CanJam London 2023 Impressions Thread
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:07 AM Post #226 of 462
wait what happened, why would Convince me Audio's opinion of HE-1 affect it's presence at the show?
I mean I'm not saying that's what happened, but there have been extensive side by side comparisons at Munich, and only the Aperio was tested with another dac. It's also the first instance where I hear anyone prefer the Aperio over the HE-1, so I think this would level the playing field. If I was working at Sennheiser, that's a logical step to crush the rebellion before it gains momentum. LOL.

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Aug 21, 2023 at 5:13 AM Post #227 of 462
DCS at its home base had plenty of LINA units to spare. I am pretty sure it was just a coincidence they had one available for the HE-1 too.
I wonder wether dCS plans to work on an estat amp themselves.

Lina DAC + clock + estat Amplifier?
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:16 AM Post #228 of 462
Just thought I'd drop by and share some impressions of the IEMs I listened to at CanJam :)

First up though, a huge thank you to all those people involved in organising another excellent event, and of course to the manufacturers, dealers and so on who provided such a variety of things to listen to!

I spent Saturday mostly sat behind the Elise Audio desk, helping out with the Fir Audio line up; basically the IEMs from Elise Audio's *extensive* line-up with which I was most familiar.
Big thank you to all the CanJam attendees who came up to listen and chat!
I had a blast chatting with you all, comparing impressions, answering questions and vicariously enjoying the various reactions to the Fir line-up :D

Prior to starting my stint at the Elise stall, I went over to the VE (Vision Ears) one.
My impressions here are mainly about the EXT actually, a cross-post from the VE thread, but reduced significantly in length and background here.

I had been sent the EXT about a year ago as part of a review tour.
I struggled with the fit, finding it actually painful in one ear.
I had never heard a low end like it!
I just vividly remember listening to familiar songs, and feeling them come alive in a way I'd never experienced before.
For example, on an old Motown song, the bassline, which was usually not particularly noticeable, was suddenly *there*, present, anchoring the song and infusing it with the most gorgeous musicality.
This same kind of effect just kept on happening with songs from various genres.
My memory of other aspects of its sound is a bit fuzzy, but I think I recall feeling that it was quite an intimate tuning (perhaps due to the warmth from the low end), and maybe not that technical?

So, fast forward to CanJam 2023, and even before I'd attended, I'd made up my mind that no matter how many amazing shiny new IEMs were present, I was going to go to the VE stall and have another try to see if I could find some eartips that would let me get a fit that didn't hurt! Of course, this time I'd have someone from VE on hand to help me fit the eartips onto those huge nozzles too, removing another factor that stymied my efforts last time.

I got to speak to @Vision Ears head honcho Marcel, who was the perfect ambassador for the brand. Really patient, friendly and helpful. He showed me the trick of getting the eartips onto the EXT's nozzles.

Well, to my complete astonishment, the EXT fitted perfectly first time, even with the large size stock silicone eartips which I'd tried last time. Perhaps my ears have grown since then?! I have no explanation.
I eventually settled on my Flare Audio Earfoams.

If you don't know this UK brand, I can highly recommend their Earfoams. Note that they actually have two sets of eartips, both called Earfoams, but only one of which is actually foam; the other being silicone! Go figure...
However, the Earfoams are great because they have a strong core with a fairly wide bore, and just a thin layer of soft foam surrounding them.
I personally don't like the feel of silicone tips (nor Xelastec) in my ears, but foam tips are not recommended for IEMs with Bone Conduction Drivers; the idea being that they dampen the vibrations and hence reduce the effect of the BCD's.
However, I've not found that to be an issue with the thin foam on the Flare Audio tips.

AND, an added bonus with the EXT, the tips are not as tall as most eartips, having quite a squat profile. A
As such, they're a really good additional option in one's 'tip arsenal' when trying to find the perfect fit, especially for IEMs that have (or require) a deep insertion.
So for me, these were the ideal tips for the EXT.

So how about the sound this time round?
Did it match up to my possibly rose-tinted memories from my previous listen?
Well, getting the right fit and seal with the right eartips proved to be the final piece of the puzzle!
Whilst that utterly enchanting musicality was still very much present and correct, this time I heard the whole soundstage open up. It hugely impressed me how the EXT fused so much low end presence with so much space and air.
Huge clarity and detail. Shimmery, extended upper mids and treble. Technically excellent, but first and foremost, a joy to listen with! :)
They've moved swiftly up to the top of my 'must save up and buy these' list!
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:17 AM Post #229 of 462
I mean I'm not saying that's what happened, but there have been extensive side by side comparisons at Munich, and only the Aperio was tested with another dac. It's also the first instance where I hear anyone prefer the Aperio over the HE-1, so I think this would level the playing field. If I was working at Sennheiser, that's a logical step to crush the rebellion before it gains momentum. LOL.

interesting. Did anyone other than CMA prefer Aperio do HE-1, do you know?
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:17 AM Post #230 of 462
I also listened to the VE 10, but only very briefly (another cross-post here from the VE thread!)
I listened to the Phonix back when I first listened to the EXT a year or so ago.
VE 10 reminding me in tuning of the Phonix; certainly more like that than like the EXT, but with the more authoritative low-end brought about by having a DD handling those frequencies.

