Bose TriPorts
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:14 AM Post #46 of 192

Originally Posted by jayeshrc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i think its more like because bose tries to project itself as better than most (if not all) other headphone manufacturer out there, they get flamed more than other companies.


Grado - Truly the world's finest headphones and cartridges.

AKG - Your Audiophile experience, no if's, and's, or but's.
Experience pure perfection!

Sennheiser - A new dimension in headphone sound
The ultimate in open, dynamic headphone design.

Audio-Technica - Lose yourself in the experience of amazingly rich, high-fidelity sound.

Bose - Better Sound Through Research
We take great pride in designing each of our products with the goal of providing the highest accuracy musical performance possible in the price range of that product.

which one reads as "we're the best in the world" to you?

Bose gets flamed quite simply because Bose is popular in the consumer space, and when something is popular, its also popular to hate (i.e: how many people were all about Obama getting elected when he was the "black man underdog democrat", and how many people call him a corrupt turn-coat now that he's the leader of the US)


Originally Posted by jonathanjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
obobskivich's impressions - one of the rare serious reviews of Bose headphones - have moved to place a pair of cheap Bose OEs on my watchlist (at a local online trading site), but i don't think he's made a case for these to be headphones to come into our recommendation radar. i'm not sure's he's even intended to do that. if any one asks for ~$100 comfy, closed, full-sized headphones, I'd still suggest a host of cheaper headphones headphones than the Bose OE. At $140, it's in a weird place. There are lots of good slightly-sub-$100 cans to be had, and the next step is usually to go over $200. I can't see anyone recommending Bose OE even if they did take bob's impressions at face value.

and I'm having that problem with my impressions as well, I bought them on a whim (just to see what they sounded like), and honestly am impressed, but realize that at ~$140-$160, they're between a rock and a hard place

for $80~ more, you've got superior "audiophile headphones" (for example AKG K701's which are ~$240), and for $50~ less, you've got debatably comparable "premium headphones" (for example Senn HD280's, which are ~$90)
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:15 AM Post #47 of 192

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh really?

You and I have very different understandings regarding the definition of 'offensive', it seems.

He went rage because you provoked him at the first time (but it does not mean that his response was fine as well.)

i did add the "grow up and live with it" later on, as an edit, but yeah well i provoked, he fought back. my bad.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:17 AM Post #48 of 192

Originally Posted by jayeshrc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i think its more like because bose tries to project itself as better than most (if not all) other headphone manufacturer out there, they get flamed more than other companies.

That's correct. And that's what Bose does best. And unfortunately it works very well to ordinary people.

But this fact should not alter the ratings of the headphones. You just can't say this product sucks because the company which made this sucks. I mean that product can be great while the company sucks, and that product sucks while the company is great.

For example Sennheiser is a great company, but their mid-range phones (50~150$ range) are completely underwhelming.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:19 AM Post #49 of 192

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But this fact should not alter the ratings of the headphones. You just can't say this product sucks because the company which made this sucks. I mean that product can be great while the company sucks, and that product sucks while the company is great.

and I was hoping to avoid that comparison/contrast, by avoiding talking about value, or any sort of relationship to Bose, apparently I needed to state that in all-caps bold size 7 bright red font though
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:19 AM Post #50 of 192

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Grado - Truly the world's finest headphones and cartridges.

AKG - Your Audiophile experience, no if's, and's, or but's.
Experience pure perfection!

Sennheiser - A new dimension in headphone sound
The ultimate in open, dynamic headphone design.

Audio-Technica - Lose yourself in the experience of amazingly rich, high-fidelity sound.

Bose - Better Sound Through Research
We take great pride in designing each of our products with the goal of providing the highest accuracy musical performance possible in the price range of that product.

which one reads as "we're the best in the world" to you?

