CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest
Apr 5, 2020 at 12:51 AM Post #23,687 of 31,867
They are mid-centric with slightly warm and nicely detailed sound, but you have to insert them deep if you want to hear the bass, which isn't bad actually.
I use double flanged tips and wear them over ear so I can achieve deep insertion.
If you're into neutralish kind of sound, they are very good, I like them a lot.
Yes I do like neutral-ish kind of sound. Do they have good clarity?
I have the Hifiman RE-600s V2 and they are pretty good. However the retail $200 is high, since they are kinda old you may find them on sales. I heard they go as low as 60 bucks.
RE-600s is very balanced, and is very airy.. the soundstage on it is nuts (width, height, depth) and so is imaging. They really are "small size, big sound". However, due to their small siz you can't get very powerful bass. But otherwise great balanced sound, and even with the lack of weight in the bass region, they reproduce well defined bass which does the job. I think that their main "wow factor" is the soundstage and the spacious sound.. it's amazing to listen to music with them, and they are comfy as hell.
I can't say anything for RE-400 though.
Thanks for sharing, maybe that's for the future :D
Apr 5, 2020 at 4:10 AM Post #23,688 of 31,867
There’s a retuned version of v90s being sold in AK Audio store (just look for “new” v90), but not sure what you mean by open them up. If you want a more mid focussed tuning then that’s what the “new” version will give you, or you could try the KZ ZSX.
Maybe all you need is a tip change. Have you tried JVC Spiral Dots?
Just after a bit more sparkle, I'll try tip rolling first as I was looking at the KZ ZSX.
Apr 5, 2020 at 4:42 AM Post #23,689 of 31,867
That is an interesting perspective. Do you mind sharing why you prefer the BA10 over the KBear Diamond. We often think that just because a model is new and has positive reviews it outclasses "older" well-received units.
Well, I have over 100 hours on the BA10 now and it just sounds "right". The Diamond loses none of its quality in comparison to the BA10 but it is V shaped, ( I do like V signatures, e.g. ZS7, V90, ZS10 Pro) but my preferred profile is more neutral, such as Tin T3, T4 or TRN BA5. The BA10's bass is perfect for me, good sub bass but clean mid bass which opens up the sound. The mids are wonderful, tonality is excellent, classical woodwind particularly, with oboes, clarinets, cor anglais and bassoon having lovely timbre. Treble is clean and detailed with great extension and soundstage is expansive. I did say the BA10 was my "current" favourite but things change quickly down the rabbit hole!
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Apr 5, 2020 at 9:13 AM Post #23,691 of 31,867
The real question here is how do you get the cables to fit the cases so perfectly. I mean.. just look at the cable in the round cases. How?
Nice collection by the way!

Oh come now, The Police even wrote a song for it:wink: “Wrapped around my finger” fingers (3) in my case! Velcro wraps help maintain and you would be surprised how much room is really inside these cases especially the KZ cases. If you look close you can see in a lot I have either a SE or Balanced cable in the web pocket for when my player has socket options or not.

THX @B9Scrambler:)

To you too @ShakyJake, for that price I just picked up a spare pair in Nimweth’s colors:)
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Apr 5, 2020 at 10:39 PM Post #23,692 of 31,867
Need your help comparing it with the Blon(d)? Thanks
URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 [update]
I must admit, my initial comments above are incorrect based on what I've uncovered over the past 12-14hrs of listening. As a new DAP owner, I guess I left the Hiby R5 EQ engaged without realizing it! :rolling_eyes: I would also like to remind everyone my tenure in this hobby is beyond "thin," - 3 months, therefore, my comments must be taken as such, those from someone extremely fresh and inexperienced. With that said, I do feel compelled to share some additional thoughts of these units.

I'm sure many of you have experienced difficulty explaining to those unfamiliar with the hobby the gains in performance as we plot our course forward; sadly, my wife falls into this category. Fortunately, she will humor me whilst I try and explain the alterations or improvements in performance as we utilize different equipment. These situations leave me searching for explanations she can "attach" to and possibly hear. One such situation occurred several months ago when I subscribed to Tidal; she couldn't understand what I was excited about. I was streaming to an Onkyo Integra amplifier connected to some vintage ADS 710 speakers setup in my garage. The immediate improvement from Apple Music to Tidal was so apparent, it brought a smile to my face and she became very inquisitive. I took advantage of her curiosity and began to explain in terms she might relate. I simply explained how the improvement affected me; primarily being that the music had a much stronger focused image and less apparent it was coming from speakers, almost as if it were occupying space on the wall. I explained how the presentation was less fatiguing on your ears as a result. It was simply easier to listen to and more pleasing as you experienced improvements in clarity and depth, along with a lesser need for volume. I share this long story to say simply say this, the Urbanfun ISS014 has this same affect on me while listening. After 12-14hrs I believe I can say with confidence that UF ISS014 is the first set of IEMs I've owned to really make me feel as if I'm NOT actually listening to earphones, rather this beautiful space of sound all around my head that's extremely captivating. The instruments sound as if they are in some reflective space with tons of "air" around them. I'm not sure but I think you guys refer to this as "Headstage?" If so, I would have to say the ISS014's headstage/soundstage is the most attractive element for me. As a result, it seems to present a very focused and well placed image. There seems to be plenty of "height" and "air" with a very good "presence." They also seem very musical to me - their presentation is what I imagine certain instruments should sound like. A great example of this would be a snare drum. I imagine the initial attack of the snare happens somewhere in the lower mid region while upper harmonics complete the decay, resulting in what I believe should be an extremely snappy sound with lots of texture - the ISS014's do this for me. In fact, they provide a "phyiscal" sensation as the snare hits. Their separation of instruments are extremely good as well. As a result, I find that they actually "draw" my attention/focus to each instrument automatically. I can go from the snare, the piano, the bass, etc. A first for me to experience this and what a delightful experience it is!