The appearance was more understated than the photos had led me to believe, but I personally liked them.

Honestly, I think the VE 10 were really, really good.

I didn't *want* to listen anymore, because frankly the price is not something I'm able to spend at this time, so I didn't want to end up liking them too much :D
But for those who have the budget, I'd say they're definitely worth checking out.
For context, I've recently heard the EE Raven, Fir Rn6, Xe6 and Kr5 and various other high-end IEMs. I am confident VE10 stands easily alongside them all, with its own unique sound signature.
I think VE designed a very good tuning with the V10 - it seemed to me to be relatively more neutral than the EXT, but with a tinge of warmth and also power when required from the DD, not to mentioned a world-class technical performance.
Don't sleep on this one, metaphorically speaking, and - now I come to think of it - literally too! :wink:

More impressions to come later; Fir Xe6, Kr5, Rn6, Campfire Trifecta, Supermoon and EE Raven.
But now, I need coffee :D
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:22 AM Post #232 of 462
interesting. Did anyone other than CMA prefer Aperio do HE-1, do you know?
Not a single person, most people i've asked consider them in different leagues. And I seriously considered both of them. Before the He-1 price hikes and discovering the marvel that is Ca-1a + Mitch's filters. Apparently you can have your cake and :)
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:27 AM Post #233 of 462
interesting. Did anyone other than CMA prefer Aperio do HE-1, do you know?
Personally I consider the He1 far above the Arperio.

Arperio didn't convince me at the Munich high end. It's still good but "only" on the level of like the Stax headphones.
Personally I even prefer the DCA Corina over the Arperio.
Aug 21, 2023 at 5:40 AM Post #234 of 462
Thank you for sharing these photos of the CMA18. What an interesting device that is. Someone please ask the reps at the Questyle booth some more questions especially those pertaining to anticipated launch date and price.
@Questyle take note. I'm looking forward to more details. This product captured my interest as well.
Apologies, just realized that I had missed an entire page on this thread! I see now that @rocketron and @Ben86 had provided additional details regarding the price and launch date (see their post below).
Release in a few months.
Price $500-$800
Power 2w
Run time 60 hours yes I was told 60 hours.
Analog input
Optical input usb input.
Build quality is outstanding.
BT receive and transmit.

Can see this really selling well.
@vsg28 @rocketron @Ben86 Thank you gents, for sharing the pics and all this information!
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:10 AM Post #236 of 462
What a great event. I’m already missing getting to listen to my favourite tunes on amazing kit. Having attended countless trade shows as a stand person, I appreciate it from the other side. Plus knowing how slap dash companies I have worked for have been this event was so well organised. Thanks to everyone for organising a great event.

I’m not a reviewer or very good at describing listening well, but here are my impressions in order of how it happened:

I’m in the market for a new headphone amp, possibly a new DAC should I be unable to buy a friend's Chord Dave and generally curious about everything else, especially higher-end IEMS.

Sennheiser HE1
I started Saturday with these beauties. I’d tried to pre-listen so I was ready, but it still took the first track (Charles Mingus: Better Git it in yo self) to warm up and let my ears relax. At this point I thought, why all the fuss? It was great, but where were the tears … so I switched up to an all time favourite (Godspeed! You Black Emperor: Bosses Hang) and suddenly there were hairs on the back of my neck going up and I felt pretty emotional. I am impressed.

Moving on from the HE1 to DCS, I was preparing myself to be let down, but I wasn’t. I was lucky enough to be able to try my HD800S with the Abyss Diana and Susvara at the same time.

In 2022 I didn’t rate the Lina, they couldn’t really drive my Sennheisers, but I think my assistant that time hadn’t shown me everything I needed. This time I learned about the two gain settings on the amp and the multiple output voltages on the DAC. Great, I could see how all the headphones performed under different voltages and gains to see what it was like to hear an underpowered Susvara.

On the Lina: I enjoyed it and think it is pretty good, I felt that it gave me more than my current stack through the HD800S, but when I got to the Susvara I really knew these were good.

On the Susvara: Even when underpowered I heard more than ever before. When full powered they were fantastic, wider, clearer, richer sound. Lovely. They may go on a purchase list, but see below for competition.

On the Abyss: really good, but hard to wear. Less clarity than the Susvara, but highly comparable.

