Can a portabl amp really push cans?
Dec 30, 2008 at 12:32 AM Post #91 of 130
Wait, you don't even have the Mustang yet? How are you substantiating claims on a piece of equipment you don't even own yet? o.o

My brain is thoroughly broken.
Dec 30, 2008 at 12:33 AM Post #92 of 130

Originally Posted by synaesthetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Your statement reminds me of that fake video on YouTube showing a guy powering a TV with an AAA battery.

Not saying anything bad about RSA's products. He sure makes a nice portable amp, that's for damn sure.


Big, power hungry headphones require lots of voltage, and small amps with low-voltage opamps running on a few volts cannot provide it. Therefore, I take exception with this statement, and I agree with ZephyrSapphire.

I just wish the whole "using a portable amp in lieu of a real mains-powered amp" trend would stop. I thought it was no longer in vogue, but it appears to still exist.

Not to mention the whole "adding expensive and shiny stuff to my portable rig to enlarge my e-peen and not really make it sound better" trend, too.

It's not that I care that much, really. It's your mona kick ofey, spend it how you wish. But it really confuses the new people, makes them think a portable amp can do the job of a mains-powered amp.

This will be my last post on this thread. I will not even bother to read what happens afterwards because I really get a kick of individuals making statements w/o having actually tested an unit.

You can power large cans like the HD650 or the W5000 w/ portable units. It is a fact I have done it and it works very effectively. However many in this and other forums are so full of themselves and snubs to boot that they will post something can not be done w/o knowing what the heck they are talking about.

For the record I have never said a portable amp can do the work of a home amp. That was not the question, the question was can a portable amp power a can like the HD650 or the W5000 which they can. So please do not attempt to puimply I have said something I have not uttered. BTW, I could care less what you care, think, or whatever.

I currently have plenty of home amps (Singlepower MPX3, Rudistor NX-02, MF X-Can V2, Graham Slee Novo, Graham Slee Solo, O1 Amp/Dac, Head Direct EF1, plus plent of others I have sold over the last few years) so I am not trying to sell anything just stating the facts based on what I have tested and used. No hypothesis or speculation, I write what I have heard after I have tested and used it.


I'm rather intrigued by the fact that the majority of those telling the OP that portable amps can power these power hungry headphones are all recommending RSA and most of these people don't have a good home amp. Very intriguing. No offence though.

Before you open your mouth perhaps you should get your brain in gear. Over the last few years I have tested over 50 portable amps. As I posted above I have plenty of home amp plus I have also sold plenty of home units over the years. My comparisons have not been made blind instead they have been made w/ the actual gear both cans and portable amps. You can all believe all you want, but the fact is that portable amps can and do power full size cans effectively.
Dec 30, 2008 at 12:58 AM Post #93 of 130
Oh please mrarroyo. We were all just answering the OP's question whether portable amps can REALLY PUSH the headphones he listed, of which some of us said no. No one ever said that portable amps suck at powering those.

"That was not the question, the question was can a portable amp power a can like the HD650 or the W5000 which they can."

That, my friend. Wasn't even the question at all. Powering a can is one thing, pushing it is another thing.
Dec 30, 2008 at 4:03 AM Post #94 of 130

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh please mrarroyo. We were all just answering the OP's question whether portable amps can REALLY PUSH the headphones he listed, of which some of us said no. No one ever said that portable amps suck at powering those.

"That was not the question, the question was can a portable amp power a can like the HD650 or the W5000 which they can."

That, my friend. Wasn't even the question at all. Powering a can is one thing, pushing it is another thing.

Hah, reading the post above this, I was going to highlight the "really" in the OP post too.

I think "really" means really. And portables do it "meh". End of story.
Dec 30, 2008 at 4:10 AM Post #95 of 130
I love to freely walk around my house with full size cans so I'll settle for "meh"

Dec 30, 2008 at 6:15 AM Post #97 of 130
I doubt if any portable may make K702 or W5000 to sing.
But recabled H650 sounds good with Meier Move.

And (ranking SQ):

DT770 (I think Darths too) plays nice with Pico.
Denon D2000 is good with opamp-rolled D2 Viper (some say Predator).
DT990, MDR-F1 sound pleasantly with TTVJ Millet portable.
AD700 is pretty satisfactory with FIIO E3.

