Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone
Sep 8, 2016 at 12:41 PM Post #183 of 4,825
  I used to own the T1 (1st gen.), and sold it for the T70. Sacrilege, I know, but I like bass, and the T70 had the best closed-cup sound I've yet heard. I'm thinking about the DT-1990 because I liked my DT-990s so much. I like the T70 250 Ohm just a tad more than the DT-990 250 Ohm. Plus, the Dt-1990s look so gosh-darned coooool......

I was under the impression that the T70 and the T70p were very bass-light headphones.  But you are saying that the T70 has more bass than the original T1.
I also own the DT-990 250, which I feel has an excellent amount of bass and sub-bass, especially for an open-back.  How would you say the T70's bass compares to the bass of the DT-990 250?
Sep 8, 2016 at 1:01 PM Post #184 of 4,825
I was under the impression that the T70 and the T70p were very bass-light headphones.  

You are absolutely correct. I owned the T70 for about a year and can say without hesitation that they are literally the most bass-light (almost non-existent) headphone I have ever heard. Even my EarPods had better weight and impact! It took a vintage analogue Pioneer receiver with the "Super Bass" button to bring the level up to what the DT770 has.

Sep 8, 2016 at 1:31 PM Post #186 of 4,825
Sep 8, 2016 at 2:56 PM Post #187 of 4,825
T70's non't have very much bass out of the box, but with EQ... Man, their bass is nice. Warm and soft, but still with weight (at least to my ears). And they have wonderful extension, although I guess that with EQ, all cans have wonderful extension. 
Sep 8, 2016 at 9:35 PM Post #188 of 4,825
I was under the impression that the T70 and the T70p were very bass-light headphones.  But you are saying that the T70 has more bass than the original T1.

I also own the DT-990 250, which I feel has an excellent amount of bass and sub-bass, especially for an open-back.  How would you say the T70's bass compares to the bass of the DT-990 250?


Let me back up and state that I love the Beyerdynamic sound. I've owned the DT-880, DT-770, and the DT-990, all before the T1. I sold them and bought new Beyers more out of curiosity than dislike of any model for any reason. I could have kept any of the previous Beyers I've had, and I'd still be happy with the sound. With that in mind, I thought the bass on the T1 (1st gen) was a little light, and prefer the bass on the T70. I run my SA-CD player thought a Schiit Asgard amp, straight, no extra EQ. I like the T70 sound, and I'd like to try the DT-1990 for the same reasons as listed above - I just wonder if they would sound better, pretty much the same, or not as good to my ears. At no point would I expect to be disappointed.

I've also tried out the Sennheiser HD-650, and didn't like the sound at all. Same goes for a few other models that are quite popular here.
Sep 8, 2016 at 9:52 PM Post #189 of 4,825
Let me back up and state that I love the Beyerdynamic sound. I've owned the DT-880, DT-770, and the DT-990, all before the T1. I sold them and bought new Beyers more out of curiosity than dislike of any model for any reason. I could have kept any of the previous Beyers I've had, and I'd still be happy with the sound. With that in mind, I thought the bass on the T1 (1st gen) was a little light, and prefer the bass on the T70. I run my SA-CD player thought a Schiit Asgard amp, straight, no extra EQ. I like the T70 sound, and I'd like to try the DT-1990 for the same reasons as listed above - I just wonder if they would sound better, pretty much the same, or not as good to my ears. At no point would I expect to be disappointed.

I've also tried out the Sennheiser HD-650, and didn't like the sound at all. Same goes for a few other models that are quite popular here.

I'm a huge fan of the Beyer sound myself. I even like the ancient DT 48/480 a lot, especially with some minor dampening to control the resonances, they have a speed and naturalness to vocals no other Beyers can achieve(completely grain-free). They are quite flawed headphones though and take some adjusting to. I personally prefer the Tesla's to the older DT lineup(I like the DT 150 out that lineup the most). Not super familiar with the DT 250 or the DT 100(which I view different than the current non-tesla DT models as it has a very different driver like the DT 48). Do need to try the DT 100 at home just to see what it's all about. Not very familiar with the T70 or T90 but did like both better than the T5p(first gen). The T5p gen 1 was disappointing to me.

I feel similar about the HD 650, it's not bad, but I honestly really disliked how the thing portrayed vocals, an odd disconnect to the vocals imho and that grain throughout it's whole sound, though admittedly it did sound really good through a vinyl system. Prefer the HD 600 despite being slightly less refined due to it's superior vocal reproduction. Replaced the HD 650 with the Nighthawks as my darker phone, don't regret it one bit.

I plan on getting the DT 1990 to replace the DT 1770 as my go-to Beyer. The DT 1770 is just so much fun to me and it seems the DT 1990 steps it up more, this should make the headphone just pure toe-tapping fun.
Sep 8, 2016 at 10:10 PM Post #190 of 4,825
I'm going to have to go with you on this one. I guess I must be one of the few people who didn't enjoy the HD650. It felt dark and rather slow, and compared to offerings like the R70x...I just wasn't convinced. Nighthawks were very fun to review and I thoroughly enjoyed them.
Sep 8, 2016 at 10:19 PM Post #191 of 4,825
I'm going to have to go with you on this one. I guess I must be one of the few people who didn't enjoy the HD650. It felt dark and rather slow, and compared to offerings like the R70x...I just wasn't convinced. Nighthawks were very fun to review and I thoroughly enjoyed them.

I always just grew bored of the HD 650, liked them for about a week then grew to dislike them, at least the HD 600 had staying power for me despite liking them less initially. Have yet to hear the R70x. Never really listened to many Audio-Technica's. The Nighthawks are a headphone that sound right to me with long-term listening, they aren't without their flaws but I don't really care about it's flaws, a sign of a good headphone. Most annoying thing about the Hawks to me is their sensitivity which can be annoying for tubes as I do prefer them and headphones in general on tubes overall especially for faster/more complex music, need to invest in a quieter tube amp or hybrid amp sometime. The DT 1770 has a similar problem despite being 250 ohms.
Sep 9, 2016 at 11:04 PM Post #192 of 4,825
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that my review set of DT1990's (generously loaned out by @TSAVJason at The Source AV) will be at the Source event tomorrow.  If you're in the LA area and want to demo them, be sure to swing by.
Sep 10, 2016 at 2:50 AM Post #193 of 4,825
Yes. I think they are musical as the DT-1770.
Sep 10, 2016 at 2:52 AM Post #194 of 4,825
So are these as euphoric and musical as the DT 1770? I own a pair of DT 1770s and find them to be the most musical pair of headphones I have owned, but would love that musicality in an open back.

Yes. If you like the way 1770 plays you will definitely like the 1990 too.

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