Choosing over ear headphones under $200
Jul 17, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #16 of 21
If if purchased the DT770s I would not have the cash to dish out for an E11, so I would have to go a while with the headphones without an amp. For this reason alone, I am leaning more towards the 80 ohm version. Have you tried driving it without an amp? Does it sound too bad? I am sure even without the amp it will sound better than the normal Ibuds and any other headphones I have tried.I also forgot to mention that I need the headphones for PC gaming. I play a lot of RPG and FPS games, so I am wondering if the DT770s would be good for positioning and competitive FPS games.
Jul 17, 2012 at 4:16 PM Post #17 of 21
If if purchased the DT770s I would not have the cash to dish out for an E11, so I would have to go a while with the headphones without an amp. For this reason alone, I am leaning more towards the 80 ohm version. Have you tried driving it without an amp? Does it sound too bad? I am sure even without the amp it will sound better than the normal Ibuds and any other headphones I have tried.I also forgot to mention that I need the headphones for PC gaming. I play a lot of RPG and FPS games, so I am wondering if the DT770s would be good for positioning and competitive FPS games.

The before burnt in DT770 80 ohm has boomy looser bass ...ok it has loose bass and a sparkly high. I tried it with my iPod when I demo'd it. It had just enough power but not enough to really get me satisfied, and the effects of the bass and sparkly highs got worse with the iPod alone.
The DT770 is indeed on the fun list of headphones that mud lust envy recommends. I didn't test them for positioning and don't remember the soundstage so I can't make a judgement but the positioning and soundstage of the Ultrasone's are good as well. 
Also, although the DT770 Pro 80 has an amazing sense of virtual sound placement, the bass is just too much to take them seriously for competitive gaming.

I didn't like the slightly boomy and quantity of the bass on the 80 ohm variant, I like bass but how it was clean and warm sounding with a bit too much boomy bass did put a damper on some songs and needed me to EQ, but in all honesty, the boomy bass problem is just something that I didn't like. Songs will work well with it.
DT770 (Pro 80 ohm)

Comfort king. This is a heavy hitter. Very impressive for non-competitive gaming, especially if you wanna feel like you're in a movie theater. The bass is considerably super powered, and would make this a bad choice for competitive gaming. However, the soundstage depth and width is surprisingly large for a closed headphone. These also have the VERY best sense of distance when positioning sounds that I have heard. Nothing has toppled this headphone when it comes to that. Not the AD700, K701, or HD598. Too bad it's too wild in bass for hardcore FPS gaming. The finer details are pretty much sucked out because of the bass.

Fun: 9/10

Competitive: 6/10 (positional accuracy is the very best, but the bloated bass makes it hard to pick up details, so it hurts it quite a bit.)

Comfort: 9/10

If you didn't have so many artists that were different the Ultrasones would be great. I was listening to the Beastie Boys and Eye of the Tiger and really enjoying it today, but with jazz and really soulfull stuff, while the Ultrasones do perform well, the soft and warmer sound of the DT770's when I tried them were indeed quite tantalizing as well.
Considering that you play games, the dT770 sounds even better. Why? Because it's light and comfortable. As a PC gamer as well with a set of Q701's. You want light and comfortable.
So yeah, I'm biased towards the DT770 80 ohms as I didn't like the increase in bass then needed, but it was comfortable, easy to love and get used to with a nice signature, light, and not fatiguing.
You can pm mad lust envy to ask or post in the thread on if the dT770 250 ohm will work well but I don't think not having an amp will be too good, you have to really bring the ipod to near max and when you get to that point, distortion and noise creeps into it. 
Jul 17, 2012 at 4:25 PM Post #18 of 21
Thank you for being so helpful. I will probably just go with the 80 ohm version. I am not an extreme audiophile professional gamer, I just game for fun and enjoy it when I can immerse myself in the game. I will have to wait about another month to gather the cash to purchase an amp and the E11 looks like a great choice. Would you recommend the E11 or another portable amp that I can use? Again, i am using it with an Ipod.
Jul 17, 2012 at 4:42 PM Post #20 of 21
You have been more helpful than I could have asked for. Thank you for helping me make a decision. I am going to go with the DT770 80 ohm and later on a FiiO E11 amp. Once again thank you for your help.
Jul 17, 2012 at 5:00 PM Post #21 of 21
You have been more helpful than I could have asked for. Thank you for helping me make a decision. I am going to go with the DT770 80 ohm and later on a FiiO E11 amp. Once again thank you for your help.

Glad to hear that, sad I don't get another Ultrasone fan clube member but I think you will like the comfort and everything of the DT770 pro 80 ohms better. There are a plethora of reviews on the dT770 80 ohm so I bet you've already looked into it.
If you are using it with an iPod please purchase an FiiO LOD for best performance

This is a graph FiiO made (not mine) the L3, L9, L11(new) are the best ones. The L3, and L9 use HPC-22W wire from Oyaide Japan(the L1 doesn't, the price difference is so small that getting the L1 wouldn't be recommended) the L11 requires you to get your own cable for if you truly have a weird input place on your external amp, the L3 is straight for slgihtly weirdly placed shapes and the L9 was designed for compact use and fits E11, and E17 and you would use it like this:
(this is my picture)
I recommend the L9 as you don't need to get a cable, the L11 is for odd placed input area's, people that  want to use their own high quality cables and also so you can charge your iPod while using the LOD(the L3 and L9 use the dock so you can't charge)
The cable is about $10 and is highly recommended.
Heres my video on what it is or what an LOD does:
If you didn't get my above stuff, watch the video and then re read.

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