ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
Jun 11, 2020 at 12:57 PM Post #7,741 of 9,776
The electric bass guitar is a pretty good demonstration of bass. The lowest note is ~41-42 Hz, near the upper limit of what we consider headphone sub-bass. There are instruments that can play below that, typically synthesizers & church organs that can go down to the upper teens to upper 30s Hz. The bass guitar's top note is ~625 Hz, which = upper bass to low midrange.

There isn't much music below 40 Hz, practically speaking. Sure, some music genres contain ultra-low bass engineered in (typically via synth) for effect. But in music played on actual instruments, there's not much musical content in the lowest range, aside from massive church organs that play with stunning power at the bottom of human hearing. We actually listen to & enjoy plenty of music in which the very lowest bass notes are absent. Anyone with a pair of good 2-way speakers is settling for a lower limit of ~50 Hz to maybe 60 Hz -- and even there the speakers' power/impact is dropping off.

Perception of those lower bass notes isn't just about tonality & timbre (ie, identifying notes as coming from an electric bass vs upright string bass). How low notes sound also depends on the power with which they're reproduced. Power & dynamics (in electronics as well as tranducers) can make low notes really pop, hit w/impact. This is the province of subwoofers in 2-channel setups. Subs can actually shake your body (& pictures on walls) when the lowest bass notes are played.

Getting back to headphones--a headphone like the Eikon, which can reproduce sub-bass w/power & has a relatively flat, powerful bass range in general, can be thrilling. All the bass notes, top to bottom, are conveyed with power & impact, particularly at higher volumes. You not only hear the lowest notes but also feel them shake your head (an addicting sensation).

The Atticus (which I don't have) & Aelous (which I do have) don't go quite as far down to the sub-bass as the Eikon. But they elevate, at least to a degree (pad dependent in the case of the Aeolus) the power & impact of the mid-bass. So getting back to the bass guitar, all those notes in the middle ~1/2 of the instrument are reproduced with real punch & volume by the Aeolus--as are other instruments like kick-drum. Despite reproducing somewhat less sub-bass, the entire bass range seems to pop more.

This deviation from ruler-flat in the mid-bass can sound very pleasing, as well as be suggestive of music IRL, where bass notes propagate quite differently from high notes, w/those long wavelengths bouncing around longer. In live music, the entire bass range to lower midrange is very present & powerful (live music in acoustic space never measures flat).
Jun 15, 2020 at 8:29 PM Post #7,742 of 9,776
Well well well... look who decided to show up today. My Atticus! It was a long wait but with the few songs I've listened to so far I'd say it was moooore than worth it. I I did get the magnesium chassis but I can't get over how light they are. The wood is darker in person which I love. I have a MCTH and it sounds great with Atticus, I think. However.. I need to start planning for my big 2021 purchase.. I think I see a Feliks Audio Elise in my future next year.

Thanks to everyone here who posted in the thread because before I ordered them 2 months ago I read though the entire thread lol


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Jun 16, 2020 at 6:14 AM Post #7,743 of 9,776
Well well well... look who decided to show up today. My Atticus! It was a long wait but with the few songs I've listened to so far I'd say it was moooore than worth it. I I did get the magnesium chassis but I can't get over how light they are. The wood is darker in person which I love. I have a MCTH and it sounds great with Atticus, I think. However.. I need to start planning for my big 2021 purchase.. I think I see a Feliks Audio Elise in my future next year.

Thanks to everyone here who posted in the thread because before I ordered them 2 months ago I read though the entire thread lol
Welcome to the club! The best mids in the business are in those cans, and a good OTL amp is definitely the way to go.
Jun 18, 2020 at 2:28 AM Post #7,744 of 9,776
Spent a bit more time on it than expected (I’m ocd), but my beloved Atticus got an upgrade from the old smooth slider chassis to the lighter and more modern aluminum chassis with notched sliders. I’ve noticed the clamp was getting really weak on it, and it wasn’t holding it’s bend well, that is why I purchased the new chassis. I think the old headband was overused and over adjusted. Love the new look and tight clamp with the new chassis!!!!! Also swapped the leather comfort strap for suede.


