Beyerdynamic Xelento!
Dec 2, 2016 at 1:03 PM Post #7 of 2,959
I though I could get more information on this here, seems like only a few countries have them, Hong Kong had this a month or two, they say it's a improvement over the A&K version and comes with 2-3 years warranty, whiles the A&K version has only 1 year.
Dec 9, 2016 at 2:40 PM Post #8 of 2,959
I tested this IEM out yesterday, and I really like it, sounds very similar to my sony MDR EX800 which is a studio monitor IEM, Xelento offers much more bass and vocal sound crystal clear, best of all it's feels very nice whiles wearing it, and it's on a discount approximate 757 USD during christmas period normal price about over 1000 USD over in Hong Kong.
I'm considering this as my next IEM, it was this or Justears, justears is more expensive.
Dec 10, 2016 at 6:06 AM Post #10 of 2,959
  It's coming:

Yes feburary, the web link has been available there for a while. The non remote one is available in a few asian countries, I prefer not to have the remote, but the feburary release one has the two cables in the box.
Dec 10, 2016 at 12:31 PM Post #13 of 2,959
Dec 10, 2016 at 5:43 PM Post #15 of 2,959
AKT8IE SQ been tuned to support for AK DAP

Thank you, but this doesn't say much.

I know, I only had tested both a few days ago on a V20 for about 15 minutes, it's all I had, they offered a A1 or AZ, but it didn't have my music, the xelento sounded much more spacious, vocal very sharp and overal well balanced with some good bass when compared to my EX800ST, the AKT8IE was less spacious, had a little bass, but was slightly muffed up, but when used on a AK 240 DAP, the AKT8IE sounded much better than it did with a V20, it's not a fair opinion, but just what I think after listening to both. I guess it the AKT8IE was tuned to offer better sound for AK DAP, the store also say this.

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