BQEYZ in-ear monitors Impressions Thread
Aug 7, 2020 at 4:06 PM Post #1,231 of 1,702
No idea, I dont know which bqeyz iems are considered the good ones lol. But it seems like the KB100 is only sold by one seller and not bqeyz themselves so I guess it is discontinued?

I also want it to be a 2 dd + 1 ba setup (poor man´s sony Z1R :joy: ) (of course I know it wont sound anything near it lol)
Discontinued or not. Kb100 is probably the best budget hybrid IMO. Sounds just fantastic with stock setup and keeps on improving with tip rolling and cables. Totally worth 49.99 and you can also get a pair of JVC Spiral dots/SPC cable/cable case/penon iems as free gift. So all in all it's a great deal even without discounts
Aug 8, 2020 at 9:10 PM Post #1,233 of 1,702
Hibiscus got good mids for sure.
So in terms of bass, K1>KB1>KB100?
Looking for bass without going dark or veiled
K1>KB1>KB100... I think that's right, although I haven't heard the KB100 (just based on graph). K1 hits deeper with more quantity, while KB1 sounds punchier in mid-bass. So some may consider these dark(ish), but not veiled. In that case, KB100 may be a safer bet.
Edit: Sorry, just came across the following note on page 1: "p.s. - the BQEYZ K1 is not posted because it was licensed and reissued as an unmentionable." Is the K1 not to be mentioned here because it was re-released by a banned vendor even though it is still being sold on AE by BQEYZ?
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Aug 9, 2020 at 2:23 AM Post #1,234 of 1,702
K1>KB1>KB100... I think that's right, although I haven't heard the KB100 (just based on graph). K1 hits deeper with more quantity, while KB1 sounds punchier in mid-bass. So some may consider these dark(ish), but not veiled. In that case, KB100 may be a safer bet.
Edit: Sorry, just came across the following note on page 1: "p.s. - the BQEYZ K1 is not posted because it was licensed and reissued as an unmentionable." Is the K1 not to be mentioned here because it was re-released by a banned vendor even though it is still being sold on AE by BQEYZ?
Interesting.... BQEYZ IEMs are sold under different names by monoprice but I wasn't aware of another one rebranding them as their own. BQEYZ has a confusing role in the chifi world.... They seem to be very flexible in the way they do business but I don't know if they're really just an OEM manufacturer with their own brand (ie. Shuoer) or just kind of an oddity in cooperating with other companies.
Aug 9, 2020 at 3:01 AM Post #1,235 of 1,702
Interesting.... BQEYZ IEMs are sold under different names by monoprice but I wasn't aware of another one rebranding them as their own. BQEYZ has a confusing role in the chifi world.... They seem to be very flexible in the way they do business but I don't know if they're really just an OEM manufacturer with their own brand (ie. Shuoer) or just kind of an oddity in cooperating with other companies.
BQEYZ made IEMs for others, including some big names reportedly, before opening under their own name.
Aug 9, 2020 at 1:14 PM Post #1,236 of 1,702
Interesting.... BQEYZ IEMs are sold under different names by monoprice but I wasn't aware of another one rebranding them as their own. BQEYZ has a confusing role in the chifi world.... They seem to be very flexible in the way they do business but I don't know if they're really just an OEM manufacturer with their own brand (ie. Shuoer) or just kind of an oddity in cooperating with other companies.
Interesting indeed. Someone earlier mentioned "NY06" and then there's also QT2 which sounds nearly identical albeit in a different shell.
Aug 11, 2020 at 10:27 PM Post #1,238 of 1,702
Listening Spring2 just now, paired Hiby R5, 4.4 cable option, Azla xelastos (?) tips. Very engaging, full, balanced sound. Cheers to the folks who hipped me to these. Took real effort to choose these over it00s, given the avalanche of positive reviews for 00s but the unusual Spring2 driver suite persuaded me