They are extremely comfortable and have solved my "fit" issues with the Blons. And while we're on that topic, there is no question that my ears prefer the Urbanfun IEMs. And that's not to say I don't like the Blons, but if you're feeling the level of performance I just explained, the majority of my time will likely be spent with the Urbanfun's.

For years my passion has been evolving into a deeper appreciation for equipment with the ability to produce very strong dynamics at low volume. The ISS014's running off my R5 DAP, and streaming MQA/DSD at low volumes are insanely dynamic - even when I wouldn't think they should be. I truly love this aspect of their performance as there are many instances while working from home where I need soft instrumental content. The attack and decay of that snare I referred to earlier - it's still there at some ridiculously low volume. While still forming my opinions, I would have to say beyond it's tuning, which appears to be VERY satisfying to my ears, their headstage/soundstage and overall dynamics are the most appealing.

Every time I began to believe that maybe the vocals are slightly "thin," a new song appears with much greater production quality, and it's like liquid budda!! The vocals present with solid rich tone, depth, and texture. SO, as with anything, I'm coming to learn that these IEMs are no exception; if there is an inherent problem with production/recording, it will be reflected in these.

And they seem to maintain their composure at higher volume levels exceptionally well. I know the Hiby R5 has some power and appears to drive them with ease at higher volume levels (3.5mm - don't have 4.4 BAL cable yet). Their bass seems to have great tone, snap, and depth both a lower and upper levels. I've driven them to about 75% on the R5, producing incredible levels of bass, more than I would have imagined. It seems "tight" to me and well behaved at all levels.

Again, I have only to compare the Blon's and Shozy 1.1's - nothing else. And so far, I'm imagining that these UF ISS-014's will likely sequester the lions share of play time. For me, I've learned that soundstage/headstage, and dynamics are extremely critical components for all future purchases, and this allows me to take one small step forward in my IEM education.

Wishing everyone a very smart and safe week. Please take proper precaution and be vigilant!
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Apr 6, 2020 at 2:30 AM Post #23,693 of 31,867
I'd say the clarity is very good. They have a clean, smooth sound without harshness or crazy peaks. Soundstage isn't very impressive, but everything else is.
Some would probably call them unexciting, but I like their mostly uncoloured sound.
Thanks Zlivan. Good clarity, smooth, and clean sounds like what I'm after.
I've been busy this weekend hustling stuff around. Sold my Moondrop Spaceship and bought a two-months old HiFiMan RE400! Also selling my KZ ZSN Pro.
I figured the RE400 would make me happier than those two.
Apr 6, 2020 at 7:36 AM Post #23,696 of 31,867
Thanks Zlivan. Good clarity, smooth, and clean sounds like what I'm after.
I've been busy this weekend hustling stuff around. Sold my Moondrop Spaceship and bought a two-months old HiFiMan RE400! Also selling my KZ ZSN Pro.
I figured the RE400 would make me happier than those two.
The deal fell through. The seller refunded my money.
So I'm without my Spaceship and no RE400. The search continues..
Apr 6, 2020 at 8:05 AM Post #23,697 of 31,867
Wheres the BLON03? I'm disappointed

What do you mean “where”?

You want to know where to buy them?

You ordered one and want to know where it is (ie tracking)?

You want to know where the Blon thread is?

You lost your Blon at your house and you want to know where it is?
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Apr 6, 2020 at 9:13 AM Post #23,698 of 31,867
What do you mean “where”?

You ordered one and want to know where it is (ie tracking)?

You want to know where the Blon thread is?

You lost your Blon at your house and you want to know where it is?

Heck i’ve got a Blon (d) I’ve been trying to lose for 23 years!
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Apr 6, 2020 at 11:00 AM Post #23,700 of 31,867
What do you mean “where”?

You want to know whete

You ordered one and want to know where it is (ie tracking)?

You want to know where the Blon thread is?

You lost your Blon at your house and you want to know where it is?

Pls toxic guy. forgive my grammar because this is not my first language. I can speak another language tho how about you?
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