Audeze MM-100
Sep 5, 2023 at 6:44 PM Post #856 of 1,466
Wait, are you using a dual-sided cable? I've not even bothered to test that. I think I assumed it would work (like it does for HiFIMAN HE-R9) but I'm not certain Audeze actually does support dual-sided cables with MM-100.

I'm just having issues using the stock single-sided cable which should work in either cup exactly the same.

I have a feeling their QC test did not include an actual channel test but only checked to make sure it "sounded" correct (not out of phase or mono), and sure, it sounds great in the left cup -- just that the channels are reversed so you've swapped "left" and "right." 😅

Yea, I'm using a dual entry cable like I would use with my Sundara/XS/400se. It works great if you do the little trick I was talking about otherwise no problems with left/right channel with the stock cable on either cup with my unit.
Sep 5, 2023 at 11:34 PM Post #858 of 1,466
You can't use a dual entry cable. You can only use the single ended 3.5mm TRS cable on either the left cup or the right cup. If you use a 3.5mm TRRS cable wired according to Audeze instructions to have a balanced connection, you still only plug in to either the left cup or the right cup. You never plug any cable in to both the left and right cups at the same time.
Sep 6, 2023 at 1:42 AM Post #859 of 1,466
so I am reading both instances. where those who have received MM-100 recently are getting channel swaps in one of the sockets and those who aren't getting any channel swaps in both sockets. how could this be the case?
(I asked myself: can manufacturing really get such a thing wrong so easily? how many examples are there of headphones which have ended up with units that have the channels reversed?)

could it be the possibility some of these users are using the included cable in the incorrect orientation? (adapter on the headphones side) could that cause such a issue?

I do not understand the wiring in depth yet, but I know enough to know the MM-100's included cable is not wired like a conventional single sided cable. the source end plug is the typical TRS, but something unique is happening with the cable wiring and the headphone end's plug will only work with MM-100 and headphones wired the same internally such as T60RP.

I came to this thought, because it made sense to me after concluding the included 6.35mm to 3.5mm must be wired differently to your typical single sided cable that this might be another reason why Audeze included this cable (rather than your typical "3.5mm to 3.5mm cable" with a "3.5mm to 6.35mm TRS adapter"). not just to cater to professionals, but it is easier to tell the orientation of the cable when one end has a bigger plug. I suspect cable orientation matters, and if the included cable was the same size on both ends (even if there was a small marker on one end) users might get the orientation wrong more easily.
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Sep 6, 2023 at 1:59 AM Post #860 of 1,466
I'll be honest as long as it works properly on one side it doesn't bother me since the ability to "switch sides" isn't important to me personally.

to the common consumer (me) though there does seem to be a few red flags.
1. marketing information changed/removed, then restored. 2. reports of channels reversed when connecting on one socket? (still not sure if this is a case with wrong cable used?) 3. earpads are synthetic leather and are glued to the earcups (when earpads on Maxwell which shares very similar design had twist and remove). synthetic leather does not do well over time (although can depend on quality). if you are going to make them permanent at least use organic leather.
(organic leather seems to do very well if regularly used, when left alone *unused for long periods organic leather can dry up and become brittle. but headphones are something that you use often and especially on the head which is usually more oily than other areas I think it will hold up very well)
You Sure it’s synthetic? Even the LCD-1 had real leather.
Sep 6, 2023 at 2:05 AM Post #861 of 1,466
You Sure it’s synthetic? Even the LCD-1 had real leather.
ok well I based that MM-100 info on early feedback and the fact the Maxwell used also used "gel filled" synthetic (PU) leather.

so I did a quick search and found something else odd. so searching google for the earpad material results in this quote from multiple websites (examples: B&H Photo, "Relax as the supple gel-filled leather earpads cradle your ears ...". whilst going to the official page results in this being there instead "Relax as the supple gel-filled earpads cradle your ears, and the adjustable suspension strap ...".

so I am inclined to think that they are indeed, synthetic leather.

maybe pk4425 is right. major disruption going on and someone didn't even check the draft for the marketing info until after it was published? either that or minor revisions were made in advance, but not passed down with urgency to marketing.

