Best IEM's Battle!
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:12 PM Post #121 of 161

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
I don't, and I've used them both very extensively.

I began to find the E4s to be very dull after the initial "Wow, new purchase" effect wore off. I found myself using the treble boost more and more often.

The ER4s have the special sheen and clarity that the E4s sorely lack. I really do love them.

agree. i find e4 rather dull in clarity but the comfort is the only reason that force me to use this.. er4 sounds much better, to me..

wonder how many have actually auditioned all, in order to vote for the best
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:20 PM Post #122 of 161

Originally Posted by cantsleep
wonder how many have actually auditioned all, in order to vote for the best

I'd bet that only one or two people who have voted have heard all of the IEMs in the poll.

As I already mentioned, I've heard them all and know I haven't spent enough time with certain ones to vote properly.

Other things to consider:

1. Tip usage changes the sound considerably.
2. Not all customs are created equally. UE redid my UE-10s after I'd had them for nearly a year. The remade version sounds considerably different (and much better) than my original pair. I was able to do direct comparisons between the two.
3. A lot of people mistake treble for detail.
4. Quick auditions don't mean a thing.
5. Insertion depth (even with a proper seal) changes the sound considerably. I've been to a lot of meets and seen tons of people try on IEMs. There are huge differences in how deep/shallow people insert these things. The Etys are a perfect example of this, the closer you get the nozzle to your ear drum the flatter it sounds. A shallow insertion results in ear piercing upper mids and severly rolled off bass.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #123 of 161
Having heard the ER-4S, E5c and UM2 from the poll options, I refuse to vote for any of them because I haven't heard everything there. I think there's a lot of "support the home team" voting going on.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #124 of 161

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
This isn't a fair comparison so I won't vote. The UE-10 pros are 900$ IEMs and the ER-4ps can be found for <200$. That's like saying a honda civic can be compared to a Porshe. This poll is stupid.

Yea but you know the er4's can also be custom molded, so you will have to factor that in... Price really means less than the sound.. I was low on funds and didnt like the big filter deal with the etys so that ruled them out.. but if i could vote again, i would probably choose the er4s just because stock it is so much cheaper and with that much saved one could get much more music or a better player...or get the etys molded too.. go er4s!!!
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:42 PM Post #126 of 161

Originally Posted by sethsez
I guess every hobby needs their obnoxious subset, and it appears some Ety fans are trying to claim that title for themselves.

Edit: Not referring to Piccolo.

Edit 2: Piccolo, could it be that you're a fan of treble the same way some people are fans of bass? I've seen you describe cans that most people consider relatively bright as "bassy" before, and that treble boosting comment makes me wonder. Just a thought.

It's possible! A lot of cans that people find bright (Grados, Etys, etc) don't sound bright at me at all. In fact, I can boost the treble on them significantly and they still don't sound bright.

In fact, I just sent my ER4S in to be recabled into an ER4B, to have a little more brightness in the area where they roll it off at 10khz.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:45 PM Post #127 of 161

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
It's possible! A lot of cans that people fight bright (Grados, Etys, etc) don't sound bright at me at all. In fact, I can boost the treble on them significantly and they still don't sound bright.

In fact, I just sent my ER4S in to be recabled into an ER4B, to have a little more brightness in the area where they roll it off at 10khz.

Maybe you should have your hearing checked...
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:50 PM Post #128 of 161
It isn't that I've lost sensitivity to high frequencies, it's just that my threshold for them is extremely high.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:55 PM Post #129 of 161
It's threads/polls like these that some inexperience noob will look at the poll and go out and buy based on it. Try and buy people, try and buy it's the only way I found the IEM I like. All I know is if I had bought the ER4p based on this thread I woulda been pissed because I didn't really like it all that much.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:55 PM Post #130 of 161

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
It's possible! A lot of cans that people fight bright (Grados, Etys, etc) don't sound bright at me at all. In fact, I can boost the treble on them significantly and they still don't sound bright.

In fact, I just sent my ER4S in to be recabled into an ER4B, to have a little more brightness in the area where they roll it off at 10khz.

Yeah... no offense but you seem like the treble equivalent of a basshead. Nothing wrong with that, everyone likes different things, but "more treble" doesn't always equal "more accurate."
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:55 PM Post #131 of 161

Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek
It isn't that I've lost sensitivity to high frequencies, it's just that my threshold for them is extremely high.

Aren't the two more or less the same? You've lost sensitivity to those frequencies, and therefore without being boosted they sound dull or quiet. In order for you to hear them as other people do you must boost them because your threshold has shifted. People who go to a loud club for an evening experience a temporary threshold shift and when they leave everything sounds very quiet. If your threshold for highs has shifted up you have lost sensitivity. It's not that you can't hear those frequencies, you just have to hear them at a louder volume for them to sound flat/normal.
Sep 15, 2006 at 12:14 AM Post #132 of 161
That's not what I meant. I can hear them just fine, even at low volumes, and I've never done anything to damage my hearing. I don't go clubbing, listen at loud volume levels, or spend time around aircraft or jackhammers. Hell, I don't even vacuum my floor without putting earplugs in. It just takes a lot more before it find it bothersome or "too much", and all things considered, a "bright" presentation sounds more normal to me, because the real world is full of bright trebly sounds, and doesn't have a 10db roll off between 2 and 10khz.
For example, last year, I went to the Final Fantasy Dear Friends concert in Atlanta. It rocked. Listening to those same songs with the E4Gs, I know that they sound much darker than they did live. Listening to them with the ER4s, however, renders them much more in line with that I remember them sounding like.
Sep 15, 2006 at 12:39 AM Post #133 of 161
Guys, a question for you the IEM specialists, I asked the same question to Shure and UE and non of them had answered me yet....or the question is pretty obvious, and I'm a dumb, or they maybe are sick of the same question over and over...

Which are the diferences between the "regular drivers" and "armature drivers". Is there any link with info and pictures, of how they work, or the principle each uses, etc...I supposed that the regular driver is similar to the big brothers, but how about the armature, what is the difference???
Sep 15, 2006 at 12:44 AM Post #135 of 161

Originally Posted by GreatDane
I have a question for the custom IEM users.

Do custom fit IEMs stay in place better than universal IEMs for vigorous activities/sports.


Sovkiller, I'm looking, hang on a sec...

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