Audeze LCD-2C Classic - Impressions Thread
Jun 23, 2022 at 4:28 PM Post #6,916 of 7,364
The 40 mm, is that how deep they by the ear? Or how tall they are?
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Jun 23, 2022 at 4:31 PM Post #6,917 of 7,364
BTW if you do want to buy a used version and like me you are squeamish about using old pads, factor in to the cost that you need the pad tape, I think the Audeze version is like 20 euros. The pads have to be taped, they don't click lock or just pop in like some other brands. You can do it yourself with 2 sided tape but you have to be careful or you will have a mess on the earcups that will need solvent to remove. In the long run it's probably cheaper and less annoying to cough up the money for the official tape set.
Jun 23, 2022 at 11:03 PM Post #6,918 of 7,364
So do your ears touch anything inside the new pads?

I'm asking since it turns out I have been demoing the old version...
My right ear sometimes touches the backside of the pad, not the driver because of the shape of my ears. If I push the can a little backwards, it doesn't touch.
The 40 mm, is that how deep they by the ear? Or how tall they are?
They are approximately 35-37mm deep by the ear. 40mm is when measured from outside.
Jun 24, 2022 at 12:11 PM Post #6,919 of 7,364
BTW if you do want to buy a used version and like me you are squeamish about using old pads, factor in to the cost that you need the pad tape, I think the Audeze version is like 20 euros. The pads have to be taped, they don't click lock or just pop in like some other brands. You can do it yourself with 2 sided tape but you have to be careful or you will have a mess on the earcups that will need solvent to remove. In the long run it's probably cheaper and less annoying to cough up the money for the official tape set.
If your pads come off and need to be adhere to headphone, you can contact us at, and we'd be more than happy to send out the psa ring kit to owners. We'd just need your contact info, and valid serial.
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Audeze Stay updated on Audeze at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 24, 2022 at 1:32 PM Post #6,920 of 7,364
If your pads come off and need to be adhere to headphone, you can contact us at, and we'd be more than happy to send out the psa ring kit to owners. We'd just need your contact info, and valid serial.
Awesome, thank you for the offer!
Jun 26, 2022 at 8:15 PM Post #6,921 of 7,364
This headphone is such a strange gem...

LCD-2/LCD-3 - Hated the sound, used both for 5-6 months before selling.

LCD-2C - Despised it for a week, fell in absolute love with it after a month of listening. Such a punchy and fun listening experience.

Affordable excellence (in my opinion atleast).
Jun 27, 2022 at 2:22 PM Post #6,922 of 7,364
I’ll offer my thoughts on that as I went from the 2C to a 2021 LCD-X

I had the 2C for a month and I really enjoyed it. Great bass impact, mids (notably vocals) are excellent and I enjoyed the warmer, toned down highs......especially for listening to metal music at louder volumes as so MANY of those recordings tend to be “hot” in the upper treble and get fatiguing quickly. The 2C is perfect for that kind of scenario. I also found the vocals.....particularly male vocals to sound really good and visceral. It also does a decent job of conveying soundstage width although the placement and panning has some dead spots.

So why did I get rid of it?

The highs are too recessed IMO......even for a treble sensitive person like myself. On recordings I’m very familiar with a lot of nuances and details are buried in the mix or in many cases......almost inaudible. I also felt on some female voices it made them sound on the congested/nasally side. I had always heard so many good things about the LCD-X that I thought I would give them a try and compare them to my 2C. So thanks to Amazon I sent the 2C back before my 30days were up and ordered the LCD-X from Adorama (who also provide 30 day, no questions asked returns in case I didn’t think the upgrade was worth it) I was also unaware at the time of purchase but mine were built in late 2020 and are the latest revised versions (aka the 2021)

After I had one day with them I knew they were keepers for me. I like them a lot more than the 2C. The 2C sounds wider and gives the impression of stronger bass but the X is better everywhere. The X may seem to not have has much bass slam as the 2C but how it does the bass is superior. It reaches lower, it’s faster, tighter and you can hear the details and textures in the bass better. The 2C for lack of better description sounds a little “one note-ish” to me in how it delivers bass......a bit rumbly and loose sounding. Still fun and enjoyable but definitely less refined.

Mids are even sounding to me and vocals sound excellent. The 2C is more present vocal wise but can seem a tad shouty on some recordings. The X never sounds that way. I also find female vocals sound more natural as well thanks to the extra treble and air the X has over the 2C.

Treble wise......definitely brighter than the 2C but it’s done in such a nice way. As mentioned, I’m treble sensitive and even at elevated volume levels the highs are just bright enough but still warm enough to not cause fatigue for me. The best part though.....all those subtle details, nuances or whatever you want to call them are there that were often missing on the 2C and placement throughout the soundstage is much easier to decipher.

