Audio-Gd R-28 impressions thread
Sep 8, 2018 at 12:01 PM Post #616 of 1,787
Thank you guys. Cover is 2mm plexi glass, cut out with laser. Jumpers are not totally replaced, but only connected with cable to the push buttons.
Awesome work. The same mod could be done by drilling the original cover for those who want aluminum. If you need an extra cover, order from audio-gd.

How well do the config buttons work? Are there any glitches changing the settings live?
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Sep 8, 2018 at 3:19 PM Post #619 of 1,787
Kingwa would tell you if that can cause damage. Ask him if you have a chance

I like the possibility of seeing through.

Overheating concern: have you measured the internal temperature before and after?
I will ask him.
I had not measured the internal temperature, but the temperature of the cover is normal(slightly warm). I have made a bit largest ventilation holes as originally.
Sep 9, 2018 at 2:54 AM Post #621 of 1,787
Kingwa would tell you if that can cause damage. Ask him if you have a chance
Kingwa wrote.
You can switch the setting without power off the unit, but I am advice you operate as below:
Turn low the preamp or headphone amp volume.
Stop the source music playing.
Switch the settings.
Start the music playing.
Turn high the volume to proper.

For better avoid the RF interrupt, you can find a metal reseau under the glass, and let the reseau can connect to the chassis through the screws .

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Sep 9, 2018 at 4:46 AM Post #622 of 1,787
Kingwa wrote.
You can switch the setting without power off the unit, but I am advice you operate as below:
Turn low the preamp or headphone amp volume.
Stop the source music playing.
Switch the settings.
Start the music playing.
Turn high the volume to proper.

For better avoid the RF interrupt, you can find a metal reseau under the glass, and let the reseau can connect to the chassis through the screws .


Photo link isn't working.

So anyway, seriously... lemme know how much you'd ljke to sell for your kit. :)
Sep 9, 2018 at 10:35 AM Post #624 of 1,787
I do not will sell it :)
Componetns(cable, connectors, push buttons, plexiglass cut out with laser) cost about 65€ and 5 hours of my work :)

I don't mean sell me yours, I meant make me a new one and I will pay you for it, including your (hopefully not so large) profit. :)
Sep 9, 2018 at 10:45 AM Post #626 of 1,787
Sorry, I dont :)
I can post my pattern here, and you can try make it your self :)

Aight, fair enough :)

Just know that someone was impressed enough to buy your invention!
Sep 9, 2018 at 12:13 PM Post #628 of 1,787

You know how they say a great head-fi system lets you hear your old albums in entirely new ways. I just realised how true this is today when I decided to play one of my all-time favourites - Neil Diamond’s ‘The Jazz Singer’ - for the first time through the R-28 and Elear.

For some reason this album takes me to a very special place every time I hear it, but today I heard it as if for the very first time. So powerful were the emotions from discovering parts of songs I know so well that I never even knew existed - guitar riffs, tiny effects isolated to one or other channnel, and even an extra layer or two to Neil’s voice - that I completely lost myself, again, to the music.

For me, ‘endgame’ is the point where the gear has taken you as far as it can, and the music takes over. If this is true, I’m here.
Sep 9, 2018 at 3:01 PM Post #630 of 1,787
Hey guys
Looking for some end game dac and amp. Then found out about r2r nos and stuff 2 days ago. This r28 seems to be like the best value for money. Not cheap but not too expensive. I can sell my current source and amp to justify the purchase after if this is good. I want to make my lcd 3 stax 407 and grado gh2 sound better than what I use now. Is this r28 will be huge improvement? Looking at inside of this device compare to some other device over 2000 bucks audio gd seem to put a lot of high quality parts inside a case than other designs. Not sure good or bad but seem to get moneys worth hardware wise.

Currently my set up don't get much bass on the lcd 3. The nx4 dsd bass boost have some extra bass on the lcd3 but sounds conjested. Going through the little dot iii make it sound a bit bigger stage. Everything sounds pretty good but I wonder if things can get better with a big dac and amp like this. Also I want to try run the lcd3 balanced.

So this one is 1038 bucks usd plus shipping is that the cheapest price?

Locally there is Audio gd 10.32 for sale for 900 usd equivalent. Is that one sound close or better than this r28? I do find all my music sound digital vs real life. I saw a metrum onyx I think it's a dac about 2000 Canadian. Inside looks kind empty. So many choices for audio device.

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