CanJam 08: Team Florida Invites All Their Friends...
May 8, 2008 at 2:59 AM Post #361 of 664
Mmm. Gotta love those cherry pretzels.

Iron_Dreamer, looks like your photos came out pretty good.
Gotta love those prime lenses!
May 8, 2008 at 3:25 AM Post #362 of 664
well of course i was there...after all that crap i wasnt going to miss it for the world. i think the only thing that could have prevented me from coming there would have been a free r10. well...maybe not...ooooh maybe a free balanced r10 and mikhail's sds xlr!!! nah probably not =/

you know you are addicted to meets (and the people present) for life when you turn down a free r10 and a sds xlr just to go to them. its a sad sad realization but oh well.

i would just like to make a quick announcement.

for anyone looking to get advice on how to build up a rig from scratch please talk to grawk AND iron dreamer AT THE SAME TIME (one at a time may not be as effective) but with one stipulation - they must be completely sloshed.
both of them really did give me the best advice at canjam while drunk off their asses and teetering on the chairs in tyll's room at 4am on saturday.

more shall be said on this matter in a different post (maybe...)
May 8, 2008 at 3:25 AM Post #363 of 664
Those pictures are the HE-90's of audio photography...and lan, your videos are the "Blue Hawaii with B-52's flying above". ASR, Mike and everyone who contributed photos: These pictures truly say a thousand words. Great group!

...and look who crashed into the back parking lot. It's...My Favorite Martian

May 8, 2008 at 3:37 AM Post #367 of 664
10 bucks to anyone who can tell the difference between the two pictures...

our beloved tyll from headroom


famous comedian ron white


people were talking about how we could get n_maher to act as vince vaughn's brother and have a guys night out in vegas. how about we get nate AND tyll? two celebrity lookalikes have got to be better than one.
May 8, 2008 at 3:39 AM Post #368 of 664
There's more!

Tyrion and n_maher share a moment between headphones:


Little Tyrion helps dad dole out the prizes (at least the ones agile_one and JP#'s don't drop!)


A lucky winner receives his Singlepower Square Wave from Mikhail:


The madness at full throttle:


She found the gear quite enthralling:


And he optimistically approached the HD650's:


Philodox's rig, proud to bring you Jeff Buckley, Jeff Buckley, Jeff Buckley, and more Jeff Buckley!


Grawk teeters on the edge of sleepiness:


Whilst Voltron feeds the need:


What synergy!

May 8, 2008 at 3:47 AM Post #369 of 664
i just realised something that might be nice at the end of each meet. perhaps a picture with everyone or most of the people at the meet? would serve for a nice memory. its just that there are all these pictures of gear but not one of everyone together. just a 12am thought.
May 8, 2008 at 4:14 AM Post #370 of 664

Originally Posted by crappyjones123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i just realised something that might be nice at the end of each meet. perhaps a picture with everyone or most of the people at the meet? would serve for a nice memory. its just that there are all these pictures of gear but not one of everyone together. just a 12am thought.

All we need is a wide angle lens and some kumbaya
May 8, 2008 at 4:51 AM Post #373 of 664
Well, I left Can Jam at midday on Sunday, and 34 hours and four different flights later I finally made it to my home near Sydney, Australia. (I'm the guy wearing the sunglasses
(for medical reasons) listening to grawk's woodies in the pictures a few posts back.) I suspect that might be some sort of Can Jam travel record (although I had to come to Ft Lauderdale for work so it's not as dedicated to the pursuit of superlative headphone experiences as it might sound).

I wasn't able to go out or party due to my current medical condition, but for a relative newcomer to the serious headphone world, this was an amazing event! Kudos to everyone who brought their gear - enthusiasts and vendors alike - and were happy to let others wander around and use it. I reckon it would be hard to find even half the variety in Australia and it would take me 100 times as long to track it down. The sheer variety at the meet was close to mind-boggling and I could easily have spent three or four times as long as I had listening to different combos. I now have a better idea how some of the headphones commonly talked about on head-fi sound which makes it easier to understand comments where they are used as a reference point.

Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making it such an amazing event!

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