you might be correct about the LCD-1 though. I found a local store selling official replacement pads and they are described as black leather not synthetic leather. and priced at $140 I would expect genuine organic leather.

honestly though I am still considering getting the MM-100. this is the nature of a "pre-order" type product, there are delays and minor revisions made throughout. I think especially during the pandemic I started seeing this pre-order model becoming more popular within multiple communities and bigger brands trying the business model. I am not going to get my pitchfork ready for a pair of headphones. it is what it is.
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Sep 6, 2023 at 2:15 AM Post #862 of 1,466
ok well I based that MM-100 info on early feedback and the fact the Maxwell used also used "gel filled" synthetic (PU) leather.

so I did a quick search and found something else odd. so searching google for the earpad material results in this quote from multiple websites (examples: B&H Photo, "Relax as the supple gel-filled leather earpads cradle your ears ...". whilst going to the official page results in this being there instead "Relax as the supple gel-filled earpads cradle your ears, and the adjustable suspension strap ...".

so I am inclined to think that they are indeed, synthetic leather.

you might be correct about the LCD-1 though. I found a local store selling official replacement pads and they are described as black leather not synthetic leather. and priced at $140 I would expect genuine organic leather.

maybe pk4425 is right. major disruption going on and someone didn't even check the draft for the marketing info until after it was published?
I hope not, that would be a reason for me not to buy it because synthetic is often not durable enough for daily use on the road.

can an owner here confirm this?
Sep 6, 2023 at 2:23 AM Post #863 of 1,466
I hope not, that would be a reason for me not to buy it because synthetic is often not durable enough for daily use on the road.
sorry I messed up the multiquote. anyway yeah out of the issues so far, I prioritise product longevity so the earpad material is what matters to me too.
worst case scenario they used very high quality synthetic leather (I have PU leather that has at least held up and still intact after 3 years - but I would want $399USD model earpads to last much longer though) and if there is any issue, I read somewhere Audeze can replace the "glued" earpads like they do on the LCD series. if you purchase from Audeze US you send it back to them. if you purchase internationally I read it will be serviced locally.
feedback on Audeze after sales support/service is quite positive.

can an owner here confirm this?
as I said, early owners (edit: 2 sources one video and another a comment) already did "confirm" they were synthetic leather.
but how reliable can that be? I think the best answer will come directly from Audeze.
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Sep 6, 2023 at 2:59 AM Post #864 of 1,466
@Audeze: I appreciate that your company has now come on here and commented on forum member experiences with the MM-100 and thank you for that. However, as far as I can see you do not admit to any problem or QC issue with your newly launched phones?

A channel swop may not represent a problem for some casual users, and some may not even know what a 'channel test' is. But for pro audio users it'll be a deal breaker if the guitar or BG vocals you have placed on the left side in your mix sometimes appear on the right side of the sound stage, depending on what side you plug the cable into.
I assume this would also be a problem for gamers, people watching movies, and in other applications where the soundstage needs to match the visuals - every time!

I see on the Audeze web page that you plan a new production run in October. Hope you'll admit to the reported problems and get these surprises weeded out before that. I also encourage you to reconsider the glued on earpads and the plastic material used on those. Overseas customers cannot be sending faulty phones back and forth to CA in case of damage or wear to the gel-filled pads. Our postal services, VAT and customs authorities would turn a MM-100 into a VERY expensive headphone. My HD600s have needed new pads from time to time and still sound great - the oldest is from 1997. No channel swops, sweat issues etc with those.

I spoke with our local importer today. They expect to receive their first MM-100 shipment in early October. That probably wont be from a possible new and hopefully improved October run then I assume? Their Norwegian price is set to 5990 NOK (= 557 USD).
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Sep 6, 2023 at 3:47 AM Post #865 of 1,466
Spot on 👍
Sep 6, 2023 at 4:21 AM Post #866 of 1,466
could it be the possibility some of these users are using the included cable in the incorrect orientation? (adapter on the headphones side) could that cause such a issue?
No. We are literally taking the stock cable and using it as instructed.

There we no adapters involved whatsoever.

