Audio-Gd R-28 impressions thread
Jul 10, 2018 at 3:44 AM Post #211 of 1,787
Ok, just looks painful. Be careful not to scratch the sides...

It 100% will have a scratch. But my desk don't have a space for it.

So sad and cheer that it can work on vertical so I don't have to go buy new desk
Jul 10, 2018 at 3:54 AM Post #212 of 1,787
I would suggest something like rubber standoffs. It will provide both protection against scratches, and vibration control (if you believe in that). For example:


Jul 10, 2018 at 4:02 AM Post #213 of 1,787
I would suggest something like rubber standoffs. It will provide both protection against scratches, and vibration control (if you believe in that). For example:



Yes I believe in that. Will look for something like this in Thailand.

And apply to the products
Jul 10, 2018 at 10:59 AM Post #218 of 1,787
What different in low gain mode and high gain?
Check back a couple of pages, it's covered by a couple of replies. It's also on the Audio-gd product page :)
Jul 10, 2018 at 11:15 AM Post #219 of 1,787
I've been listening via the R-28 both directly and through the Master 9. The latter brings out more space to the music, which is to be expected. Now I have had the R-28 on for a few days it is indeed very pleasant to listen with -- a touch mellow and not the most dynamic, but good for just enjoying listening.
What You meant by dynamic? Is it weak in bass region?I'm very new to this forum and don't know much of the audio terminology. I have heard that R2R have good bass reproduction than normal sigma-delta dacs and Audio-GD amps has bit coloring in bass/low frequencies. So bit less dynamic means this is not like other Audio-GD amps and R2R dac section is also not good enough?
Jul 10, 2018 at 4:49 PM Post #221 of 1,787
How about a mouse pad cut to the correct size? Then you have rubber and fabric. Will this sound better?

Rubber feet (and foam) can change the mecanical inner rigging of the unit. If you want to protect the unit side a more neutral material as a fabric peace would be better. Bluestack (« patafix ») is very good too but sticks.
IME steel conic feet will reinforce trebles and spatial, rubber, foam ... will have the oposite effect. Wood is more neutral, stone give very bad sound but is usefull to get a stable reference but with wood on top of it.
This migth be the subject of an other thread.
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Jul 10, 2018 at 5:01 PM Post #222 of 1,787
Rubber feet can affect the sound (trebbles and mediums). They can be very bad. A piece of fabric would be better.


This is complete nonsense.

I believe in vibration control and the effectiveness of things like isoacoustics Gaia, sorbothane, vibrapods, etc.. I do not believe that you can generalize and say that rubber feet will affect the treble and midrange specifically of the R-28!! That is utterly ridiculous. Impedance and other electrical properties of a circuit can and will change due to induced vibration, but I do not accept your statement that the rubber feet would negatively affect treble or mid-range on the R-28 and that fabric would be better. We do not know what the resonance frequency of the R-28 chassis is, but since it's likely used as a headphone amp and not a piece of stereo equipment, it's very unlikely that any surrounding vibrations in a typical environment will have negative effects.

All that being said, I have used mouse pads to isolate components more so for physical damage and electrical isolation. Secondarily, this may provide a very minimal mechanical vibration protection. I've also used Isoacoustics Gaias, Stillpoints, Isolate It Sorbothane dots, and Vibrapods. I'm very comfortable with all of these as a means to isolate your components from each other whether it be to protect them from physical damage or from the induced vibrations that you'd find in a loud speaker system. In no way should you be concerned about adding some sort of rubber isolation to protect your components from physically being damaged.
Jul 10, 2018 at 6:46 PM Post #224 of 1,787
I'll say this once and very slowly just so I'm not misunderstood.

Putting. Rubber. Feet. Or. Any. Other. Material. For. That. Matter. Under. A. Solid. State. Piece. Of. Equipment. With. No. Moving. Parts. Makes. NO. DIFFERENCE. TO. THE. SOUND. WHATSOEVER.

Can we at least try to be responsible and not spread nonsense about nonexistent magical acoustical properties on this forum?

Thank you kindly.
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Jul 10, 2018 at 7:01 PM Post #225 of 1,787
It's not magical, there is actual science involved. That being said, I use the inexpensive Herbies rubber dampers, mostly with tube amps.

What You meant by dynamic? Is it weak in bass region?I'm very new to this forum and don't know much of the audio terminology. I have heard that R2R have good bass reproduction than normal sigma-delta dacs and Audio-GD amps has bit coloring in bass/low frequencies. So bit less dynamic means this is not like other Audio-GD amps and R2R dac section is also not good enough?

It depends what headphones you are driving. For the vast majority of headphones, the R-28 is great. Going up to higher amps, it's like removing the grills off speakers so the sound can move more freely, as grills have a slight damping effect on the drivers. Overall, the R-28 has a slightly mellow presentation, which, with the characteristic "sound" of a ladder DAC, makes it very pleasant to listen with.

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