I’m sure a lot of that is FOTM hype train. We’ll see in 6 months if anyone is still gushing over the IT00. Then we’ll really know if it’s got staying power or not.
Aug 11, 2020 at 10:49 PM Post #1,239 of 1,702
K1>KB1>KB100... I think that's right, although I haven't heard the KB100 (just based on graph). K1 hits deeper with more quantity, while KB1 sounds punchier in mid-bass. So some may consider these dark(ish), but not veiled. In that case, KB100 may be a safer bet.
Edit: Sorry, just came across the following note on page 1: "p.s. - the BQEYZ K1 is not posted because it was licensed and reissued as an unmentionable." Is the K1 not to be mentioned here because it was re-released by a banned vendor even though it is still being sold on AE by BQEYZ?
This chart from might be helpful.
Aug 12, 2020 at 3:03 AM Post #1,241 of 1,702
Listening Spring2 just now, paired Hiby R5, 4.4 cable option, Azla xelastos (?) tips. Very engaging, full, balanced sound. Cheers to the folks who hipped me to these. Took real effort to choose these over it00s, given the avalanche of positive reviews for 00s but the unusual Spring2 driver suite persuaded me

I have both (lucky me) and I think you made the right call - IT00s are a great all rounder with a very competent v/u tuning and decent driver, Springs are closer to reference tuning with an exceptional combination of drivers that really pull detail and energy out of tracks.

Aug 12, 2020 at 7:53 PM Post #1,242 of 1,702
I’m sure a lot of that is FOTM hype train. We’ll see in 6 months if anyone is still gushing over the IT00. Then we’ll really know if it’s got staying power or not.
Even though I was spending my own money, I really wanted to find a bunch of flaws with the IT00 and put the brakes on that hype train a bit. While it definitely has flaws of course (too much mid bass IMO), it really is very good. Just like the BL03 hasn‘t gone anywhere, I have a gut feeling that the IT00 won’t go anywhere soon either. That being said, it takes nothing away from other great IEMs, and I imagine the Spring 2 is a very different sounding IEM, and is really special for certain genres. The IT00 is more of a general purpose fun sounding IEM.
Aug 12, 2020 at 9:14 PM Post #1,243 of 1,702
That table couldn't be more wrong about the BQ3 which is dark and bassy. Yuck!
Bassy yes. But the BQ3 has tons of treble energy and sparkle, enough do to make me think something is wrong is it's described as dark. Poor man's legend X and one of my favorite pairs of nostalgia pairs....
Aug 13, 2020 at 2:24 AM Post #1,245 of 1,702
I’m sure a lot of that is FOTM hype train. We’ll see in 6 months if anyone is still gushing over the IT00. Then we’ll really know if it’s got staying power or not.
It's pretty good but also pretty vanilla. Easy rec for someone wanting to own one pair as an all arounder who doesn't really have a specific taste truly pinned down.

For a hobbyist, it'll be useful for making comparisons, but knowing my own tastes well enough, I probably won't listen to it all that much beyond using it for comparisons.

I think it'll be great as a standard, much better than the blon in my opinion. The blon just lacks clarity and scalability , which may not be evident from a cell phone, but any decent DAP or DAC puts a microscope on its relativite flaws. The IT00 actually scales nicely and just sounds better and better on high end equipment, rather than being best used from a phone.
Mine doesn't. Others have reported the same dark Guiness sound.
Hmmmm... Would love to get a hold of one of those pairs to see how it sounds to me, because it's totally foreign to me when I've seen people describe it that way and I'd really just like to know if it's unit variation, defective sets, unannounced revisions, hearing differences or what exactly. You're in Indonesia though so I probably can't get you're pair too easily.

But I'm very curious about this set in particularly because it is one of my subjective favorites and the way some people describe (and as you've said there are a good number of you guys) is drastically different than some others describe it and usually you don't see such drastically different opinions split almost evenly.

Anyway, still waiting on the BQ6!

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