Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread
Jun 8, 2019 at 12:16 PM Post #24,106 of 33,689
You guys should offer tours. Charge us money to come stay over a couple days and let us all try the goodies provided we bring our own tips, foams and sanitizing spray.

Absolutely, adding them to a culturally significant tourist destination makes all the sense!

The Ultimate UK Earphone Experience Tour. Get your tickets now!

I am so sad that the guest room is filled with audio gear. :frowning2:

Boxes all over the bed.

Attic full.

A tent in the backyard? The fox and the feral cats might like some company.
Jun 8, 2019 at 1:24 PM Post #24,108 of 33,689
Jun 8, 2019 at 1:38 PM Post #24,109 of 33,689
Oh I know! This is not bringing me joy. But would she let us keep anything?

I am sure she would! But probably under 25% of all you guys have. I think Marie Kondo going to your house would make a good television special.
Maybe you could even get paid a few pounds!
(And then buy some more new things...)
Jun 8, 2019 at 4:42 PM Post #24,112 of 33,689
I got my pair of blue TRN-IM2 today. I ordered them right after the announcement here in the forum. I like the smooth look and feel and the seat in the ears is very good. The isolation seems to me above average. I like to leave rating the sound to others with more experience, for me they sound very natural and balanced.
Unfortunately, the new TRN metal box I've got with the same order is badly damaged (dented), I hope to get a replacement. But at the moment not only we have holidays in Europe, but also the Chinese.

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Jun 8, 2019 at 5:35 PM Post #24,113 of 33,689
when is the next aliexpress sale? i want another earphone, something fat, stuffed with drivers
  • June 14-20 Summer sale 2019 / Mid-Year Sale 2019 Aliexpress
Jun 9, 2019 at 4:17 AM Post #24,115 of 33,689
Yeah, maybe I am the only one who enjoys the X6. Comfort and sound. Not fatiguing for me. Probably something to do with my music choices.
You are like the Mother Theresa of Headfi. You show compassion and find the good in all. A good quality that most don't have. LOL
I'm with you on the EQ thing for sure, never touch it myself.
I don't have the X6, but I think I'd also find it to be fine. But for a completely different reason - the more I listen to various modern gear, the more it seems to me that all of it sounds fine, because rarely, if ever, something sounds really grainy or with messed up imaging (channel imbalance). The most prominent difference is sound signature/tonal balance. The most important too, in my opinion. And that is readily at the mercy of my fingertips, because I know what sounds right to me and I profusely equalise everything. So everything sounds qualitatively similar, and the main parameters driving purchases are those of comfort, isolation and price.
Jun 9, 2019 at 4:45 PM Post #24,117 of 33,689
Yeah, maybe I am the only one who enjoys the X6. Comfort and sound. Not fatiguing for me. Probably something to do with my music choices.
Schlock rock?

Honestly, I don't think it would (or should) be well-received anywhere. It should not have made it past initial in-house testing IMO.
The initial TRN V80 were also problematic.

You guys should offer tours. Charge us money to come stay over a couple days and let us all try the goodies provided we bring our own tips, foams and sanitizing spray.
I did participate in a @HungryPanda tour in March. He had a backpack full of daps and the spaces between them filled with earphone/earbuds. The guest room must have been reasonably empty at that time.
Jun 9, 2019 at 5:19 PM Post #24,118 of 33,689
The guest room must have been reasonably empty at that time.

Only because my daughter was coming from Michigan for a visit later that month:). We had been working all winter to get the room ready.
Jun 10, 2019 at 9:54 AM Post #24,119 of 33,689
Due to similar enquiries, I decided to make a compilation post regarding the TFZ No.3 Ti which I highly recommend and the best TFZ IEM to date IMHO. YMMV. Hope this compilation helps. Enjoy & Happy Listening, as always! :)

Full review on the TFZ No.3 Ti with comparisons against the No.3, Tanchjim Oxygen & Acoustune HS1551 CU.
photo_2019-05-29_22-00-11 (2).jpg

Quick Impressions

Moondrop Kanas Pro vs TFZ No.3 Ti

The No.3 Ti boasts a fuller and punchier bass expression. The vocals on the No.3 Ti are clearer with extra forwardness, higher transparency level and more engagement. For the treble, the No.3 Ti presents an airier feeling and the expression is more energetic. Lastly, for the soundstage, the TFZ No.3 Ti excels in both the width and depth, providing a holographic feeling that is unrivalled in comparison to the Kanas Pro.

Campfire Audio Andromeda (With Final E Tips) vs TFZ No.3 Ti

The Andromeda has quicker bass decay and the presentation is more clinical than the TFZ No.3 Ti. TFZ No.3 Ti has a more full-bodied expression. The midrange on the Andromeda has better clarity with a more forward display. The treble on the Andromeda is superior with defined crisp and sparkle. The Andromeda has a more spacious presentation.

BGVP DM7 vs TFZ No.3 Ti

The No.3 Ti has a fuller and more impactful bass expression. The DM7 prides itself in a slightly quicker bass decay and the presentation is more nimble than the TFZ No.3 Ti. The midrange on the No.3 Ti has a more forward and engaging midrange. The treble expression on the No.3 Ti has more defined crisp and there is an airier feeling. The No.3 Ti excels in the width while the depth is quite similar.

TFZ No.3 + TFZ No.3 Ti cable vs TFZ No.3 Ti + TFZ No.3 Ti cable
Using the No.3 Ti cable, the No.3 sounds hollow in comparison to the No.3 Ti. The No.3 Ti has fuller bass expression, clearer vocals and airier treble in brief. The soundstage on the No.3 Ti provides an enveloping feeling.

TFZ No.3 Ti vs Tanchjim Oxygen + Upgrade Cable
TFZ No.3 Ti has fuller and more impactful bass response, midrange is more forward and engaging, treble expression has greater extension and soundstage provides fullness with an enveloping feeling.
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Jun 11, 2019 at 4:42 AM Post #24,120 of 33,689
Went through the last four pages and read about the topic about quite different hearing impressions with the same earphones.

Besides all the other well known influences by used equipment, favors, applied loudness etc... how we perceive the sound out of earphones, we maybe sometimes forget the personal organic hearing abilities in this bill.

I think this is a very very strong bias how one describes the sound.

I can still hear up to 16kHz AND I hear loud and I have often issues with annoying treble peaks with earphones where the FR graph tells so, too.

Someone who can only hear up to 13kHz or have some other limitations in other frequency regions may not be so influenced or bothered by peaks in that particular area.
The question would now be, how to figure out what one can hear and what not. There are some FR tests in the web. And my Samsung S9/10 mobile app tells me also where I have some limitations (luckily only minor issues in the right ear at appr. 100-300Hz)

Therefore my suggestion was, that reviews or impressions could add the personal hearing abilities (if one knows these and is willing to disclose) as a filter.
Of course these are personal data...but one might get a better view on such sonic impressions I think.

My conclusion for now:
In the meantime I put more trust on (likely reliable) graphs to get a clue e.g. about harsh, sibilance, peaky treble performance than I do with hearing impressions from some people of such particular qualities. I was too often mislead by such impressions.
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