With all that said I still think the 2C is a REALLY great headphone and an excellent entry point to the LCD line. I still may add it to my arsenal in the future as I think it’s different enough from the X to warrant owning it.....notably for those “treble gone wild” rock and metal albums in my collection and especially when I do those brief “listen at stupid volume level” sessions of those albums.
I have the LCD-2C and I feel the almost the same about them. Amazing headphones, but if I could change something - I would add a tad more brightness and highs. Can't wait to audition my 2C along LCD-X and hear the difference, although I am not 100% sure which one I will choose in the end.
Jun 27, 2022 at 2:39 PM Post #6,923 of 7,364
Audeze house sound is dark. Try Hifiman if you want something brighter.
Jun 27, 2022 at 2:59 PM Post #6,924 of 7,364
This headphone is such a strange gem...

LCD-2/LCD-3 - Hated the sound, used both for 5-6 months before selling.

LCD-2C - Despised it for a week, fell in absolute love with it after a month of listening. Such a punchy and fun listening experience.

Affordable excellence (in my opinion atleast).
Which amps and dacs have you tried with your LCD-2C's?
Audeze house sound is dark. Try Hifiman if you want something brighter.
I will definitely try them someday, however I really like Audeze, so if X is a bit brighter, that could be a perfect headphone for me.
Jun 27, 2022 at 3:06 PM Post #6,925 of 7,364
Which amps and dacs have you tried with your LCD-2C's?

I will definitely try them someday, however I really like Audeze, so if X is a bit brighter, that could be a perfect headphone for me.
You can see some of the gear in my signature. I'm not sure what else I listened to the LCD-2C out of but there might have been a few other pieces.

Edited: oops, I see that question was not directed to me, sorry! :)
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Jun 27, 2022 at 3:35 PM Post #6,926 of 7,364
Which amps and dacs have you tried with your LCD-2C's?
the iFi Micro iDSD BL and my ID22 interface (use it for vocals and the dac ain't bad at all).
My current amp of choice is the S.M.S.L SP200, have yet to try the LCD-2C on any other amp/dac combo besides what I mentioned.

I've fallen out of the habit of purchasing new sources and amplifiers as the years go by :p.
Jun 27, 2022 at 3:40 PM Post #6,927 of 7,364
This headphone is such a strange gem...

LCD-2/LCD-3 - Hated the sound, used both for 5-6 months before selling.

LCD-2C - Despised it for a week, fell in absolute love with it after a month of listening. Such a punchy and fun listening experience.

Affordable excellence (in my opinion atleast).
Traded a set of Dan Clark Audio Aeon 2 Closed with Noire pads -- basically the Noire -- for a pair of LCD-2C a few months ago. The A2C were too tight, had far too tight of a seal and created inner ear pressure than aggravated the hell out of my tinnitus.

I was mildly curious about the LCD-2C and the Audeze sound when I arranged the trade, but truthfully I was just interested in trying almost anything different for a straight-up trade for the DCA's.

Fast-forward two months, and I LOVE the LCD-2C. So much better than I expected. Smooth across the spectrum. No spikes that annoy. Just enough sparkle up top for me. Lovely bass that doesn't bleed. Big, upfront mids. Comfortable as hell despite the weight.

The LCD-2C are such an ideal headphone for rock and alt-country, my two favorite genres.

Now I want to dig even deeper into the Audeze house sound -- and my money clip. :)
Jun 27, 2022 at 3:43 PM Post #6,928 of 7,364
I have the LCD-2C and I feel the almost the same about them. Amazing headphones, but if I could change something - I would add a tad more brightness and highs. Can't wait to audition my 2C along LCD-X and hear the difference, although I am not 100% sure which one I will choose in the end.
After falling in love with the LCD-2C's, I already targeted the LCD-X's as the gateway to the next level of the "Audeze sound" for me.

The detailed, excellent description of the sound characteristics in the post you quoted above tempts me even more. Damn it, man! :)
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Jun 27, 2022 at 3:44 PM Post #6,929 of 7,364
Yeah, I have never found anybody who didn't love the LCD-2C either from day 1 or after some adjustment. Great all around set of cans. Although I go through moods, lately I've been enjoying my Hifimans. The HE400i 2020 is a good cheap set to try. They feel like junk compared to the LCD-2C but at 1/4th or less of the cost you can't complain. Great sound, but different. Brighter, more presence, aggressive rather than the LCD-2C laid back sound. Good to have both for different music and moods.
Jun 27, 2022 at 3:47 PM Post #6,930 of 7,364
Yeah, I have never found anybody who didn't love the LCD-2C either from day 1 or after some adjustment. Great all around set of cans. Although I go through moods, lately I've been enjoying my Hifimans. The HE400i 2020 is a good cheap set to try. They feel like junk compared to the LCD-2C but at 1/4th or less of the cost you can't complain. Great sound, but different. Brighter, more presence, aggressive rather than the LCD-2C laid back sound. Good to have both for different music and moods.
Bingo. Exactly why I love my HiFiMan Edition XS. Different sound signature than the LCD-2C, for sure, but they compliment each other well.

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