Can a portabl amp really push cans?
Jan 6, 2009 at 8:44 PM Post #121 of 130

Originally Posted by DayoftheGreek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I have a question for the desktop amp guys.

I currently own a D2 Boa, yet I find myself using its DAC feature with my computer 99% of the time. It sits on my desk and never moves. The output on my Zune drives my portables (Zune buds, soon to be ER-4P) just fine. Even if it doesn't drive the Ety's well, I do not need to carry around an amp to walk between classes or use on the bus. It is just a bit more than I like to carry in my pockets on a regular basis.

So, I paid $175ish for my Boa. It is currently being used as a desktop amp/DAC. Let's say I wanted to sell my Boa, for an assumed $150 as it has just been to iBasso for repairs and is good as new. What desktop USB amp/DAC combo could compete(hopefully blow it away, based on the contents of this thread) with it, assuming I will spend no more than $150, possibly stretching to $200 at absolute maximum. Most of the desktop stuff I have seen is in a much higher price bracket. I would also not like to include DIY amps in this discussion, that's a totally different animal.


Still waiting on an answer from the desktop amp crowd. Maybe they have nothing decent at this price point? Sounds like a pretty good pro for the portable people. Heck, the nu-force portable is like $99 if I recall.
Jan 6, 2009 at 9:58 PM Post #122 of 130

Originally Posted by DayoftheGreek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still waiting on an answer from the desktop amp crowd. Maybe they have nothing decent at this price point? Sounds like a pretty good pro for the portable people. Heck, the nu-force portable is like $99 if I recall.

If you like the sound out of your laptop or portable, I'd say stick with that. My RS-1s sound fantastic enough out of my Macbook. If you really want an amp for them though I'd say get the Eddie Current Lunchbox Pro. If I recall they were still $199 on his site.

Unless you're hearing some strong noise out of your portable or laptop, get the DAC later.
Jan 6, 2009 at 10:49 PM Post #123 of 130

Originally Posted by Brighten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you like the sound out of your laptop or portable, I'd say stick with that. My RS-1s sound fantastic enough out of my Macbook. If you really want an amp for them though I'd say get the Eddie Current Lunchbox Pro. If I recall they were still $199 on his site.

Unless you're hearing some strong noise out of your portable or laptop, get the DAC later.

I already have an amp/DAC. It's a portable D2 Boa. The point I am trying to make here is that a lot of people came over from the full size amp section making claims that are rather negative towards the overall performance of portables. I believe one guys said something along the lines of "if it doesn't plug into a wall, its not worth owning." Of course if I spend $1000 on an all tube amp and matching DAC, it will out perform a portable.

I'm just really curious to see if desktop amps can even compete with portables at this price point.
Jan 6, 2009 at 10:58 PM Post #124 of 130
ps - I just discovered that the Tomahawk is much worse with the DT880s than the Pico. the TH has a hi-lo switch, and I hear clipping with the hi and too little detail with the lo, whereas the Pico seems fine with both settings, depending on what is playing.

I'd second Brighten's mention of the Lunchbox Pro, since I know it works nicely with my Beyers.
Jan 6, 2009 at 11:06 PM Post #125 of 130

Originally Posted by DayoftheGreek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I already have an amp/DAC. It's a portable D2 Boa. The point I am trying to make here is that a lot of people came over from the full size amp section making claims that are rather negative towards the overall performance of portables. I believe one guys said something along the lines of "if it doesn't plug into a wall, its not worth owning." Of course if I spend $1000 on an all tube amp and matching DAC, it will out perform a portable.

I'm just really curious to see if desktop amps can even compete with portables at this price point.

I had forgotten that you had the DAC. Do you have more to spend than $200? When you start getting near $500 to spend, the used amps on the for-sale forums start looking enticing.

If you have $400 to spend, you can go to and get a Melos Sha-1 for $420. Not only is that a great deal, but it synergizes extremely well with Grados.
Jan 8, 2009 at 12:02 AM Post #126 of 130

Originally Posted by DayoftheGreek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The point I am trying to make here is that a lot of people came over from the full size amp section making claims that are rather negative towards the overall performance of portables. I believe one guys said something along the lines of "if it doesn't plug into a wall, its not worth owning." Of course if I spend $1000 on an all tube amp and matching DAC, it will out perform a portable.