So, the answer to OP is Yes. There are a lot of full-size cans /amp combos to choose from. Even the last one - AD700 - beats HD555 in terms of SQ.
Jan 4, 2009 at 3:28 AM Post #98 of 130
I really dont get why sop many people give a **** what other people spend their money on.
this reminds me of another stupid thread all over again. example

1. person buys usb dac/amp because they have an ipod, no home amp and a ****ty soundcard (as the vast majority of computers do) the usb dac serves as a MUCH better and quieter alternative. it is outside the noisy environment of the computer as a bonus.

2. person buys a portable dac or amp because he/she travels a lot.

3. person buys a portable amp because they already have a good home rig and want to bring some of that with them while they are out.

4. person buys a portable because they like gadgets

5. person buys a portable because they have only got portable headphones so a fullsize amp is just a big waste of space for them

6. person buys a portable because they have an IMOD/DIYMOD and have no choice if they want to take advantage of the IMO superior SQ regardless of what headphones they have

7. person buys a portable whether they need one or not, because they read the glowing reviews and are easily swayed by other peoples opinions and marketing

I could go on, but my point is that there are many types of people that buy portables and they buy them for all sorts of reasons; not just the last one. Guys get off your high horse and let people enjoy their equipment. Does it really effect you either way???
Jan 4, 2009 at 5:07 AM Post #100 of 130

Originally Posted by chef8489 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As my research goes on roommate wants a portable setup with full size cans. Will a zune and a portable amp like the pico or mustang be able to push something like the senn hd650, AKG k601,Audio Technica ATH-W5000, or any other great headphone?

I find it rather amusing that the churlish wordsmiths don't even both looking at what was asked before attempting dice the words and come up with intended statements that aren't there. Is the word REALLY in the above quote.

Like really dudes, like ya kno you gotta, like come up with somethin' better.....
Jan 4, 2009 at 5:54 AM Post #101 of 130

Originally Posted by badgerbimmer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I find it rather amusing that the churlish wordsmiths don't even both looking at what was asked before attempting dice the words and come up with intended statements that aren't there. Is the word REALLY in the above quote.

Like really dudes, like ya kno you gotta, like come up with somethin' better.....

Nope, but it is the title of the thread...

And the quote I was reading was the one ZephyrSapphire responded to.
Jan 4, 2009 at 8:34 AM Post #102 of 130
The thread title got me interested i am admit. Firstly I must state that i am currently using my HD580 with the D3 python.


Originally Posted by chef8489 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As my research goes on roommate wants a portable setup with full size cans. Will a zune and a portable amp like the pico or mustang be able to push something like the senn hd650, AKG k601,Audio Technica ATH-W5000, or any other great headphone?

Can a portable amp push full sized cans? No.

If you look at the meets i been to in Singapore(thank god we are a small country here) I actually tried out my HD580 with various desktop amps such as the Yamamoto HA-02 and the LDMK4 and the Graham Slee Novo(at my local audio dealer) and the sound quality that i am getting honestly beats my D3 hands down.

However, I am not saying that you cannot choose to use portable amps with full sized cans. The D3 and the HD580 still sounds great to me, but I know that I am not getting the full potential of the HD580 with my D3.

In short, portable amp+full sized cans can sound great but a desktop home amp+the same can will sound even greater.

Just my 2 cents.

Jan 4, 2009 at 2:41 PM Post #104 of 130

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
........... the question was can a portable amp power a can like the HD650 or the W5000 which they can.

This is the question and not can a portable amp equal a top home amp.

Portable amps can and do power these cans but not as well as home amps with power supplies with enough reserves to adequately handle the impedance curves of the more harder to handle headphones such as the HD650. This is where the bass gets weaker when the two are compared. This also applies to the high frequencies as well.

Additionally, another primarily difference between portable amps and home amps is the size of the ground plate. I feel this has a major impact on the home amps ability to handle difficult headphones. Even some home amps with small ground planes don't do as well as those with larger ground planes. Home amps with small ground planes show larger impact from better designed power cables compared with home amps with larger ground planes.

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