Best IEM tips?
Dec 31, 2022 at 8:30 AM Post #2,266 of 3,418
Hi all,

I do not remember if I posted previously in this thread or not but following the purchase of my Letshuoer EJ09 at CanJam UK, I followed recommendations for the Azla SednaEarfit Max and purchased a sample pack to ensure I got the correct sizing. I did the same with the Final E, but prefer the sound profile of the Azla so have been a happy customer for a few months.

Recently though, I have noticed that the tips keep "ejecting" themselves so that they pop out to sit on the outside rather than in the canal / opening. They do not fall out altogether, but it is frustrating to keep reinserting them every few minutes to improve the isolation (which to clarify, does not completely break). There is a possibility it could actually be the normal fit for these though as my main IEM experience for the past 10+ years is with custom tips for the ER4P, and I love the isolation from the deep insertion. I had toyed with getting custom fit IEMs this time around but was advised against it by the salesman, so stuck with universal fit.

I have revisited the other sizes in the sample pack a few times but found that they all do the same, with the isolation fully being broken if I try the smallest size. I also found that in noisy environments, the LF is reduced so I must be using the best size (of the pack).

I am not sure if it is simply a fit issue and they are simply all too small but bulkier sets of other tips I have used historically led to excrutiating pain in my cartilage which made IEMs unusable, so I am not sure if it is worth purchasing the sample pack with the next sizes up, or if I should try foam instead.

I prefer silicone tips for hygiene purposes as I have a tendancy to get ear infections, so I use an ispropyl wipe after each use. I would expect that this is not doable with foam so strikes me as a costly ongoing expense...

Can anyone provide some further guidance please? Is what I describe above the standard fit for these tips, or do I need to try a bigger size?

If foam may be a better option for me, or even just one to try, what are the recommended models?


It's funny, I almost could have written the above myself. I'm also an Etymotic user of like 20+ years, in recent years the ER4XR and ER2XR. Recently I moved on to 64 Audio U12t. I love the sound, but was having a very hard time finding tips that work for me, in comfort and also isolation, and I went through many different tips and brands - until I tried the Sedna Earfit MAX. Just like you, lol. Of course, nothing isolates like the Etymotic (I use the grey foams), but with the MAX I have found really good comfort and passable isolation. However, also like you, they would slide out too easily. I kept moving up sizes until now, finally, I'm using a large in each ear. And yeah, it works. Until - today. Today they were sliding out. But I'm pretty sure the reason is that I need to give them a good cleaning - with alcohol, then soap and water. And also, frankly, I hadn't taken a shower yet today when I was using them... so I think they were a little greasy, I was a little greasy, and thus today they werent sticking in quite as well as they had been. Also, perhaps a few weeks of semi-heavy use has softened them a little, I don't know. In any case, I would try a larger size than you think you need, for me that worked and I'm going to stick with the L size. And also, I do think keeping everything, including oneself, clean and dry definitely helps.

As for the foams, I did try foams but nothing works as well for me with the U12t as the MAX. (But with Etymotic, grey foams all the way.)
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Dec 31, 2022 at 9:15 AM Post #2,267 of 3,418
It's funny, I almost could have written the above myself. I'm also an Etymotic user of like 20+ years, in recent years the ER4XR and ER2XR. Recently I moved on to 64 Audio U12t. I love the sound, but was having a very hard time finding tips that work for me, in comfort and also isolation, and I went through many different tips and brands - until I tried the Sedna Earfit MAX. Just like you, lol. Of course, nothing isolates like the Etymotic (I use the grey foams), but with the MAX I have found really good comfort and passable isolation. However, also like you, they would slide out too easily. I kept moving up sizes until now, finally, I'm using a large in each ear. And yeah, it works. Until - today. Today they were sliding out. But I'm pretty sure the reason is that I need to give them a good cleaning - with alcohol, then soap and water. And also, frankly, I hadn't taken a shower yet today when I was using them... so I think they were a little greasy, I was a little greasy, and thus today they werent sticking in quite as well as they had been. Also, perhaps a few weeks of semi-heavy use has softened them a little, I don't know. In any case, I would try a larger size than you think you need, for me that worked and I'm going to stick the the L size. And also, I do think keeping everything, including oneself, clean and dry definitely helps.

