Headphoneus Supremus
my only thing with the ants is the wattage seems kinda low. its like the same wattage im using now. i def would like to improve on sound volume if i can.
Amplifier power only tells you half the story and doesn't help a lot by itself. How loud speakers will get does depend on the amp, but it also depends on how sensitive the speakers are. For example, my Ascend CBM-170 SEs are rated 89db 1w/1 meter. That means with 1 watt of amplifier power, they will reach 89db when listening from 1m away. Compare those to the ARX A1b I mentioned, which are 86db 1w/1m. 3db difference.
Now that might not seem like much. But the thing is that it takes double the amplifier to produce 3db. So a 50 watt amp only produces 3db more than a 25 watt amp; the CBM-170 SEs will be as loud with a 25 watt amp as the ARX A1b will be with 50 watts of power.
M-Audio claims 101.5 dB @ 1 meter RMS for the AV40s; Adam F5 is rated ≥106 dB peak. Usually, RMS will have more power output at peak than what is specified. So you may not get much more volume out of the F5s than the AV40s, although most likely the F5s should have better drivers that would maintain their composure better at higher volumes. This all assuming the manufacturers have been honest, which is often not true. Specifications are often exaggerated by audio companies.