AUDIOSENSE in-ear monitors Impressions Thread
Jul 26, 2019 at 12:58 PM Post #811 of 5,890
You guys that are saying the T800 has too much bass...all you need to do is cover the vent hole in the shell with a tiny piece of 3M micropore tape, which will reduce the bass. If you want it reduced even more, then use regular tape instead of micropore tape. Once there’s tape covering the vent (whether it’s micropore or regular tape), if you want to tweak the bass further (and add a little bit back in), just poke a single hole in the tape with a sewing needle (or a push pin/thumb tack).

It’s really simple, takes all of 30 seconds, and the mods are totally reversible. Us modders and IEM builders tweak and tune sound signatures all the time using these methods.
Jul 26, 2019 at 1:12 PM Post #812 of 5,890
I think that the “other” cable that’s provided sounds nice with the T800. It’s a tiny bit more even sounding. I am just using KZ Starlines on mine, and find the sound wonderful. Also, I think a bit of that pulsating bass energy calms down after a bit of use. I’m in about 60 hours.
Jul 26, 2019 at 1:33 PM Post #813 of 5,890
I'm no basshead and I find other IEMs, especially those with DD bass, have greater quantity of bass than the T800. The T800 is definitely not basshead territory and I don't find the bass encroaches into other frequencies.
Maybe you prefer a more neutral signature, as the T800's bass is north of neutral, so I hope you find something that you personally like, there's no right or wrong as music is subjective.

Agree on no or wrong.. I did find something I liked but like others I couldn't resist another new shiny..fh7 are fantastic for me.. all I can hear us bass on t800 .. might be because I've only listened to balanced IEMs and the bass feels so powerful it's all I can hear.. I love everything about t800.. looks.. isolation just not sound. Was wondering if others who came from more balanced sound had same and was worth me pushing through for a few weeks.. to me it's not how artist created the music at the moment because bass just overpowers
Jul 26, 2019 at 2:13 PM Post #814 of 5,890
I think that the “other” cable that’s provided sounds nice with the T800. It’s a tiny bit more even sounding. I am just using KZ Starlines on mine, and find the sound wonderful. Also, I think a bit of that pulsating bass energy calms down after a bit of use. I’m in about 60 hours.
I'll give the other cable a go and report back
Jul 26, 2019 at 2:18 PM Post #815 of 5,890
Agree on no or wrong.. I did find something I liked but like others I couldn't resist another new shiny..fh7 are fantastic for me.. all I can hear us bass on t800 .. might be because I've only listened to balanced IEMs and the bass feels so powerful it's all I can hear.. I love everything about t800.. looks.. isolation just not sound. Was wondering if others who came from more balanced sound had same and was worth me pushing through for a few weeks.. to me it's not how artist created the music at the moment because bass just overpowers
What are you running them out of, out of curiosity? I found that they settle bit after several hours. Cables do make a difference, and they don’t have to be expensive. Suttle changes, but they might be enough to get you to where you want to be.
Jul 26, 2019 at 4:15 PM Post #817 of 5,890
T180 arrived last night in an unexpectedly large shipping package (I'm used to KZ/CCA size boxes and this was twice that) which given the scribbled note on the packing label had me briefly going "No way they wouldn't have...". Still not entirely certain what all the written bit is referring to because I only counted three items in the package (T180, tiny box with 2x pairs of foam eartips, and the bonus cable the seller had messaged me about) but :shrug:.

Haven't had much chance to listen to it so far, woke up with a nasty headache and they're doing renovations on my apartment complex so I spent the morning rocking my Bose ANC earphones. Tried the T180 out during their lunch break though and first impressions are definitely quite favorable. Bass is definitely on the discretely polite side but it's good enough for me (you'd think as someone who played percussion in school/college and bass drum on her HS marching band I'd be all about that bass but apparently I'm a details nut) and I'm loving the crispy crispy cleanness of everything else.

Quick non-blind A/B comparison against my IE 40 Pro has me still liking the IE 40 Pro better but the T180 does a damn fine job even so. The IE 40 Pro's got a touch more bass, not too surprising given it's dynamic, but it's also a rather bright pair so the difference isn't as much as one might expect. T180 has the faintest hint of a metallic tinge to its sound but when I say faint I mean faint like the amount of metal you'd see just on a single page (so not the spread of the other pages) when reading one of those fancy hardback books with gilt page edges. Not at all unpleasant and some of it could be due to source/cable/the fact that I spent the morning listening to music on a bassier/warmer set of earphones. Will poke more later on, want to try the other cable the seller sent (which visually reminds me a bit of my HD700 cable, fabric-sheathed from plug to split and smooth black rubber from split to IEM plug, dunno how good it is yet since I was feeling lazy and used the braided silver cable from the T180 box when the black one proved stubborn about snapping on but it looks quite sharp) and maybe muck around with tips (though given what @Slater commented earlier my selection might be limited); outside has been being noisy for a while and I'm probably heading out to escape for a while.
Jul 26, 2019 at 8:36 PM Post #818 of 5,890
For what it’s worth, I would be averse to modifying iems beyond tips/cables. To me it seems modifications to the extent described is a clear indication the sound signature doesn’t suit one, and to move on. However I think many of the pro users active on these threads are like super-auditory types and can detect/analyze frequencies to which I’m unattuned. Cheers to that. Probably when you’re that sensitive/aware some unconventional mods become necessary to zero in on “just exactly perfect.”
Anyhoo, i immediately noticed substantial difference tween silver & copper cable with t800. Copper, for sure.
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Jul 27, 2019 at 3:09 AM Post #820 of 5,890
I definitely recommend the JVC spiral dots (or other wide bore tips) for those who find the treble a bit too piercing. The difference between narrow and wide bore tips is very audible.

