bad trader!! crap, i need help!!!
May 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM Post #452 of 762

Dude I hope you're being honest and not messing around with Danny93. He's one of our younger aged members which means he probably has to watch his funds and scrimp and save a lot to get the gear he has. Stealing from one of our younger aged members and then rubbing his face in it by lying about returning his Z Player, if that's what you're doing, is really quite low.
May 26, 2012 at 6:28 PM Post #453 of 762
Dude I hope you're being honest and not messing around with Danny93. He's one of our younger aged members which means he probably has to watch his funds and scrimp and save a lot to get the gear he has. Stealing from one of our younger aged members and then rubbing his face in it by lying about returning his Z Player, if that's what you're doing, is really quite low.

*bows to the elder*
May 26, 2012 at 8:08 PM Post #454 of 762
Im new here and not involved in any way, But I sure hope you ALL get your belongings or money etc back asap.
And I hope to god he isn't sending back fakes. Something about what he said re these fake ie8's just felt like he was playing...
This whole thread feels like he was playing you all and getting a kick from it.
Anyway, Sorry you're all going through this crap and hope it gets sorted soon!
And, Well done to you all for pulling together on this one and working together.
I still have faith in Head-Fi and its community :)
May 26, 2012 at 8:38 PM Post #455 of 762
Just read this whole thread....unbelievable...
The audacity of this guy is just insane. I know the victims are clinging to hope, (because really, what else can you do?) but I sincerely doubt anyone will walk away from this ordeal with anything but a lesson. 
This kid felt the noose tightening, so he panicked and started making promises to return items. The panic will subside and he'll try to just forget this whole mess. He's a born and bred piece of ****. You can't expect anything from him but disappointment. His parents have probably already accepted that fact. Or maybe they're scum too.
I'm genuinely sorry for you all. Please don't let this punk sour you on the head-fi experience. He's the exception. Nothing but a tiny, unfortunate side effect of the trust that this wonderful community inspires. 
Onward and upward comrades. Let's forget this honorless child and carry on, unsullied.
May 27, 2012 at 3:46 AM Post #458 of 762
I've made five transactions here since joining in February. Each one went smoothly. This is just a bad seed, who hopefully is correcting the problem.
May 27, 2012 at 3:57 AM Post #459 of 762
Just read this whole thread....unbelievable...
The audacity of this guy is just insane. I know the victims are clinging to hope, (because really, what else can you do?) but I sincerely doubt anyone will walk away from this ordeal with anything but a lesson. 
This kid felt the noose tightening, so he panicked and started making promises to return items. The panic will subside and he'll try to just forget this whole mess. He's a born and bred piece of ****. You can't expect anything from him but disappointment. His parents have probably already accepted that fact. Or maybe they're scum too.
I'm genuinely sorry for you all. Please don't let this punk sour you on the head-fi experience. He's the exception. Nothing but a tiny, unfortunate side effect of the trust that this wonderful community inspires. 
Onward and upward comrades. Let's forget this honorless child and carry on, unsullied.

Perhap's a bit too far?
May 27, 2012 at 4:22 AM Post #461 of 762
Just read this whole thread....unbelievable...
The audacity of this guy is just insane. I know the victims are clinging to hope, (because really, what else can you do?) but I sincerely doubt anyone will walk away from this ordeal with anything but a lesson. 
This kid felt the noose tightening, so he panicked and started making promises to return items. The panic will subside and he'll try to just forget this whole mess. He's a born and bred piece of ****. You can't expect anything from him but disappointment. His parents have probably already accepted that fact. Or maybe they're scum too.
I'm genuinely sorry for you all. Please don't let this punk sour you on the head-fi experience. He's the exception. Nothing but a tiny, unfortunate side effect of the trust that this wonderful community inspires. 
Onward and upward comrades. Let's forget this honorless child and carry on, unsullied.

we don't need you encouraging the guy to not follow through on his word of sending stuff back.  if you've read the whole thread you'd know it's really in the best interest of the people who lost their property to keep this thread strictly business until they get their stuff back....   stop giving the guy ideas--let him make things right--so far he seems to be following through--and then you say whatever you want.  Insulting him only hurts other peoples' chances and I'm sure you would like to have the best chance to getting your stuff back if you were one that fell victim to this guy.. 
May 27, 2012 at 9:41 AM Post #462 of 762
we don't need you encouraging the guy to not follow through on his word of sending stuff back.  if you've read the whole thread you'd know it's really in the best interest of the people who lost their property to keep this thread strictly business until they get their stuff back....   stop giving the guy ideas--let him make things right--so far he seems to be following through--and then you say whatever you want.  Insulting him only hurts other peoples' chances and I'm sure you would like to have the best chance to getting your stuff back if you were one that fell victim to this guy.. 

X10, give him a chance to make amends, forgiveness is important for all parties involved, it helps the offender learn and grow spiritually, and teaches the offended compasion, mercy, and patience, which we ALL need! People be careful when casting stones, sometimes it is ourselves that we will hit!
reality is 90% perception, change our perceptions and we change the reality, reality ISN'T truth, we find truth when we have the courage to set aside our "reality"!
there is always time to take the darker path in life! which never leads anywhere good, feed the white dog, and all will benefit!
hang in there Richard!
May 27, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #463 of 762
we don't need you encouraging the guy to not follow through on his word of sending stuff back.  if you've read the whole thread you'd know it's really in the best interest of the people who lost their property to keep this thread strictly business until they get their stuff back....   stop giving the guy ideas--let him make things right--so far he seems to be following through--and then you say whatever you want.  Insulting him only hurts other peoples' chances and I'm sure you would like to have the best chance to getting your stuff back if you were one that fell victim to this guy.. 

You're absolutely right. Forgive my cynicism. It's entirely possible that this person will have a change of heart and make me look like a total fool for my tirade. I really had JUST finished reading the whole thread and my blood was still pumping. I absolutely HATE the thought of someone getting away with this, then hiding in plain sight only to taunt the people he's victimized. 
I'm sorry for what I said. Anger doesn't excuse a mean spirit. The things I said were not only counterproductive, they were cruel. Sorry again to everyone, including the guy behind all of this. I hope you follow through with your promises. Don't let a sanctimonious a**hole like me keep you from making this right with these people, and with yourself. 
Good luck to all involved.
May 27, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #464 of 762
After reading all the thread I doubt that this scumbag will actually return the items that he's scammed. But I really hope he do for the sake of the victims, especially students like danny, since I'm a student too, and I know the feeling when you have to save for a year just to buy a Walkman. 
Good luck to all of you!
May 27, 2012 at 5:03 PM Post #465 of 762
Well, he is claiming that he hasn't received my ipod. I guess that's an easy way to deny your responsibility. Funny, though, I see an ipod that is exactly the model I sent him on his equipment list where there wasn't one before.
No word from Paypal either. How long does that take?

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