Bose gets flamed quite simply because Bose is popular in the consumer space, and when something is popular, its also popular to hate (i.e: how many people were all about Obama getting elected when he was the "black man underdog democrat", and how many people call him a corrupt turn-coat now that he's the leader of the US)

and I'm having that problem with my impressions as well, I bought them on a whim (just to see what they sounded like), and honestly am impressed, but realize that at ~$140-$160, they're between a rock and a hard place

for $50~ more, you've got superior "audiophile headphones", and for $50~ less, you've got debatably comparable "premium headphones" (for example Senn HD280's, which are ~$90)

hmm well i didnt see those company slogans, but i based what i said abt them claiming to better off the triport description.. wait lemme find it again.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:22 AM Post #51 of 192
1. The Bose TriPort glacier-blue headphones deliver the full spectrum of your music

2. Bose Triport Stereo Headphone - Digital sound offers superior frequency response and accuracy. Most headphones can't reproduce all those sounds. Bose has developed a headphone that can deliver all those sounds

3. An innovative electro-acoustic design creates natural, lifelike sound reproduction with more range, clarity, and fullness than you would expect
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:24 AM Post #52 of 192

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Grado - Truly the world's finest headphones and cartridges.

AKG - Your Audiophile experience, no if's, and's, or but's.
Experience pure perfection!

Sennheiser - A new dimension in headphone sound
The ultimate in open, dynamic headphone design.

Audio-Technica - Lose yourself in the experience of amazingly rich, high-fidelity sound.

Bose - Better Sound Through Research
We take great pride in designing each of our products with the goal of providing the highest accuracy musical performance possible in the price range of that product.

Yes, but they don't spend money to spread their words like Bose. I mean every company wants its customers recoginize its products as 'best'. But the effort to make it happen makes difference.


and I'm having that problem with my impressions as well, I bought them on a whim (just to see what they sounded like), and honestly am impressed, but realize that at ~$140-$160, they're between a rock and a hard place

for $50~ more, you've got superior "audiophile headphones", and for $50~ less, you've got debatably comparable "premium headphones" (for example Senn HD280's, which are ~$90)

Good point. But for some people 50$ in this range means a lot. Not to mention most of 'audiophile headphones' require amplification which can cost a lot.

And you also need to think about other factors besides of sound quality. See, those good cheap audiophile headphones are usually open-aire, which restrict the usage and big pain in convenience.

How about comfort? I mean Grados are terrible.

How about warranty and support? Bose support is one of the best customer support, while you need to wait like 1 year to get certain parts from AKG (yes, 1 year. Sad but true)
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:25 AM Post #53 of 192
honestly, they all pump their products up in marketing, doesn't make one evil and the other good

look at ATH W5000's (I don't know why I keep picking on these, is that a subliminal hit? haha), they come with a "premium plastic hardcase" just to hype up their sales appeal

I think the "issue" with Bose, is that they'll happily market to anyone, because a customer is a customer, and that means a lot of market exposure all over, for some reason head-fi/audiophiles as a society has taken to hating them (perhaps in spite of their marketing attempts, or because "better exists, so how dare they try to sell something")


Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good point. But for some people 50$ in this range means a lot. Not to mention most of 'audiophile headphones' require amplification which can cost a lot.

And you also need to think about other factors besides of sound quality. See, those good cheap audiophile headphones are usually open-aire, which restrict the usage and big pain in convenience.

How about comfort? I mean Grados are terrible.

How about warranty and support? Bose support is one of the best customer support, while you need to wait like 1 year to get certain parts from AKG (yes, 1 year. Sad but true)

I know that entirely, but from the perspective of the average head-fi'er (gotta remember that), "its worth it", if not for any actual value, just to avoid owning a Bose product for fear of it being inadequite or whatever (and I'm not saying Bose is for everyone, just like any other headphone or speaker out there, it only fits for certain people)

the issue isn't so much the more expensive 'phones (they just make it look bad on paper, not much else, due to the amplification requirement), its the ~$90-$120 range of 'phones that are fairly competitive, so most people likely ignore the Bose as an alternative at ~$150, thinking "well, a lot of people bash this, so forget it", when in reality, imho, it should be on the list of stuff to go take a gander at in that price range (if you dont like it, you don't buy it, plain and simple)
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:26 AM Post #54 of 192

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's correct. And that's what Bose does best. And unfortunately it works very well to ordinary people.

