Audeze LCD-4
Sep 29, 2015 at 12:06 AM Post #31 of 12,080
  looks great. price is terrible; but i guess they need to distinguish from the other models.

I think they can distinguish without doubling the price of their previous flagship, but then again that's more or less what everyone else does.  The HE1000 is over twice the cost of the HE-6, the SR-009 is over twice the cost of the SR-007.  Plus, the LCD-3 is twice the cost of the LCD-2.
Sep 29, 2015 at 12:31 AM Post #32 of 12,080
The price tag is the best thing about it! It segregates the crazy fans from the haters. It's win-win. :beerchug:
Sep 29, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #35 of 12,080
It will be interesting to see if the 4 is related to the Z prototype or a separate product entirely.

definitely separate product. originally audeze said that the z would be slated underneath the lcd-3 in terms of price point. also the Z is supposed to have super high impedance.
Sep 29, 2015 at 1:29 AM Post #36 of 12,080
  definitely separate product. originally audeze said that the z would be slated underneath the lcd-3 in terms of price point. also the Z is supposed to have super high impedance.

Another possibility is that they simply altered their plans, in a similar way that HIFIMAN did when the HE1000 prototype was originally going to be electrostatic, but was subsequently changed to planar magnetic. (Though I heard rumors that HIFIMAN is still developing a new electrostatic headphone.)
I contacted Audeze about this issue and will share info if and when I receive it.
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:09 AM Post #39 of 12,080
  Any specs? impedance? sensitivity?

According to this thread...'s 1,200 ohms.

(Of course, the final version could differ from the prototype.)

It will be interesting to see if the 4 is related to the Z prototype or a separate product entirely.

Gonna take a shot in the dark and say they're the same. With such a thin diaphragm, if the traces aren't very wide, the impedance will naturally be enormous.
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:15 AM Post #40 of 12,080
  Don't know about the TH900 or PS1000.  HE90 and R10 are statement products, as you said.  Now they're unobtanium status.  The HD800 is adequately priced and holds up real well.  The LCD3, XC and X... well, not so much.  Now we're in the middle of a planar magnetic dominated high end market.  HE-1000, Abyss, the entire Audeze line, Ether, and even the Odin.

Indeed, let us not forget it on the list, especially for its price (competitive for the given performance; it wants to be at least the equal of the LCD3F see even better; not to mention that it's better (but more expensive ) than the HE-6) (see also the dedicated thread:
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:32 AM Post #41 of 12,080
Jeez so much hysteria. Whilst headphone audio is going through a high price cycle, i will be surprised if this does not sell. The niche high end personal audio market is dominated by American and SE Asian forums, Audeze carry plenty of favour with the former. Look forward to demoing it myself :D
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:33 AM Post #42 of 12,080
Not the first time the "hey guys, what do you think we could charge for these?" approach has been taken with a new high end headphone. Truth is, these top end models will these days be pitched at whatever level the market will bear, nothing to do with the 500 bucks it costs to build one, and the market is full of people happy to forego a few meals to pay the price when chasing the unicorn (myself included!)

If it's really that good, then fair play to Audeze. Heck, I'm enjoying my HE1000s in spades. It's just a shame that this kind of high-end price inflation also drags up the price of mid range performing cans (mentioning no names).

I'd really love to see Sennheiser break up the party with a new improved dynamic flagship at HD800 pricing or thereabouts. They have the best build quality in the industry and just need a carefully improved HD800 at the right price to bring balance to the force again (or something like that).

Anyway, despite all my waffle, I'm really looking forward to hearing an LCD4, because despite the pricing issue, a new top headphone from a major player is exciting when you're a headphone geek :).
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:39 AM Post #43 of 12,080
  Indeed, let us not forget it on the list, especially for its price (competitive for the given performance; it wants to be at least the equal of the LCD3F see even better; not to mention that it's better (but more expensive ) than the HE-6) (see also the dedicated thread:

Not to get even more derailed here, but in which ways are the Odin superior to the HE6? (Assuming the HE6 is modified and driven from a high-end speaker amp to get the best sound.)
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:44 AM Post #44 of 12,080
I guess i need to find another hobby, i just got money together for LCD-3 Fazors and now new flagship coming, i need to live really poor or start criminal career to keep up with this kind of equipment.
Sep 29, 2015 at 3:50 AM Post #45 of 12,080
Not to get even more derailed here, but in which ways are the Odin superior to the HE6? (Assuming the HE6 is modified and driven from a high-end speaker amp to get the best sound.)

For starters, by its performance: Odin sensitivity of 104 dB / 1 mW (even better than the LCD4 !); and for all users (experimented) French who had the chance to compare the ODIN at the  HE-6 (dub for example :,
and (in french) 
and (in french, also) )

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