As for the foams, I did try foams but nothing works as well for me with the U12t as the MAX. (But with Etymotic, grey foams all the way.)
Wow. Are we long lost twins? LOL! The silimarities get crazier... I was set on buying the A/U12T after multiple demos, until I went to CanJam and tried more options.

My Etys were treated to custom tips years ago (I have probably been using them for closer to 15 years tbh) so never spent much time with anything other than the triple flanges as the customs are amazing. Thankfully they also fit the newer generation.

I shower once a day at minimum and always use the alcohol wipes before I put the IEMs away so cleanliness should not be part of the issue, although you make a good point about them softening... I will be interested in hearing if it improves again for you.

Ok, so if I understand this correctly:
When you initially insert them (to the deepest point), the tip should stay pushed in your ear canal, rather than slowly slide out again where they sit on your ear canal opening...? I am going to order the next sample pack today.

What issues did you have when using foam tips with the U12T? The nozzle is same size as on my EJ09.
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Dec 31, 2022 at 10:13 AM Post #2,268 of 3,418
It's funny, I almost could have written the above myself. I'm also an Etymotic user of like 20+ years, in recent years the ER4XR and ER2XR. Recently I moved on to 64 Audio U12t. I love the sound, but was having a very hard time finding tips that work for me, in comfort and also isolation, and I went through many different tips and brands - until I tried the Sedna Earfit MAX. Just like you, lol. Of course, nothing isolates like the Etymotic (I use the grey foams), but with the MAX I have found really good comfort and passable isolation. However, also like you, they would slide out too easily. I kept moving up sizes until now, finally, I'm using a large in each ear. And yeah, it works. Until - today. Today they were sliding out. But I'm pretty sure the reason is that I need to give them a good cleaning - with alcohol, then soap and water. And also, frankly, I hadn't taken a shower yet today when I was using them... so I think they were a little greasy, I was a little greasy, and thus today they werent sticking in quite as well as they had been. Also, perhaps a few weeks of semi-heavy use has softened them a little, I don't know. In any case, I would try a larger size than you think you need, for me that worked and I'm going to stick with the L size. And also, I do think keeping everything, including oneself, clean and dry definitely helps.

As for the foams, I did try foams but nothing works as well for me with the U12t as the MAX. (But with Etymotic, grey foams all the way.)
I actually just received my Max's and I'm curious; do you push your tips into the U12t till the "wax guard" won't allow it to go further or if you allow some space for it to not "deform"?

I wonder if, besides fit, this would have any meaningful impact on attenuation.
Dec 31, 2022 at 10:23 AM Post #2,269 of 3,418
I actually just received my Max's and I'm curious; do you push your tips into the U12t till the "wax guard" won't allow it to go further or if you allow some space for it to not "deform"?

I wonder if, besides fit, this would have any meaningful impact on attenuation.
I push in until they stop going further which I guess is around when the tip is flush with your ear...? It is not possible to over-insert mine as the the IEM body sits in the outer ear.

I do not find that the sound changes if I slowly pull them out, until the seal "breaks" and they are then out. I currently have them in so just tried for you. lol.
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Dec 31, 2022 at 10:44 AM Post #2,270 of 3,418
I shower once a day at minimum and always use the alcohol wipes before I put the IEMs away

I'n wondering if using soap and water after the alcohol might provide a dryer, 'stickier' surface afterward? I don't know, just speculating.

so cleanliness should not be part of the issue, although you make a good point about them softening... I will be interested in hearing if it improves again for you.

Ok, so if I understand this correctly:
When you initially insert them (to the deepest point), the tip should stay pushed in your ear canal, rather than slowly slide out again where they sit on your ear canal opening...? I am going to order the next sample pack today.

Tbh I dont know precisely where they end up settling... but they are short tips. Basically, I push it in until its very snug, and thats good enough to keep it in place (eating a meal can move them a bit though). If I push it in too far, past that point, I can feel like an irritated feeling and it also drops the isolation. So there seems to be a sweet spot.

What issues did you have when using foam tips with the U12T? The nozzle is same size as on my EJ09.

2 issues. In one ear, I could get good isolation, but they would slide out eventually. In the other, it was really difficult to get good isolation. I could do it but takes many attempts. There were other tips I tried as well, including hybrid foam/silicone, with which I could get a decent fit and isolation with one ear, but not the other. With the MAX, its very easy and instantaneous. But I wasnt really good with the MAX until I started using the largest size in both ears.
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Dec 31, 2022 at 10:49 AM Post #2,271 of 3,418
I actually just received my Max's and I'm curious; do you push your tips into the U12t till the "wax guard" won't allow it to go further or if you allow some space for it to not "deform"?