But this fact should not alter the ratings of the headphones. You just can't say this product sucks because the company which made this sucks. I mean that product can be great while the company sucks, and that product sucks while the company is great.

hmm yeah i didnt say it sucks. i said it was ok.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:37 AM Post #55 of 192

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thats weird (to me) that you mention vocal details as blurry, what kind of singers do you listen to, in particular? (they aren't as "direct" as Grado's imho, but I'm having no issues with vocals, although we might be missing each other by a mile depending on what you're talking about vs what I'm talking about (might also help to know what you view as "clear" vocal wise, haha))

The vocals I'm talking about are vocals that aren't overly processed (with delay, reverb, chorus, etc). Vocals where you can still hear the air moving the vocal chords. In this case it was Bruce Springsteen singing folk songs, other times it might be R.E.M., or anything else that isn't over processed.

I went back and listened to the same two tracks with my SR60 and they give me the raspyness in Bruce's voice. Not to the same degree as my D2000 and HD600, but they get the job done and let me hear what is there. The Triports blur those details over and make the voice less raspy and airy. I was thoroughly enjoying those two tracks with the SR60. I wasn't enjoying them with the Triports.

What the Triports did do is put the vocals front and center, something my Denon D2000 don't do so well.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:38 AM Post #56 of 192

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I know that entirely, but from the perspective of the average head-fi'er (gotta remember that), "its worth it", if not for any actual value, just to avoid owning a Bose product for fear of it being inadequite or whatever (and I'm not saying Bose is for everyone, just like any other headphone or speaker out there, it only fits for certain people)

the issue isn't so much the more expensive 'phones (they just make it look bad on paper, not much else, due to the amplification requirement), its the ~$90-$120 range of 'phones that are fairly competitive, so most people likely ignore the Bose as an alternative at ~$150, thinking "well, a lot of people bash this, so forget it", when in reality, imho, it should be on the list of stuff to go take a gander at in that price range (if you dont like it, you don't buy it, plain and simple)

Argh, such a long, painful night. I can't sleep due to my work, and probably I have to sacrifice my sleep....

Yes, they are quite competitive, and I know a bunch of excellent phones that are not talked in here as well. At that price range, opinions here really do not make viable difference since the demography is a lot bigger for the market.

Problem here is that very few, if they exist anyway, people that have more than 10~20 cheap headphones to actually compare them critically. We are actually in lack of information here.

With lack of information, a company with a lot of marketing wins. And that company is Bose so far (not sure if Monster can change this.)

Skylab's comparions are not enough IMO in this state.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:39 AM Post #57 of 192
i've said more than once that we Head-Fiers are a bunch of elitist wankers.
we hate popular headphones and popular music. don't we? we're the geeks who listen to obscure indie bands and watch tv shows/movies that flopped at the box office only to develop cult followings after. right? RIGHT?
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:40 AM Post #58 of 192

Originally Posted by jayeshrc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hmm yeah i didnt say it sucks. i said it was ok.

It is just generalization and not directed to you.

Well, let's see how many rage posts and whines will be here tomorrow-wait today morning.
Mar 28, 2009 at 8:42 AM Post #60 of 192

Originally Posted by jonathanjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i've said more than once that we Head-Fiers are a bunch of elitist wankers.
we hate popular headphones and popular music. don't we? we're the geeks who listen to obscure indie bands and watch tv shows/movies that flopped at the box office only to develop cult followings after. right? RIGHT?

Funny, I listen to popular music a lot besides Classicials.

I dunno. Koss PortaPros are quite popular and actually a lot of people know them. But very few hate them and Koss here.

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