Can a portabl amp really push cans?
Dec 29, 2008 at 2:53 AM Post #76 of 130
HK_sends, what headphones do you use on a plane? I'm curious and you don't have anything listed in your profile. I use IEMs that don't need an amp. The iPod drives them just fine.

For those interested, here's the ultimate portable set up, Kevin Gilmore's portable Stax Omega set up
Dec 29, 2008 at 3:02 AM Post #78 of 130

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HK_sends, what headphones do you use on a plane? I'm curious and you don't have anything listed in your profile. I use IEMs that don't need an amp. The iPod drives them just fine.

I just started using Sennheiser PXC-450 noise canceling phones. When not on the plane, I can switch them to bypass noise canceling and they sound very nice. I don't use IEMs; they hurt my ears.

My normal plane rig is an Archos 7 IMT, plugged into my SR-71A (now Mustang?), and my Senns. The last few trips have worked great and with the Archos, I can watch movies or listen to FLAC music files. I also use a Cowon O2 as a portable player.

By the way, that is a sweet rig you have there...

-HK sends
Dec 29, 2008 at 3:44 AM Post #82 of 130

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What's the point?

Airplane, airport, train, car, hotel room in other words PORTABLE.
Dec 29, 2008 at 3:49 AM Post #83 of 130

Originally Posted by badgerbimmer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Airplane, airport, train, car, hotel room in other words PORTABLE.

I doubt you use full sized cans in the car and train.
Dec 29, 2008 at 4:00 AM Post #84 of 130
Car if I am not driving, train if it is not to noisy. Otherwise the AKG noise canceling. My IEMs start seriously annoying me after an hour or so. Consequently they don't get me from point A to point B on overseas flights. The noise canceling are not nearly as good as the 701s, so the 701s come out when not in the plane. I have closed cans on the way we will have to see how they work in noisy settings.
Dec 29, 2008 at 4:07 AM Post #85 of 130

Originally Posted by HK_sends /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You should see me with computer video cards

No. I tend to stay in a particular track until I find what I want (single-minded...heh). Once I do, I move to the next thing.
I am not trying to form a "cult of personality" around the Mustang (Heck, I've only had it since Friday!). I was merely letting people know that I was d*mn*d impressed with what I heard. I have too many little portables of different makes lying around. And for people convinced that I was only wasting money on portables, consider that I went through four tube-driven desktop amps (albeit all from Little Dot) before I settled on the one I have sitting next to my chair.

My Dad loves it...he keeps getting all my cast offs

-HK sends

I apologize for all of the pressure on you HK sends, but think of this more like a debate with you trying to defend your argument rather than yourself.

I didn't direct the "cult of personality" statement at you personally, but rather at the "stir up" that a thread about a portable amp will make when all of them buy it at the same time and post simultaneously. Then in turn others get the amp (their first one) and jump in on the melting pot of flattering praise it has already received.
Dec 29, 2008 at 5:38 AM Post #86 of 130

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I apologize for all of the pressure on you HK sends, but think of this more like a debate with you trying to defend your argument rather than yourself.

I didn't direct the "cult of personality" statement at you personally, but rather at the "stir up" that a thread about a portable amp will make when all of them buy it at the same time and post simultaneously. Then in turn others get the amp (their first one) and jump in on the melting pot of flattering praise it has already received.

No, no. I didn't take it personally. Also, I was having fun up to the time I realized that forum posting was all that I had done today

I just feel that debates like this tend to serve no other purpose but themselves. That's why I seriously suggested a forum room where the debate could be had. The problem is that the OP's original questions got lost in the mix.

If anything I think I(we?) did chef8489 a disservice by carrying on the debate here.

-HK sends
Of course I'm objective; as long as the facts support my arguments
Dec 29, 2008 at 6:51 AM Post #87 of 130
One of the portable amp that sounds wonderful with full size cans is Portaphile maxed out version. But it does have slight draw back. Although it can be powered by one 9v battery, it has relatively short battery life compare to others. In order to give its full potential, it needs beefier power supply. I have used 9v battery, 12v Elpac, 15v Elpac, Tekkeon 15v, and Elenco Precision power supply with 15v. Although this little portable amp is older design which lost the FOTM for sure, this one sounds more like a good desktop amp than a portable amp, of course, with more beefier power supply.

So if you are looking for decently priced portable amp that can do the double duty, my recommendation will be Portaphile amp and get a Elpac power supply for the desktop use. I prefer Portaphile sound over RSA portable amps.
Dec 29, 2008 at 7:29 AM Post #88 of 130
I'm rather intrigued by the fact that the majority of those telling the OP that portable amps can power these power hungry headphones are all recommending RSA and most of these people don't have a good home amp. Very intriguing. No offence though.
Dec 29, 2008 at 1:37 PM Post #89 of 130

Originally Posted by ZephyrSapphire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm rather intrigued by the fact that the majority of those telling the OP that portable amps can power these power hungry headphones are all recommending RSA and most of these people don't have a good home amp. Very intriguing. No offence though.

Just because you do not see a home amp listed in the sig does not mean one has never owned a home amp right?

I used to own at least 7 pairs of full size cans and also had a couple of desktop amps (GS-1 and Little Dot) so I have used that combo in the past.

I tend to agree that full size cans should be used with a home amp. I would suggest using a Mustang in a pinch if anything and a good home amp for stationary listening.
Dec 29, 2008 at 10:59 PM Post #90 of 130

Originally Posted by darkninja67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just because you do not see a home amp listed in the sig does not mean one has never owned a home amp right?

I used to own at least 7 pairs of full size cans and also had a couple of desktop amps (GS-1 and Little Dot) so I have used that combo in the past.

I tend to agree that full size cans should be used with a home amp. I would suggest using a Mustang in a pinch if anything and a good home amp for stationary listening.

Ah but you haven't listened thoroughly to a Mustang as you're still waiting for it which makes it even worse as I don't see how you could recommend it even more. Oh well, can't be bothered arguing. Had and have are two different words too, you see.

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