Audio noob in need of help
Nov 13, 2010 at 5:25 PM Post #16 of 33
AKG's are, despite the reasonably low impedance, not efficient cans at all. You will need a lot more than a portable amp to cut it.
Thankfully, the FiiO E9 is only $129 and is a monstrous powerhouse. They will drive the K701/2's like nothing. If you plat to use your PC at all as a source, get it with the FiiO E7 as it combines with the E9 for a DAC and will provide superior audio decoding. Buying them together @ Micca brings the price down to $200 for both; saving you $29.
There is not a single amp/DAC combo that will outperform the FiiO E7/E9 for cheaper.
Nov 13, 2010 at 5:47 PM Post #17 of 33
This price might just change my mind again. So k702 with a portable amp won't work, and to make it work I need a desktop amp which cost to much in the long run, and ruins the whole point of having a pmp. So back to the M50 cans, is there anything better then them when it comes to listening to prog rock on a zune hd ampless? I'm welling to save up $300.00 I hope that helps.
Nov 13, 2010 at 5:53 PM Post #18 of 33
You could probably get away with the 702 + E7. The E7 is a portable DAC/amp in itself for $99. I know people who have done this and later upgraded to the E9 to go with the E7.
No rush in having to buy everything now. The perfect rig takes time to put together. I just fear if you settle for the M50's you will eventually want more, and end up buying the 702's anyway; thus spending more in the long run.
Nov 13, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #20 of 33
You can keep it simple and go for the ultra portable Sennheiser PX200 II which has a very good sound quality. It works fine without amplification and isolation is pretty good when the music is playing. 
Good luck...
Nov 13, 2010 at 6:49 PM Post #21 of 33

k702 wouldn't make a good portable phones, since they're fairly large and are open. I also think E7 is surprisingly weak, I think going straight to E9 would be a better choice.

read up on the Denon D1000, their pretty fantastic for portable use, you can get them used for about 75$. i can't imagine using a 701/702 for portable use, there way to cumbersome, and leak a ton of sound. have you thought about going the in ear route?
Nov 13, 2010 at 6:57 PM Post #22 of 33

I was reading some more post last night. One that caught my eye was about the right cans for prog rock.
The akg 701 and 702 were both mention as being really good for this type of music.
Funny thing is this is the pair that I want most. Last night I gave it some thought, and decided to save up for them.
Which brings up my next question like I mention before I'm using a zune hd,  from what I read I will need a amp to drive this can is the true.
If so what would be a good portable amp that will bring out the best of the akg 702 on a zune hd, and is easy on the wallet?

I went on amazon to try and answer my own question and I found this the FiiO E7 USB DAC and Portable Headphone Amplifier.
is this worth getting? if so I think I might have found the amp I want its nice and small, and doesn't cost to much.

People have said that you need a dedicated amp to get the best sound of your akg701/702. People have said that you get good sound but a portable amp wouldn't be worth your while. You might want to consider getting the e7+e9 combo because the e9 supposdly has a lot of power to drive cans and you can bring the e7 for on the go.Check out the e7/e9 threads
Nov 13, 2010 at 7:41 PM Post #23 of 33
The K702s are not what I'd call portable, and they don't isolate you from the outside world whatsoever. An amp is mandatory to get decent sound out of them. Even with an amp they have bass, but it's fairly dry and detailed, not much physicality. (edit: I have K702s and I like 'em, but the right tool for the job, y'know?)
Also, if you're talking about buying an amp for them, you're volunteering to stretch your budget from (cost of phones) to (cost of phones + amp) for the same purpose of listening to your Zune.
Unless you know you'll have money for a fancier setup in a month, and you won't mind the added mass of an amp in your pocket or pack, I'd recommend sticking with plan A, and getting the best phones for what you can afford now. When it comes time to upgrade you can always sell what you have to fund the step up.
In the sub-$200 zone, Shure SRH840s are a lot more friendly to running directly from the headphone jacks on computers and portables. Good and detailed, more bass kick than the AKGs though not as much as some of the other phones people have discussed (none of which I've heard; I'm going by some of the comparison reviews on this site). Above-average sound isolation for cans.
Nov 14, 2010 at 1:06 AM Post #25 of 33
I love coming home from work and seeing all these helpful replies. Thanks. 
@ardgedee I think I will go with your recommendation and pick up a amp if needed. who knows with black Friday coming up 
guitar center might have a sell on a good portable amp. 

This forum can be closed if need be. I've made up my mind.
Nov 30, 2010 at 3:04 PM Post #29 of 33
Thought I would give yall a little update. 

I had the k240 for two weeks and I like them, but felt like the were missing something, also they would sometimes crack and pop on some songs.
I ended up turning them in for the 840s i liked them they fix the issues that the k240s had. but the are not that comfortable. So today I traded them in for the Dt 770 pro 80s. I'm loving them, they are like clouds of sound on my head. 
Nov 30, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #30 of 33
I love my E7. Independent firmware, upgradeable (to the E9), nice (optional) bass boost feature, killer battery life, all for ~$100? How can you go wrong? Also, included in the box is a rubber case, and a sturdy rubber "band" (like a livestrong band) that you can affix it to your Zune with.

There's lots of reviews on the E7 around here. Search it out :)

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