I think understanding the entire audio chain is critical with respect to end-to-end sound.

Your friend in audio,
Chord as in musical Chord. Not cord something that ties your Pajamas together :nerd:
Apr 5, 2016 at 11:52 PM Post #2,407 of 26,002
  Hello my friend,
From everything I have read or understand USB is a superior transport mechanism over the Toslink (optical) input its unfortunate AK doesn't provide it as an output.  the Aurender Flow USB output only with 2 TB of storage is exactly what I heard at the audio dealers store and sounds fantastic...

Are you sure it was an Aurender FLOW DAP and not an Aurender N100H Server that you heard? Coz I think the FLOW only can have max 1TB....The other thing is did you get to compare the exact same music files?
Apr 6, 2016 at 11:55 AM Post #2,408 of 26,002
  Are you sure it was an Aurender FLOW DAP and not an Aurender N100H Server that you heard? Coz I think the FLOW only can have max 1TB....The other thing is did you get to compare the exact same music files?

Yes it could have been the Aurender Server I'm honestly not familiar with the product line but I distinctly remember Andrew saying it was a server with 2TB of storage not 4TB and only a USB output and it was 1/2 price of the Aurender TOTL and I think that server was 8k.
We listened to the Bill Evans Trio, Waltz for Debby (Take 2) @ 24/192kHz.  This was the same on both sources namely my RWAK 380 and the Aurender music server and it's a beautiful well recorded live performance.  
I'm looking at this potential purchase as I'm stepping into a great sounding  TOTL Dac player (for home use) that I will be using initially with headphones but I'm looking to transition to a great pair of loudspeakers as soon as I'm able too.  I may keep one or two headphones for private listening but not sure.  What loudspeakers are you using with your Dac?  What does your entire audio chain look like?
Thank you and sincerely,
Apr 6, 2016 at 1:31 PM Post #2,409 of 26,002
My stereo setup is in my profile. My speakers are the Dynaudio C1 Signature. They are driven by Sanders Magtech amplifier because I don't know what's a better amplifier to upgrade to (because many have euphonic distortions on Stereophile measurements and even load-invariant class D amplifiers that measure well would have transient and timing issues). The Chord DAVE is connected to my Sanders Magtech and also my two Sunfire subwoofers. I used a real-time analyzer to set the Sunfire's crossover/phase/volume to integrate best with the Dynaudio C1 Signature speakers. I bought the CAPSv3 Carbon design from Small Green Computer (design specifications on the Computer Audiophile website).
So for Speedracer, I think you can start backwards. Start with what headphones you like (neutral vs not) and then pick the speakers you like best (neutral, e.g. Magico, Dynaudio, Focal, PSB vs "designed" e.g. B&W, Wilson, Sonus Farber). Afterwards, you can decide whether you want full-range +/- subwoofers or monitors + subwoofers. And then you can decide what's a neutral amplifier that can drive the speakers well. If you're never going to change the speakers, you can even pick a load-variant amplifier as long as the amplifier has good synergy with the speakers. Otherwise, pick a reasonable class A/AB load-invariant amplifier. And then if your mind is set on Chord DAVE, just figure out what user interface you want for your computer music server. Because DAVE is really quite source-independent, you're essentially picking user interface. Build your own machine if you want JRiver/JRemote or like me, if you need to add a little bit of DSP to help tame the room acoustics (which I know is suboptimal if I want to get the best from DAVE). Get Meridian Sooloos if you like their interface. Aurender has its own user interface. Auralic has their own. Or get the Sonore Sonicorbiter SE if you like Roon to run on your PC/Mac.
Apr 6, 2016 at 9:24 PM Post #2,410 of 26,002
Yes it could have been the Aurender Server I'm honestly not familiar with the product line but I distinctly remember Andrew saying it was a server with 2TB of storage not 4TB and only a USB output and it was 1/2 price of the Aurender TOTL and I think that server was 8k.
We listened to the Bill Evans Trio, Waltz for Debby (Take 2) @ 24/192kHz.  This was the same on both sources namely my RWAK 380 and the Aurender music server and it's a beautiful well recorded live performance.  
I'm looking at this potential purchase as I'm stepping into a great sounding  TOTL Dac player (for home use) that I will be using initially with headphones but I'm looking to transition to a great pair of loudspeakers as soon as I'm able too.  I may keep one or two headphones for private listening but not sure.  What loudspeakers are you using with your Dac?  What does your entire audio chain look like?
Thank you and sincerely,

I'm actually a vinyl guy, Pink Triangle deck, Conrad Johnson amps, B&W speakers. Been looking for a digital front end since the 80's LOL...I've heard the other Chord DAC's but not the DAVE, hoping it may equal my vinyl set up. What is interesting from your listening experience is that the digital transport made a big difference to SQ whereas others have stated that the DAVE sounds the same whatever feeds it. 
Apr 8, 2016 at 9:12 AM Post #2,411 of 26,002
I am a bit surprised that the Dave sounds so fantastic with my Oriolus Iems. Sheer bass, dynamics and musicality. Some more of you trying Iems with the Dave?
Apr 9, 2016 at 11:25 AM Post #2,412 of 26,002

Unfortunately, I have not found electrostatics to portray convincing depth.  Having once owned an SR-009 and having recently listened to the SR-009 again (but also the new Mr. Speakers Electrostatic, HiFiMan Shangri-La and Orpheus HE1060), there is no comparing the clarity and detail that these headphones portray but the depth I hear is not as good as what I get with the HE-1000 or even the Abyss.  To be fair, I have yet to hear any electrostatic headphone driven by the DAVE and so I will withhold final judgement until that happens (hopefully, it will happen soon thanks to @Crashem) but my feeling is that it won’t be as good especially since you are forced to use an intermediary amp between the DAVE and an electrostatic headphone.  

Hey romaz,Have you tried using like this?  DAVE → SRM-727(bypass mode)  → SR-009 
"Direct" connection to DAVE’s preamplifier .This system can do to avoid (intermediary amp) pollution?
Apr 9, 2016 at 12:59 PM Post #2,414 of 26,002
  DAVE HiFi News Review!



"Especially with archive recordings, the switch from PCM+ to DSD+ mode pays dividends in the sharpening-up of the sonic picture and instrumental timbres alike, and freeing just a shade more of that considerable dynamic ability."

Hmmm... well, that's controversial, if nothing else!
normal_smile .gif

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