ZMF Room
I didn’t know the family ZMF would be there. Great chats and thanks for taking the time to educate me on all things ZMF. I really liked the Caldera and took the opportunity to test it in comparison to my HD800S that I brought with me on both the Ferrum stack (Oor + Wandla) and the Holo Audio stack (Bliss + May).

On the Caldera: they were richer and more balanced than the Sennheisers. Definitely a step up and possibly as good as the Susvara from my Lina listening.

On Ferrum: amplification was great, definitely why the Oor is on my current buy list, the Wandla definitely sounded good. Possibly punching higher than it’s price point. Listening later on the Hifonix stand and it wasn’t as good. Definitely crowd noise affecting me feeling anything special that I felt at ZMF.

On Holo Audio: amplification was very good, much fuller sound. I’m not sure what settings the May was using, but I felt something odd with percussion. Sort of bursting balloons rather than sharp snares. Will have to try again, but couldn’t get a chance on the Audeze stand.

Audeze Seminar
I enjoyed this, light and easy to follow. I chatted with Chris on Sunday about this. Nice guy. The memorable quote from him I liked was, “closed back headphones are like gluten free bread. You have it because you need it, not because you want it”

Rob Watts Seminar
Interesting, and seeing the same one live after seeing it on YouTube meant more of it sunk in. I have to remember some seminars are 401, not 101 and require prior reading. Therefore I skipped Sunday’s transient session knowing I’d need Google and time to catch-up, which I can do assuming the seminar is on YouTube.

These guys are great people. I got time to listen to the Avant and they were the best IEMs I’d ever heard coming from IE600. Not quite like over ear headphones, but getting to that experience. I also listened to the Flame. Initially I didn’t like it, but as I sat back during one track I got them. More relaxed, but in the same vein as Avant.

I gave money to charity raffle, sad to hear about the family cancer challenges.

I got a second go at the Ferrum stack, not so good this time, but enjoyable.

Golden Sound and co. were next to me talking about some new amps and headphones. We had a nice chat and so I had to try the recommended kit.

Kallyste Amethyste amp plus Camerton Binom-er was bassy, pretty good with Massive Attack, but not so with Jimi Hendrix. Definitely a fuller, clearer sound than my home kit, but pricey. I think I’d need a quieter room to try these out to really understand.

Comparing LCD-4Z to HD800s with Burson Timekeeper. The Timekeeper is good, made my HD 800s sound great even compared to the LCD 4z, which were richer and revealed more. Bass on massive attack was great.

I like Audeze and just found them cumbersome for multi hour listening when at work or I’d have bought the LCD-X last year. The LCD-4Z are great and I can put them next to Susvara and Caldera to try next time I have free cash.

The IE900 we’re clearer and better, but not double the price better than the ie600. Nice to try, but compared to the other IEMs, I won’t get any more from them. Love the IE600 though.

These are lovely guys and we spoke a lot about fit as much as sound. Handmade bands with different types of cushioning should make these a good purchase one day. However, all I could feel was pain on the crown of my head. They do sound lovely. Worth checking out and I support them developing this tech: impressive.

Not much time left meant I rushed my time and only got to try the u12t. Amazing. First over-ear full size headphone sound from an IEM. I almost grabbed an open box deal, but that wasn’t my focus for the day so skipped it.

So that was 2023, bring on 2024 and hopefully some beer and food with some of y’all next time. Everyone is so friendly.
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:27 AM Post #237 of 462
Love or hate set with very weird fit. I couldn't get the nozzle to go in properly with the cable still going to over the back of the ears, so will refrain from saying how I heard it in the absence of a perfect/good seal. A fellow audiophile I know liked it enough to purchase it on the spot on thanks to a generous show discount (MSRP is $1000 I believe).

20230820_143245~2.jpgit was still better with the improper seal than the new Spirit Torino open-back planar magnetic headphones though. Yeesh, that was probably the worst thing I heard all weekend. Shoddy design and construction too.
They're something only a mother could love, thankfully im one to my pair!

Definitely a unique design, reminds me of abstract art which is why I love how they look.

But their planar and dynamic were pretty bad yeah.
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:34 AM Post #238 of 462
It has an AKM chip for DAC purposes, and an aditional Cirrus chip for ADC purposes - so yes, it has ADC functionality.

I'm really looking forward to this coming out, it looks really interesting.
Hmm, that's interesting. I wonder if the analogue input *always* gets converted, or whether it is possible to use it as an amp only with an external DAC.
Aug 21, 2023 at 6:41 AM Post #239 of 462
DCS at its home base had plenty of LINA units to spare. I am pretty sure it was just a coincidence they had one available for the HE-1 too.
Thanks again to James & co. of dCS, I managed to borrow the Lina DAC for the Orpheus HE1 system for 2 days.
Those who got to hear it did so with their own music too 😊

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