I wonder if, besides fit, this would have any meaningful impact on attenuation.

I push it in until it gets only like halfway down the stem... which I guess is where the wax guard blocks it. And you know, actually, once in a while its just not fitting in my ear correctly... like itll slide out very quickly and/or I dont have good isolation. Ive realized that when thats happening, whats happened, I think, is that the MAX has been pushed further down the stem. So I take it off and put it on again, to the wax/guard halfway point again. And then it fits well again. So yeah, the way I do it is to stop it at the wax guard. (and btw I love the wax guard, its a huge bonus with the U12t. No more needing to very delicately clean the interior of the earphone, it really works.)
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Dec 31, 2022 at 10:54 AM Post #2,272 of 3,418
I push it in until it gets only like halfway down the stem... which I guess is where the wax guard blocks it. And you know, actually, once in a while its just not fitting in my ear correctly... like itll slide out very quickly and/or I dont have good isolation. Ive realized that when thats happening, whats happened, I think, is that the MAX has been pushed further down the stem. So I take it off and put it on again, to the wax/guard halfway point again. And then it fits well again. So yeah, the way I do it is to stop it at the wax guard. (and btw I love the wax guard, its a huge bonus with the U12t. No more needing to very delicately clean the interior of the earphone, it really works.)
I've been experimenting what your method or just pushing them all the way until the nozzle can't push the guard out anymore, leaving them almost flush to the opening. The latter seems to fit better, as it allows more of the IEM to rest inside the ear.
Dec 31, 2022 at 11:12 AM Post #2,273 of 3,418
I've been experimenting what your method or just pushing them all the way until the nozzle can't push the guard out anymore, leaving them almost flush to the opening. The latter seems to fit better, as it allows more of the IEM to rest inside the ear.

Nice... I just tried it your way, and yeah, for me, it doesnt work quite as well if I push the tip all the way down the stem of the IEM. When I wear it when its set up like that, for whatever reason it seems to be kind of floating around in the ear rather than settling into a comfortable spot. Of course though different ear anatomy might make one or the other way better. And in the brief test I did with it this way, it seemed better with my left than right.
Dec 31, 2022 at 12:04 PM Post #2,274 of 3,418
Hi all,

I do not remember if I posted previously in this thread or not but following the purchase of my Letshuoer EJ09 at CanJam UK, I followed recommendations for the Azla SednaEarfit Max and purchased a sample pack to ensure I got the correct sizing. I did the same with the Final E, but prefer the sound profile of the Azla so have been a happy customer for a few months.

Recently though, I have noticed that the tips keep "ejecting" themselves so that they pop out to sit on the outside rather than in the canal / opening. They do not fall out altogether, but it is frustrating to keep reinserting them every few minutes to improve the isolation (which to clarify, does not completely break). There is a possibility it could actually be the normal fit for these though as my main IEM experience for the past 10+ years is with custom tips for the ER4P, and I love the isolation from the deep insertion. I had toyed with getting custom fit IEMs this time around but was advised against it by the salesman, so stuck with universal fit.

I have revisited the other sizes in the sample pack a few times but found that they all do the same, with the isolation fully being broken if I try the smallest size. I also found that in noisy environments, the LF is reduced so I must be using the best size (of the pack).

I am not sure if it is simply a fit issue and they are simply all too small but bulkier sets of other tips I have used historically led to excrutiating pain in my cartilage which made IEMs unusable, so I am not sure if it is worth purchasing the sample pack with the next sizes up, or if I should try foam instead.

I prefer silicone tips for hygiene purposes as I have a tendancy to get ear infections, so I use an ispropyl wipe after each use. I would expect that this is not doable with foam so strikes me as a costly ongoing expense...

Can anyone provide some further guidance please? Is what I describe above the standard fit for these tips, or do I need to try a bigger size?

If foam may be a better option for me, or even just one to try, what are the recommended models?