3.5mm into headphone cup, 6.3mm into headphone amp, it works perfectly when on right ear cup, but channels reverse when plugged into left ear cup,
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Sep 6, 2023 at 4:21 AM Post #867 of 1,466
However, as far as I can see you do not admit to any problem or QC issue with your newly launched phones?
not trying to dispute anything in your comment. but just wanted to expand.
yes it is a QC issue, but the "pre-order" release model is also drastically different to launching new products in the conventional manner (in-stock release).
with pre-order type models the new product is first announced at the "prototype" or still during development stage.
then the factory to customer logistic is streamlined and same with the Maxwell what you get is "batches" that get distributed as units leave from the factory (check each batch as you go). the time-frame is stressed and these kinds of issues become more problematic. while in a conventional launch development and manufacturing is done behind the scenes, there is more time to identify and address manufacturing issues within a relaxed time-frame. and after all issues are weeded out they just pile up stock in a warehouse which is basically A+ grade manufacturing and then once units are distributed world-wide then they make the announcement with a release date, or just release it on the day of announcement.

of course there is also a production time-line with an in-stock release, but there is no pressure from eagerly waiting customers who have already paid for the product.
so I am aware that the "streamlined" pre-order model does result in higher possibility of production issues, if the brand/company budgeted for it and addresses it fully (free returns/replacements) then some companies might consider that as cancelling out the initial hit to reputation.

I'll be honest I don't quite know why these bigger brands are adopting the pre-order model, possibly it does increase the hype due to the waiting time and circulating online speculation from the early announcement to the more distant release date. maybe it makes a company look "modern" and sophisticated if they successfully pull it off instead of following the conventional in-stock release model. kickstarter products are a good example of how unique products which get funded by a small crowd that are successful can attract the interest of bigger companies wanting to modernise their image and make some profit while doing it. recently I noticed bigger companies are doing it all on their own (with no affiliation to kickstarter).
I swear some companies are even doing the typical development and manufacturing behind the scenes, and then just artificially doing the pre-order release to build hype and delivering conventionally manufactured in-stock units to customers (I don't think this is the case with Audeze from issues that seem to have come up with LCD-1, Maxwell, MM-100 releases).
Honestly though I think sometimes if it makes bank that's all that matters. but obviously brands have a reputation to uphold as well (which Audeze already had - stellar planar-magnetic tech, competitive models and great after sales service). so I just don't know what exactly is going on with these company decisions but I think pre-orders are a slippery slope, honestly wish this type of model would die away and things were back to in-stock releases where quality was better and "waiting for hype" wasn't a thing.

I just want to know about the new product when it's on the shelf in a store and make a decision. if there is no prior announcement and you don't know a product is in the final stages of development or manufacturing, from the consumers perspective it never happened (zero wait).

also $557USD? sheesh that's $872 where I am, and I thought I was looking at a high price of $679 locally.
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Sep 6, 2023 at 4:25 AM Post #868 of 1,466
No. We are literally taking the stock adapter and using it as instructed.

There we no adapters involved whatsoever.

3.5mm into headphone cup, 6.3mm into headphone amp, it works perfectly when on right ear cup, but channels reverse when plugged into left ear cup,
alright thank you for confirming. just wanted to be open minded and consider other possible narratives.
Sep 6, 2023 at 4:30 AM Post #869 of 1,466
alright thank you for confirming. just wanted to be open minded and consider other possible narratives.
Of course. Incidentally, my experience with Audeze customer support is that that they are responsive and generous. I’m not worried at all that they won’t support their product.
Sep 6, 2023 at 4:44 AM Post #870 of 1,466
Of course. Incidentally, my experience with Audeze customer support is that that they are responsive and generous. I’m not worried at all that they won’t support their product.
yeah honestly I am hopeful and think things will turn out ok for MM-100. I think things should be addressed as they continue production and the faulty product rate should drop.
because I think so I will still consider buying it. I am just waiting for the opportunity to walk into the store and walk out with the MM-100. hopefully that isn't too far away, personally I don't really want to just be on a list and be told I will have it "when it arrives".
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