I think if you dig back in the forums a ways, you will find it tends to be the same people. I've seen a couple of the same posters saying the same things in different threads. It seems like one individual has an issue with Ray and another has an issue with Skylab. So when a post goes up lauding either Ray's amps or Skylab's reviews, the "full-size, plug-in, non-portable" vultures (trolls...whatever) start to circle.

Debating them is fun but fruitless. There is no way you can convince or influence people with their mind made up. I just find it a little disturbing that they have to snipe various people's posts to start their arguments. I have already suggested a new forum for portable vs full size amps. At least they should start a separate thread for the debate.

Back on topic...What about the Practical Devices XM5? Headphone Addict's review suggested that the DAC isn't stellar, but overall the amp itself seems pretty good.

-HK sends
Jan 8, 2009 at 1:17 AM Post #127 of 130
Anyone who feels the need to be so one sided about this topic is (IMO) either really bored and has nothing better to do with their fingers or like HK mentions, has issues with certain persons...or I suppose just needs to comment (brag) about their mega-dollar amp.

I can tell which people are stating their honest opinions because they aren't being defensive and so negative. What does one get out of bashing a portable amp?? Hundreds of people have probably read comments about this topic and quietly agreed that portable amps aren't as powerful as AC powered amps...isn't that obvious?

I can't recall one thread where a newbie was told to buy a portable amp for full size cans and not waste money on a desktop amp. If this were the case then I can understand how people would get so excited to post in defense.

It's OK if you don't like to listen to your HP in a portable fashion...and if you do, a portable amp can an often does a fine job.

As for me, I don't always feel the need to squeeze out every possible drop of performance...the music is priority #1.
Jan 8, 2009 at 3:12 AM Post #128 of 130

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...the music is priority #1.


-HK sends
Jan 8, 2009 at 7:56 AM Post #129 of 130

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone who feels the need to be so one sided about this topic is (IMO) either really bored and has nothing better to do with their fingers or like HK mentions, has issues with certain persons...or I suppose just needs to comment (brag) about their mega-dollar amp.

I can tell which people are stating their honest opinions because they aren't being defensive and so negative. What does one get out of bashing a portable amp?? Hundreds of people have probably read comments about this topic and quietly agreed that portable amps aren't as powerful as AC powered amps...isn't that obvious?

I can't recall one thread where a newbie was told to buy a portable amp for full size cans and not waste money on a desktop amp. If this were the case then I can understand how people would get so excited to post in defense.

It's OK if you don't like to listen to your HP in a portable fashion...and if you do, a portable amp can an often does a fine job.

As for me, I don't always feel the need to squeeze out every possible drop of performance...the music is priority #1.

yeah if it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny. I also cant remember ever seeing someone recommend getting a portable amp solely for there home rig and full-size cans. but the opposite happens almost every time a noob posts in here asking about portable amps to augment their portable rig. doesnt even have to be a noob. and yeah you are right its usually the same people or one of their cronies/groupies. Even if it is clearly someone who already has a home rig or has thought long about it and decided that they would get more use out of a portable solution. they often have already done their research and read the positives and negatives, they just need some advice as to what amp might be best suited to run some fullsize to the best degree that portable can at pricepoint XX. it often involves some inane and immature slight at the persons intellectual faculties as well, if they happen to disagree.

and yeah I also would've thought that it was pretty elementary, that a power cord supplies a better power source than a 9v battery or 2; but people still feel the need to 'educate', 'those without the secret knowledge'
wow so full of gems of wisdom
Jan 8, 2009 at 8:21 AM Post #130 of 130
I feel no need to debate the matter further, people need different things for different situations. It seems desktops cannot touch portables the low price range of <$200.

I do however continue to leave the challenge open. My D2 Boa provides both an amp and a DAC which are both noticeably better than my laptops integrated parts. I would love to see a better desktop amp and DAC for the same price($150ish). If anyone can provide this, please PM me or message in this thread. I would love to have a better setup, even if it doesn't have the portability of my Boa. No DIY allowed though.

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