this is correct as small bore made trebles more concentrated and different resonance, that's why eartips play a very important part on iems. On spiral dots soundstage will become larger, and the dots are smoothing the trebles bu be warned, it also smoothing the details a little bit and imaging will be as not sharp as small bore. I always love my spiral dots but they have consequences also. I went crazy about eartips, I got jvc spiral dots, sony hybrid, sony triple comfort, sedna earfit, symbio W, final audio E eartips, radius deep mount eartips, acoustune AET 07 & 08, ortofon, not to mention a lot of general and cheap eartips. I'm so picky about eartips sadly..
Jul 27, 2019 at 3:39 AM Post #821 of 5,890
this is correct as small bore made trebles more concentrated and different resonance, that's why eartips play a very important part on iems. On spiral dots soundstage will become larger, and the dots are smoothing the trebles bu be warned, it also smoothing the details a little bit and imaging will be as not sharp as small bore. I always love my spiral dots but they have consequences also. I went crazy about eartips, I got jvc spiral dots, sony hybrid, sony triple comfort, sedna earfit, symbio W, final audio E eartips, radius deep mount eartips, acoustune AET 07 & 08, ortofon, not to mention a lot of general and cheap eartips. I'm so picky about eartips sadly..

Definitely tip rolling is extremely important in getting a good fit and seal, and consequently a good bass response, or even taming certain frequencies. I wished I realized this sooner, and only learnt along the way.
I see a lot of reviews of IEMs that report bad sound quality etc but maybe in actual fact it is due to a poor fitting stock eartip.
Also everyone's ears are different so a eartip that works for one person may not work for you. So just try as many tips and sizes with a new purchase to find the best for yourself.

But for the T800 it seems a majority of users report the JVC spiral dots tame the treble, I am gonna buy one soon to try it out!
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Jul 27, 2019 at 4:35 AM Post #822 of 5,890
Definitely tip rolling is extremely important in getting a good fit and seal, and consequently a good bass response, or even taming certain frequencies. I wished I realized this sooner, and only learnt along the way.
I see a lot of reviews of IEMs that report bad sound quality etc but maybe in actual fact it is due to a poor fitting stock eartip.
Also everyone's ears are different so a eartip that works for one person may not work for you. So just try as many tips and sizes with a new purchase to find the best for yourself.

But for the T800 it seems a majority of users report the JVC spiral dots tame the treble, I am gonna buy one soon to try it out!
Based on what I saw of the sound outlet size, would wide bore tips work that well (which I doubt)? Spiral Dots are quite wide that it may not work so well as narrow bore tips. Which is my assumption if the outlet size is about the same as the Ety series.

I've been playing around with QDC Anole VX, and man is it sensitive to tips. It's interesting how much variations in tip shape, size, bore size, surface type, and fit changes the sound. I swear each type of silicon tips changes the bass in different ways. Which makes universal iems more personally fine tune-able due to variations of tips out there.
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Jul 27, 2019 at 7:23 AM Post #824 of 5,890
Want to try a audiosense iem since I heard good things about it. What are some recommendations? Budget under 50 usd.

some iems I own and like (in order): TFZ No.3, TFZ my love 2019, KZ ZS10 Pro, Tin Hifi T3, KZ ZS7

Jul 27, 2019 at 7:57 AM Post #825 of 5,890
Want to try a audiosense iem since I heard good things about it. What are some recommendations? Budget under 50 usd.

some iems I own and like (in order): TFZ No.3, TFZ my love 2019, KZ ZS10 Pro, Tin Hifi T3, KZ ZS7


The ones in your list have dynamic drivers, which add a lot of low end. For your under $50 requirement, you’re pretty much talking about the T180. It uses a single BA driver. The signature is pretty flat, and quite lean on the low end. The point is that I’m not sure if you’d be totally happy with the T180. It may be disappointing depending on the genre you listen to.

It may be better to save up for the T800, as it has a lot of low end due to its vented BA driver. It sounds very similar to a dynamic driver, which I think you’d feel more at home with.

The other option is to wait for a new IEM they’re releasing, which is a hybrid design with a dynamic driver + BA drivers.

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