Audeze LCD-X
Jan 28, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #2,806 of 12,748
I have Solo UL Diamond and going to get LCD-X.  So I would be very interested to know you opinion of Solo + LCD-X combo and why you are getting another amp?

The Solo drives the LCD-X fine, as the X is quite efficient (listening at 9-10 o'clock is plenty loud). I am considering getting a new amp for two reasons:

1) I want to try going balanced
2) I might get other phones in the future that require greater driving power

But my priority is to switch out the front end, the Oppo works great for a sub-2k universal, but I know better sound can be achieved without going broke (I tested the Oppo's DAC implementation against my SACD player's, and my Marantz win out pretty handily in my 2 channel system). Any how, I think your Solo UL Diamond should do quite well with the X.
Jan 28, 2014 at 10:53 PM Post #2,807 of 12,748
My LCD-X have just arrived and I am unboxing them now.
A great deal of deliberation to choose these over the LCD-3 and I still feel like I am taking a chance. At this pricing I hope it was the correct choice. 

Jan 28, 2014 at 10:56 PM Post #2,808 of 12,748
Don't think you can lose either way but hope you enjoy them and hope to hear your impressions soon.
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:09 PM Post #2,810 of 12,748
  My LCD-X have just arrived and I am unboxing them now.
A great deal of deliberation to choose these over the LCD-3 and I still feel like I am taking a chance. At this pricing I hope it was the correct choice. 

Both are outstanding headphones IMO and there are no wrong choices really. But that said, I do slightly prefer the LCD-X. 

Jan 29, 2014 at 9:27 PM Post #2,811 of 12,748
Well tonight I'm settling in with my LCD-X and some Tony Bennett and all I can say is: "amazing"! Just so natural and clean and still very musical. Definitely my favourite dynamic (dynamic or ortho-dynamic) pair of headphones. 
Jan 30, 2014 at 5:09 AM Post #2,812 of 12,748
I just spent the last hour comparing the X to the T1s just in terms of sound stage and imaging...I fully expected the T1s to remain the king of my headphone harem, but to my surprise the X has knocked them off the throne. I never felt the 2s were as confined as others did, but this is a whole other ballgame. These fazor drivers are the real deal...I'm having a hard time finding any fault with these phones at all, at least in terms of what I look for personally. Damn things are worth every penny. 
EDIT: Okay, I just had an experience that blew my MIND. The Xs have very quickly become my favorite movie headphones. Tonight I decided to watch "Rush", the Ron Howard film that just hit bluray. If you guys want to hear something amazing, go to the 01:03:00 point of the film. You'll come to a scene where a bunch of racers are sitting in a room debating whether or not to cancel a race. While the main speaker is talking, other racers who are sitting at various points in the room debate and comment with each other about how they feel. I was hearing the main speaker front and center, the people to either side of him offering support, a guy at like 7:00 (on a horizontal plane) saying "exacto" under his breath, a few guys over at 4:00 who were further away but still perfectly audible, someone skidding their chair leg on the floor, and all this going on at various distances away from where my position would be. This is the sort of simple example that I look for when I evaluate gear...the imaging and sound stage that occurred during this scene was so damn impressive that I literally just started laughing. 
Okay, I'm going to stop blowing sunshine up the Xs butt...I think it's obvious that I love these beauties. Oh, and by the way, the bass in this film was equally as incredible! haha
Jan 30, 2014 at 10:26 AM Post #2,813 of 12,748
  Well tonight I'm settling in with my LCD-X and some Tony Bennett and all I can say is: "amazing"! Just so natural and clean and still very musical. Definitely my favourite dynamic (dynamic or ortho-dynamic) pair of headphones. 

How different are they from HD800, im thinking of selling my T1's and getting them. I wanted to buy an audeze for a completely different sound sig. 
Of course i will have an appropriate amp by the time i decide.  
Jan 30, 2014 at 11:23 AM Post #2,814 of 12,748
  I just spent the last hour comparing the X to the T1s just in terms of sound stage and imaging...I fully expected the T1s to remain the king of my headphone harem, but to my surprise the X has knocked them off the throne. I never felt the 2s were as confined as others did, but this is a whole other ballgame. These fazor drivers are the real deal...I'm having a hard time finding any fault with these phones at all, at least in terms of what I look for personally. Damn things are worth every penny. 
EDIT: Okay, I just had an experience that blew my MIND. The Xs have very quickly become my favorite movie headphones. Tonight I decided to watch "Rush", the Ron Howard film that just hit bluray. If you guys want to hear something amazing, go to the 01:03:00 point of the film. You'll come to a scene where a bunch of racers are sitting in a room debating whether or not to cancel a race. While the main speaker is talking, other racers who are sitting at various points in the room debate and comment with each other about how they feel. I was hearing the main speaker front and center, the people to either side of him offering support, a guy at like 7:00 (on a horizontal plane) saying "exacto" under his breath, a few guys over at 4:00 who were further away but still perfectly audible, someone skidding their chair leg on the floor, and all this going on at various distances away from where my position would be. This is the sort of simple example that I look for when I evaluate gear...the imaging and sound stage that occurred during this scene was so damn impressive that I literally just started laughing. 
Okay, I'm going to stop blowing sunshine up the Xs butt...I think it's obvious that I love these beauties. Oh, and by the way, the bass in this film was equally as incredible! haha