For certain IEMs and certain ears, it is more secure to shallow-insert the tip on the IEM and deep-fit into your ear canal; for others, it is more secure to deep-insert the tip on the IEM and shallow-fit into your ear canal. The wax guard design of the Max eliminates the possibility of deep-inserting the tip on the IEM in general. My suggestion would just be go for larger size Max, larger than you think you need. But prepare for a brighter treble.
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Dec 31, 2022 at 10:59 PM Post #2,275 of 3,418
MDJacques posted measurements of the new DUNU tips. The Candy measures like a Final E with less uppermids, which is not bad at all. The S&S measures similar, but MDJacques made a remark on the fit issue caused by the design. See the last figure: due to the shallower fit, treble peaks are shifted left, and S&S will sound a lot brighter than depicted in figure 1 & 2.

Screenshot 2022-12-31 19.49.42.png
Screenshot 2022-12-31 19.49.01.png
Screenshot 2022-12-31 19.46.31.png
Jan 1, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #2,276 of 3,418
I'n wondering if using soap and water after the alcohol might provide a dryer, 'stickier' surface afterward? I don't know, just speculating.
That is a good point. I will keep it in mind if the bigger sizes do not resolve the problem for me.

2 issues. In one ear, I could get good isolation, but they would slide out eventually. In the other, it was really difficult to get good isolation. I could do it but takes many attempts. There were other tips I tried as well, including hybrid foam/silicone, with which I could get a decent fit and isolation with one ear, but not the other. With the MAX, its very easy and instantaneous. But I wasnt really good with the MAX until I started using the largest size in both ears.
Good to know. If it comes to it, I may have to try multiple types then. Do you know which ones you tried? Ety and Shure stems are really thin in comparison so I am not sure if the Shure ones would work.
Jan 1, 2023 at 1:23 PM Post #2,277 of 3,418
For certain IEMs and certain ears, it is more secure to shallow-insert the tip on the IEM and deep-fit into your ear canal; for others, it is more secure to deep-insert the tip on the IEM and shallow-fit into your ear canal. The wax guard design of the Max eliminates the possibility of deep-inserting the tip on the IEM in general. My suggestion would just be go for larger size Max, larger than you think you need. But prepare for a brighter treble.
That was not something I had considered before, thanks for the info. The stems on mine are quite short but I tried this earlier. Unfortunately the design of the stems make the tip unsecure so I would expect to lose them often...

Also good to know. Amazon should be delivering the sample pack tomorrow so I will spend some time testing them out.
Jan 1, 2023 at 1:54 PM Post #2,278 of 3,418
That is a good point. I will keep it in mind if the bigger sizes do not resolve the problem for me.

Good to know. If it comes to it, I may have to try multiple types then. Do you know which ones you tried? Ety and Shure stems are really thin in comparison so I am not sure if the Shure ones would work.

I'll post links to some of the ones I tried. (this one looks like it changed since I bought it)

I think I probably also tried Dekonis... lol you can see that I wasnt messing around.

And of all these, the AZLA Sedna Earfit MAX, large size, are best.

Yeah, the Ety are much thinner. I actually tried to squeeze the Ety greys onto the U12t stem, including with some minor modification... ha no chance.

I do like the Symbio F and the Symbio Hybrids. I could see trying them both out again.

I accept that nothing will isolate as well as the Ety, nor require no adjustment like the Ety. The MAX though are very good... for me.
Jan 1, 2023 at 11:36 PM Post #2,279 of 3,418
That was not something I had considered before, thanks for the info. The stems on mine are quite short but I tried this earlier. Unfortunately the design of the stems make the tip unsecure so I would expect to lose them often...

Also good to know. Amazon should be delivering the sample pack tomorrow so I will spend some time testing them out.
In case you are willing to experiment further: Get one or multiple reasonably sized o-rings, turn that groove on the nozzle into a ridge. Now instead of fitting the groove inside the eartip onto the tip of the nozzle, you can fit it deeper along the nozzle, onto that rubber ridge. This can help you go a size up without getting brighter treble, if the shape of your IEM and your outer ear permit. You may have to cut away the wax guard on the Max to fit it deeply like this; I've seen Japanese users do this to the Max.
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Jan 6, 2023 at 12:48 AM Post #2,280 of 3,418
I am looking for new tips for KZ ESX. I used a foam tips from a time but i think i don't get used to them so i want to use silicone eartips again but KZ ESX stock tips are hurting and not at good quality i think so i want to replace them with KBEAR 07.

I bought my foam tips from a local store and don't have a brand on them so that's why is not good i think, is KBEAR07 good to go? I am open for any advice. Thanks!

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