Audeze LCD-4
Oct 19, 2015 at 2:42 PM Post #1,021 of 12,053
I believe Tyll tends to just not review the things he doesn't like. The LCD xc, nearly all of the grados, HD700 and so on.

Add the EL8 to that list too.
Oct 19, 2015 at 4:51 PM Post #1,022 of 12,053
I'm still really looking forward to hearing the LCD-4 as I loved my LCD-3Fs, and miss them all the time. However, the I think Audeze might have just gone that little bit too far on the price. I am just getting the vibe that with the HE1000 people went "Wow that is expensive....but.....maybe....yeah if it sounds superb...maybe I will go for it" and with the LCD-4 the initial reaction is "Well the HE1000 was a bit much price wise but this is just way too far...."
We shall see I suppose. I'm still going with my original opinion I posted on the front page, the LCD-4 has a lot to live up to sound wise given the price of the HE1000 and current available price of the SR-009. It has to be god damn incredible. I'll reserve final judgement until I hear it. It sure is pretty though (IMO)!
Oct 19, 2015 at 6:52 PM Post #1,023 of 12,053

Tyll speaking to Sankar @RMAF about the LCD 4 new EL8 TITANIUM + all in one super dac lightening headphone cable and the king.

A busy and expensive year it seems.
My take is getting into the Apple market, shame they bought beats... The EL8 cable/ EL8 in the American home market might be a spring board for Audeze.. Great things to come in the future hopefully. Just iron out the issues now. Good luck to them..
Oct 19, 2015 at 7:59 PM Post #1,025 of 12,053
I could be wrong but I think he reviewed the he-560 and said it was meh. Caught some flak for it if I'm not mistaken. Can't forget about that Ultrasone Edition video either. Classic.

He actually handed off the review of the HE-560 to someone else. I admire his honesty, stating that the treble energy was not to his taste, thus he could not personally review it. The other person gave it a thumbs-up review.
Oct 20, 2015 at 12:16 AM Post #1,027 of 12,053
While I hope the LCD4 doesn't turn into the Windows 8 of the headphone world, where people just reject the new version, I wish Audeze success because I find the LCD3 just very natural and unflashy and appealing.
There is something very sweet and inviting about the Audeze sound that I don't find in others that are technically better in terms of things like soundstage, expansiveness, or image definition. The LCD3 a phone that never sounds raw or raspy or whitish, which is for me a main cause of fatigue or a vague feeling of artificial sound. Nor is it boomy to me.
And the LCD3 bass is also natural, not as cavernous or subterranean as some, but somehow just fits in nicely with the rest of the spectrum, without any hint of subwoofer-itus (or God forbid, a car subwoofer).
I feel that Audeze has a sound that is uniquely expressive in texture and tonality, and this is precious in the headphone world.
So I hope the LCD4 will be judged as some sort of step up from the 3, for at least for me this would be advancing the state of the art to some degree, even if the price implies more than this.
Oct 20, 2015 at 11:16 AM Post #1,033 of 12,053
The english sure do love their tax man :wink:

And their tea as well. Hmmmm...makes me think of a certain "party" in Boston a while back. 


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