That's a very legitimate observation.  2 things have been critical for really exposing flaws in headphones - an equalizer to check for acoustic masking effects of each frequency range...and high quality big budget hollywood movies...and Ron Howard is big budget.  These guys hire the best audio engineers with the most full range speakers - calibrated flat from 20hz to 20khz.  It's easier for humans to relate what they are seeing to what they hear, and it is easily referenced to real life.  This bodes well for the neutrality of the LCD Xs
Can I ask what the volume was - cinema levels are reference levels...but their is some kind of paradox in that no one can talk so loudly when talking casually...
Jan 30, 2014 at 1:19 PM Post #2,815 of 12,748
  I just spent the last hour comparing the X to the T1s just in terms of sound stage and imaging...I fully expected the T1s to remain the king of my headphone harem, but to my surprise the X has knocked them off the throne. I never felt the 2s were as confined as others did, but this is a whole other ballgame. These fazor drivers are the real deal...I'm having a hard time finding any fault with these phones at all, at least in terms of what I look for personally. Damn things are worth every penny. 

That is very shocking coming from you, knowing how well you love the T1's. 

Jan 30, 2014 at 1:48 PM Post #2,816 of 12,748
That is very shocking coming from you, knowing how well you love the T1's. 

I have 2 pair of T1s and a pair of T5p and both the XC and X and really it is no contest between the T1 or T5p and the X or XC.  Not even close really.  I am still keeping the T1 because the heavy discounts now offered on amazon don't justify selling them rather keeping them as a lighter brighter flavor of the day but they don't get much ear time anymore.
Jan 30, 2014 at 5:16 PM Post #2,817 of 12,748
That's a very legitimate observation.  2 things have been critical for really exposing flaws in headphones - an equalizer to check for acoustic masking effects of each frequency range...and high quality big budget hollywood movies...and Ron Howard is big budget.  These guys hire the best audio engineers with the most full range speakers - calibrated flat from 20hz to 20khz.  It's easier for humans to relate what they are seeing to what they hear, and it is easily referenced to real life.  This bodes well for the neutrality of the LCD Xs
Can I ask what the volume was - cinema levels are reference levels...but their is some kind of paradox in that no one can talk so loudly when talking casually...

Hmmm...hard for me to give any objective feedback on the volume level. I never listen at levels that one would likely consider "loud", I'm more of a moderate kind of guy. Often times when watching a film, it's hard for me to find an appropriate level that will allow the vocals to be crisp and intelligible, while also avoiding having my ears blown off when the action effects kick in. For "Rush" I was able to keep the same volume from start to finish. The vocal track was beautiful and the deep bass of the race scenes  was very impressive. It was a nice contrast with "All is Lost" which was all about the subtle effects that gave life and authenticity to what was going on. The Xs are able to bring alllll this stuff out...really a fun experience so far. 
Jan 30, 2014 at 5:37 PM Post #2,818 of 12,748
That is very shocking coming from you, knowing how well you love the T1's. 

I know it lol...and believe me, I feel bad having to break it to the T1s that there is another headphone here that it can't really compete with.
Jan 30, 2014 at 5:40 PM Post #2,819 of 12,748
  I have 2 pair of T1s and a pair of T5p and both the XC and X and really it is no contest between the T1 or T5p and the X or XC.  Not even close really.  I am still keeping the T1 because the heavy discounts now offered on amazon don't justify selling them rather keeping them as a lighter brighter flavor of the day but they don't get much ear time anymore.

Exactly, I wont be selling mine either...are you surprised at all that it was that much of an improvement? I think I expected it to just be a different flavor, so to speak...I didn't expect the Audeze to be a significant step up in overall quality. When I bought the LCD-2s last Fall, I ranked them slightly above the T1 but it was more like a complementary option...but now we're talking a whole other level of performance, and I think that caught me by surprise a bit. The X has come in here and just dominated my attention. 
Jan 30, 2014 at 6:05 PM Post #2,820 of 12,748
Exactly, I wont be selling mine either...are you surprised at all that it was that much of an improvement? I think I expected it to just be a different flavor, so to speak...I didn't expect the Audeze to be a significant step up in overall quality. When I bought the LCD-2s last Fall, I ranked them slightly above the T1 but it was more like a complementary option...but now we're talking a whole other level of performance, and I think that caught me by surprise a bit. The X has come in here and just dominated my attention. 

+2 - completely agree... totally blew my expectations to pieces.  it lives in a whole different world.

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