Being a student audiophile...
Mar 3, 2011 at 6:11 PM Post #121 of 212

Ooooh I just threw the meet idea in there but if it works, It'd be FUN!!!
Probably in spring break? When is calpoly's spring break? CSUF spring break starts on march 28th. I'll bring my ATH-M50 and Cowon J3!

16th-24th is our spring break, but I won't be around the entire week.
Mar 3, 2011 at 6:22 PM Post #122 of 212
Math gets kinda tough. I never really liked my math classes and actually failed one, but luckily it's not a prereq to any of my engineering classes. Should have gotten it done my 2nd year but I have yet to retake it. For the less talented people like me, you just work hard and try to get by or hang on for deer life, and hopefully someone will hire you.
Mar 3, 2011 at 6:46 PM Post #123 of 212

Sounds like a plan, Surely the employment opportunities can't be worse than my previous major (journalism).
Math gets kinda tough. I never really liked my math classes and actually failed one, but luckily it's not a prereq to any of my engineering classes. Should have gotten it done my 2nd year but I have yet to retake it. For the less talented people like me, you just work hard and try to get by or hang on for deer life, and hopefully someone will hire you.

Mar 3, 2011 at 7:14 PM Post #124 of 212
i might get a TTVJ slim, hopefully. So that adds to the stuff people get to try at the cal poly meet, if it's ever going to happen.
Mar 3, 2011 at 7:28 PM Post #125 of 212

Sounds like a plan, Surely the employment opportunities can't be worse than my previous major (journalism).


Definitely more opportunities unless your life long goal is to work at Starbucks. 
  Hopefully the economy will pick up within the year so all these engineers get hired.  Those obsolete baby boomers need to step down!  They are inefficient! 
Oh the things I'd buy once I have a job...
Mar 3, 2011 at 7:39 PM Post #126 of 212
The only problem I have with engineering nowadays is all the programming/computer work.  Granted, computation gets done much faster, but I really enjoy working with my hands.  The strictly math calculus courses are really easy though.  When you have to apply that in physics it gets hard.
edit-I'm an AE major
Mar 3, 2011 at 8:10 PM Post #128 of 212
oh me too..
Mar 3, 2011 at 8:47 PM Post #129 of 212

As a student, I have this problem. I want to try new headphones. I can't go to meets because I can't drive. I can't just go off buying new headphones because they're expensive. So I read reviews. The headphones other people use seem like they make some HEAVENLY sound!! Now I want new headphones even more but realize I can't buy them -_-.....
Are there any other people like me at Head-Fi?? What do you do to get out of this vicious cycle??? 

I find that (personally in my situation) affording things like headphones can be a matter of months, like in the moment out of the question but a couple months later I could get the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro or ATH M50 say. So for me the downtime in between actually works in my favour when it comes to head-fi in that there's simply no possibility for a knee jerk reaction impulse purchase that I end up regretting. So that means at least 2 months of solid research and experience mining (sorry to put it so bluntly guys lol, much appreciated though). And in the end I get the headphone that I was hoping for.
As for what do *I* get out of this vicious cycle ? Well it's only vicious if you allow it to run amok on your mind. But I'm not the type of person that buys 4 pairs of headphones for 4 different stations or whatever. I'm the type that will research for a year if I have to and nail the 1 pair I need to be getting to serve all the purposes I'd need it to be acing. To be honest, that's half of the fun! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the learning process of something new, all these new things and terms I had never heard of which are pretty self explanatory and you pick things up quickly, but yes the destination can be sweet - but truth be told the journey is the real nirvana imo. That's not a snobbery thing, but it's kind of like how poor people work their tails off to get rich and dare to dream - then the ones that make it enjoy it but really miss the chase and realize that was the real fun part. I'm thinking that's the reason why so many of us come back even though we already have in truth perfectly good headphones which weren't cheap. Hopefully not too expensive either! But there's another example of the artistry at work here....and part of the fun. Finding the bang in your budget. Perhaps even surprising yourself at the quality of some cheap headphones you'd have otherwise dismissed based on price like I did with the Koss Porta Pro - a recommendation I'd wholeheartedly make to you if you're on an extremely tight budget. They're bass heavy but the overall quality belies their price tag by epic amounts. 
But yeah the search is where the real fun lays. That and finding *a* pair of headphones for you at a reasonable or decent price that rocks too! 
Mar 3, 2011 at 9:40 PM Post #130 of 212
I don't have to many expenses right now...but I do need to get a that cut's into my budget if you can save like 20-50$ a paycheck and that will add up in a few months into a new can, that's how I pay for most of my stuff unless I do something idiotic and just decide to buy buy buy!
Mar 4, 2011 at 2:35 AM Post #131 of 212
another cal poly engineering student checking in. apparently a lot of student audiophiles here...
never seen the guy wearing grados, i saw a guy carrying around dt770pro 80ohm's today though.

