Audeze LCD-4
Jan 2, 2020 at 2:32 PM Post #7,936 of 12,145
That is very interesting for sure. Im very happy with the moon neo 430had. It sounds fantastic to my ears. Just can't seem to make up my mind if its better with lo gain or high gain setting. If anyone runs the LCD 4 from 430had, please let me know what setting you like best.
Why not go by which sounds best to your brain ? His best can be your worst.
Jan 2, 2020 at 9:45 PM Post #7,938 of 12,145
I’ve been thinking lately about this passage about the LCD4 and amplifier power from Herb Reichert in Stereophile:

I have been messing around with increasing the pregain on my Violectric V280 even though I don't need more volume. Running my Qutest at 2V I had been using the V280 with a +6DB pregain and the volume pot usually ends up at 12 o'clock. I increased the pregain to +12 and the volume is now at about 10 o'clock. Anyone else run similar experiments with power?

Also, what amplifiers in your experience make the LCD4 sound the best?

This may be why the Wells Audio Headtrip sounds so good with 50 wpc at 8 ohms and +30dB of gain. I tried several amps before landing on that one. Perhaps other more cost-effective speaker amps would also sound quite good, but never explored that path myself.
Jan 3, 2020 at 7:21 AM Post #7,939 of 12,145
I recently bought the LCD 2 Fazor (2019) and I'm already looking forward to the LCD 4, which I wanted to buy all along but needed an open back to keep me busy in the meantime.

I saw some of the comments regarding EQ here. I would say the LCD 2 EQs very well with the oratory profile and there isn't really any detail or timbre loss. In fact there seems to be some resolution gain since that EQ brings up the upper mids and fixes the stock thin sound. Other EQ methods may in fact be too aggressive indeed (Sonarworks sucks) but I've had a great experience with oratory's profile and I wish he'd EQ the LCD 4 too.

The one thing I'm worried about is that high end headphones tend to be too revealing. Even the LCD 2 completely ruins some of the music that I might have liked to listen to. I can hear grain in microphones, clipping, too much dynamic range compression in EDM, etc. It really messes with my ears, like when a producer turns up a snare sound too loud or he uses too much compression but he doesn't realize it and on my end with my Audeze HPs I can hear how the instruments are struggling to play as loud as possible. I do still look forward to the LCD 4 since they're supposed to be smoother and more detailed and most importantly, more dynamic. I just expect to be even more shocked at how badly produced most music is upon hearing them for the first time.
Jan 3, 2020 at 8:31 AM Post #7,940 of 12,145
Planar are revealing even if they can be on the dark side because they are very fast and have a very low distortion.
Having the experience with both LCD2 and LCD4, the LCD4 is dramatically more revealing so if you hear some nasty production/mastering choices (and bad mastering is all over) I'm afraid you will hear it more clearly.
So you will tend to choose well produced/mastered music or you will have to accept some tracks as it is.
Regarding eq, LCD's can handle it because of the low distortion but I really hope you will not need it for the LCD4.
Jan 3, 2020 at 9:19 AM Post #7,942 of 12,145
Do any of you use audezes presets? What do you think?
Jan 3, 2020 at 10:35 AM Post #7,944 of 12,145
Happy Holidays to all!!

Why not go by which sounds best to your brain ? His best can be your worst.

Finally: I have the LCD-4 with the Moon 430HA and I like it in low gain (in Lo = +/- 50 and Hi = +/- 45). As a source I use a Linn KDS Katalist (balanced out) and the result is "brutal" to my brain (of course :smile: ). I have my other TOL headphones for sale, easy.

Jan 3, 2020 at 1:15 PM Post #7,945 of 12,145
I use the Audeze Reveal preset. As a plug-in installed in Audirvana. It has settings for all the Audeze headphones. You can download it for free from Audeze. Has settings to tweak it to your preference.
Jan 3, 2020 at 2:40 PM Post #7,946 of 12,145
Even though I said eq will drop quality, tonality is super important and if you don't have a setup to counter the 4khz dip then pushing it up a few db will help. It's why I won't get the Raals, even though they're excellent at every frequency, the sub bass is non existent which robs it of enjoyment and realism and can't be fixed. I also can never really be happy with anything other than low gain on the amp but if you're amp is not powerful then again compromises will have to be made.

The lcd4 scales ridiculously.

They sound the way they do, because their potential needs to be fully realised, look at the distortion plots and sub stax driver thickness. It's why you will hear some reviewer will say it's more detailed than the hd800 even though the latter is purely analytical and gives no musical enjoyment. At it's best it can sound like an abyss phi tc with a more laid back signature, both are in a bass class of their own unmatched. At their worst they sound like what negatives reviews say, small soundstage, sucked out lower treble, slow fat bass which I've heard on some setups.
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Jan 3, 2020 at 2:41 PM Post #7,947 of 12,145
I use the Audeze Reveal preset. As a plug-in installed in Audirvana. It has settings for all the Audeze headphones. You can download it for free from Audeze. Has settings to tweak it to your preference.
Do you know what the difference in sound is, on the two filters you can choose?
Jan 3, 2020 at 3:12 PM Post #7,948 of 12,145
I believe it is one filter profile and you adjust how and you adjust how aggressive you want it implemented. I run 100% wet. This is essentially the way Audeze intended it. If you want to dial it back you adjust it down.
Jan 3, 2020 at 3:32 PM Post #7,949 of 12,145
I believe it is one filter profile and you adjust how and you adjust how aggressive you want it implemented. I run 100% wet. This is essentially the way Audeze intended it. If you want to dial it back you adjust it down.
You own the 1266 as well? How does it compare with the LCD 4? I'm primarily interested in resolution and dynamics comparisons.
Jan 3, 2020 at 3:56 PM Post #7,950 of 12,145
You own the 1266 as well? How does it compare with the LCD 4? I'm primarily interested in resolution and dynamics comparisons.
I own both as well and the 1266 is better. You just need the power to run them I’m currently using gsx mini.

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