Audeze LCD-2C Classic - Impressions Thread
Feb 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Post #4,546 of 7,338
Compared to the 990s the LCD2C is much fuller sound. I have a dt990 and it's very good in the high and mid highs but lacking a bit in bass for my taste. My LCD2C is much more of a dark sounding headphone. More bass and mid bass buy it's very detailed as well. Depending on the music you like to listen to its a very good headphone and should out class the dt990 in pretty much all aspects apart from highs. That's just my opinion, others may disagree.
I agree with your comments, but I would add that the lcd2c also has better midrange. More energy from 500 Hz. to 2000 khz.
Feb 11, 2019 at 10:54 PM Post #4,547 of 7,338
Yeah the mid range is balanced bordering on mid bass centric imo but still it sounds great to me. Although I would say it depends on the music you listen to. Dt990 definitely have their place in my collection. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a lighter sounding headphone. Also they have a really good sound stage so if you use them for gaming they would work better than the LCD2C. I don't think I would even consider my LCD2C for games if i had to choose between them or just about any other headphone I own.
Feb 12, 2019 at 3:05 AM Post #4,548 of 7,338
Yeah the mid range is balanced bordering on mid bass centric imo but still it sounds great to me. Although I would say it depends on the music you listen to. Dt990 definitely have their place in my collection. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a lighter sounding headphone. Also they have a really good sound stage so if you use them for gaming they would work better than the LCD2C. I don't think I would even consider my LCD2C for games if i had to choose between them or just about any other headphone I own.

As far as gaming is concerned that depends on the ears, I would never use DT1990 Over LCD2C for gaming, DT1990 to my ears are to vague in giving percise location, While the 2C on the other hand is percise, but it is also more realistic sounding, like surround sound software, but that also creates that issue, where footseps albeit precise can be overbeared by any other sound. My preffered gaming headphone is HD660S pin point accuracy. To my ears basically DT1990 lacks depth while 2C has it and then HD660 has both depth and height.
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:26 AM Post #4,550 of 7,338
Is there any sonic benefits to going to a balanced cable on a thx 789?
Depends, for me balanced can be better on certain amps. But if the single ended on the thx is good implemented it might not be any difference. Before this turns into a big discussion on balanced vs single ended this is what I feel when I've tried balanced in the past .
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:48 AM Post #4,551 of 7,338
So overall is there any reports of failed LCD 2C? Or is this mostly not a problem? Cannot find many failed LCD 2C from searching Google, lots about LCD3 and some about LC2 (non C).

I can vouch for Audeze headphones made from 2016 onwards. Great reliability now. I own a 2016 LCD-3 and have had no issues. LCD-2C should be pretty rock-solid.

Is there any sonic benefits to going to a balanced cable on a thx 789?

Really not sure why this wasn't posted here.

But to answer the question, I don't think the THX 789 is worth using if you're not going balanced.
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:51 AM Post #4,552 of 7,338
Well THX AAA isnt truly balanced so it wont make big difference in sound, only more power against single ended out put.
Feb 12, 2019 at 3:57 PM Post #4,554 of 7,338
Well THX AAA isnt truly balanced so it wont make big difference in sound, only more power against single ended out put.

I disagree here. Regardless of whether it's truly balanced or not, the amp loses a lot of its clarity and speed when using the SE out. This listening test was done using a Focal Clear (which is pretty low impedance and high efficiency).

My question was specifically for the lcd 2c on the thx, thats why i put it here.

I see. That wasn't very clear in your original post. My answer still stands; planars love extra power.
Feb 13, 2019 at 5:55 AM Post #4,556 of 7,338
Currently debating getting the LCD-2Cs.

At the moment, I have HD660s. Whilst I love the sound stage and detail, the sub bass is severely lacking. I haven't seen any comparisons between the 2C and the HD660s, only compared to the HD6XX/650s.

Does/has anyone owned both that they could give comparisons between the two?
Feb 13, 2019 at 5:58 AM Post #4,557 of 7,338
Has anybody tried the Dekoni fenestrated pads with LCD2Cs? I am currently using their velour pads and they improve the sound substantially. It would be nice to trade the bass boost for some treble boost and I am wondering if the fenestrated pads do that...
Feb 13, 2019 at 6:13 AM Post #4,558 of 7,338
Has anybody tried the Dekoni fenestrated pads with LCD2Cs? I am currently using their velour pads and they improve the sound substantially. It would be nice to trade the bass boost for some treble boost and I am wondering if the fenestrated pads do that...

I have found out that the driver need to breath more, slight opening between pads and skin makes these sound wider and bass get really much better.
Feb 13, 2019 at 6:26 AM Post #4,559 of 7,338
Currently debating getting the LCD-2Cs.

At the moment, I have HD660s. Whilst I love the sound stage and detail, the sub bass is severely lacking. I haven't seen any comparisons between the 2C and the HD660s, only compared to the HD6XX/650s.

Does/has anyone owned both that they could give comparisons between the two?
I think if you compare the 2C to any of those Sennheiser variants the differences will be pretty much the same.
They all roll off at the low-end and lack sub-bass. You've got plenty of sub-bass with Audeze with a flat bass response. To some people the Sennheisers might sound clearer, which is due to treble roll off above 1khz on the Audeze. I would say this is a more gentle treble, and it is a matter of personal preference.
To my ears the 2C is just a better headphone compared to any of those Senns you mentioned. The bass quality doesn't even come close to Audeze on those. That said it is a very different kind of sound being planar magnetic versus those dynamic drivers. It depends what you like and what you want. I can't listen to those Senns as due to the bass roll of I feel I miss half my music. I need to mention that with higher quality gear the 2C improves a lot in clarity, resolution and spaciousness.
Feb 13, 2019 at 7:58 AM Post #4,560 of 7,338
I am currently using their velour pads and they improve the sound substantially. It would be nice to trade the bass boost for some treble boost
I have the Dekoni velour pads and I don't agree they improve the sound substantially as you say. Surely, there are pros and cons, but I don't think they improve the sound overall. Breaking the seal adds spaciousness, true, and for treble sensitive ears it helps smoothing slightly the spikes in the high frequencies. But the bass boost you mention, which is real, makes the bass much looser. After about two months with Dekoni pads I'm back to the stock ones, and I'm loving them. I've added a couple of dBs to the lows with my analogue tone control to add a bit more body, but without losing the tightness and speed in the bass that is Audeze's trademark. I don't see the point in owning a pair of Audeze and having that loose bass, or less tight I should say, hence I would never recommend buying the Dekoni velour pads. You lose more than you gain IMO. Save the money for your next gear upgrade.

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