Asian guy wearing a LA hat with a MacBook? If not wearing a hat probably "bald?"

Not sure about the mini meet as the highest headphone I have is the HD595s heh.

Wow quite a few Cal Poly students on here... I am as well, a 3rd year aero, and man am I hating life with aero stability and controls... Lol and I think I know who you guys are talking about, the asian with the DT770 pros. If it's the same guy, I had an EE class with him over the summer and he's a 4th year ME. We talked a bit, and apparently he sometimes goes on Head-fi too. His DT770s are also using a gel ear pad instead of the stock. I've also seen the guy that wears Grado sr60/80 on my way to class.
Anyways, I would be totally down for some kind of meet. :]
Mar 4, 2011 at 2:53 AM Post #132 of 212
Lol just spotted some grado's up here in Santa Cruz, all these electronic music majors and their headphones. I'm going to be in SLO from something like the 18th till the 28th. Can't say I have much to offer a meet except Klipsch S4's and ath-a700, it'd be awesome to hear some other gear though. The a700's are in the mail, depending on how I like the sound I might do a blutac mod or something.
Mar 4, 2011 at 6:23 AM Post #133 of 212
dude what's up! haven't talked to you in a while haha. i'd be down for a meet, though i'm just really starting to get into it. i just recabled my DT770's!
and to the OP: i got into this "vicious cycle" by finding my pair of DT770's at my friend's house that an old tenant left because only one side worked (lucky me). i google'd DT770's, found head-fi, tore them apart, resoldered everything and they worked fine. i've been super busy so i just got around to recabling them and buying an amp after some research on head-fi. being a 4th year ME student and working a part time job i totally understand V3ng3an3 - i hate life right now. anyways, juman231 if you're serious about this stuff do research and get a job then you'll be satisfied.
p.s. this is my first post! i've been lurking head-fi all this time haha.
Wow quite a few Cal Poly students on here... I am as well, a 3rd year aero, and man am I hating life with aero stability and controls... Lol and I think I know who you guys are talking about, the asian with the DT770 pros. If it's the same guy, I had an EE class with him over the summer and he's a 4th year ME. We talked a bit, and apparently he sometimes goes on Head-fi too. His DT770s are also using a gel ear pad instead of the stock. I've also seen the guy that wears Grado sr60/80 on my way to class.
Anyways, I would be totally down for some kind of meet. :]

Mar 4, 2011 at 12:18 PM Post #134 of 212
Hahaha I guess you are on here! Yeah, haven't seen you in ages! What did you recable your DT770s with (any difference?) and what amp did you get? And congrats on your first post.
Oh yeah, I guess I haven't really answered the OP's question... I haven't actually got out of this vicious cycle yet lol, Hopefully my new purchases would hold me over for a while, but I really want to try different headphones such as the beyer DT880 &.990, K701, and some stax. I ended up here because while I was in Japan several years ago I visited one of their many electronics stores, and I heard these really old shure IEMs blasting on max volume. I was able to hear what was playing from a couple feet away even though they were IEMs, and they sounded amazing (don't know how they didn't blow out from the volume). I ended up getting the SE210, but the cable eventually started to rip and that's how I ended up here after trying to find an upgrade.
And my purchases seemed to have increased exponentially every year since I got here... :p
Mar 4, 2011 at 1:22 PM Post #135 of 212
Let's do a meet the beginning of spring quarter before classes start to get really hard.
Nice setup you got there V3ng3anc3

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