EDIT - For those considering doing the upgrade, Zach has an excellent video on how to change out the chassis, and it helped me a lot. especially when you get to mounting the gimbals to the wood cups. if you don't watch the video first, you may have a poor fit. here's the link:

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Jun 20, 2020 at 1:35 PM Post #7,745 of 9,776
Spent a bit more time on it than expected (I’m ocd), but my beloved Atticus got an upgrade from the old smooth slider chassis to the lighter and more modern aluminum chassis with notched sliders. I’ve noticed the clamp was getting really weak on it, and it wasn’t holding it’s bend well, that is why I purchased the new chassis. I think the old headband was overused and over adjusted. Love the new look and tight clamp with the new chassis!!!!! Also swapped the leather comfort strap for suede.


EDIT - For those considering doing the upgrade, Zach has an excellent video on how to change out the chassis, and it helped me a lot. especially when you get to mounting the gimbals to the wood cups. if you don't watch the video first, you may have a poor fit. here's the link:

Wow I love the look of those barnyard cherries! Wish I had kept a set! :beerchug:
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 21, 2020 at 1:40 AM Post #7,748 of 9,776
I've read a few thoughts on this but would like more. For those of you with Atticus that have compared them to LCD3 what were the pros and cons of each and which did you like more ?
Jun 23, 2020 at 3:44 PM Post #7,749 of 9,776
I've read a few thoughts on this but would like more. For those of you with Atticus that have compared them to LCD3 what were the pros and cons of each and which did you like more ?
I've not compared directly to the LCD-3 recently but the LCD-2 from late 2017 I have. The Atticus has more mid bass punch but less extension. LCD-2 has much more cleaner, agile bass, it decays almost instantly giving the sense of speed and snappiness. Once you look past the mid bass of the Atticus the LCD-2 has more body to voices, vocals more lush where as Atticus has more edgy voices, more more gritty which goes along with Atticus more upfront, forward nature. The LCD-2 has better micro detail and resolution and has better depth perception, smoother treble, overall more smooth and cohesive. Atticus relies a lot on it's mid bass as around 6k they have a really piercing peak and a bit of a roller coaster whee as the LCD-2 has a smoother response. The LCD-2 has more recessed upper mids where as the Atticus has some peaks and rises. If you like the Foster headphones like the X00 etc the Atticus is more along that type of sound and timbre where as the LCD-2 and LCD-3 etc are fairly unique in their tunings. Atticus plays better with more amp options like OTL's, OTCs etc.

The LCD-3 is a bit brighter than the two even though they share a very similar FR overall. The LCD-3 from memory is more resolving, better extension in the treble, where as the 2f leans towards the more lush, musical type sound which is closer to Atticus in resolve and capability, price etc. It's a weird comparison as they're very different phones.The Atticus reminds me of an improved Fostex X00 with elements of the HD650.
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Jun 24, 2020 at 10:26 PM Post #7,750 of 9,776
Any thoughts on what wood type this is? I was told they were Manchurian Ash, but the ash pics I've seen look nothing like mine, and mine look very much like other pics in the thread that were Zebrawood. Was Zebrawood a LTD option at one point? My used pair didn't come with the owner card with the wood info. However, my Auteur Zebrawood looked nothing like this or the other Atticus Zebrawoods I've seen on the thread. Basically want to know because these are being sold soon as I got another custom Atticus pair.
Jun 24, 2020 at 10:34 PM Post #7,751 of 9,776
Any thoughts on what wood type this is? I was told they were Manchurian Ash, but the ash pics I've seen look nothing like mine, and mine look very much like other pics in the thread that were Zebrawood. Was Zebrawood a LTD option at one point? My used pair didn't come with the owner card with the wood info. However, my Auteur Zebrawood looked nothing like this or the other Atticus Zebrawoods I've seen on the thread. Basically want to know because these are being sold soon as I got another custom Atticus pair.IMG_2768.jpeg

ZMF LTD Rusted Zebra {wood}!!!

Excited for you to get your new pair of Atticus today. 😎😎😎😍
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 24, 2020 at 10:41 PM Post #7,752 of 9,776
Oh thanks! Didn't want to bug you directly with the question as I know you have much else to do. Waiting for Fedex is liking watching paint dry today, lol.
Jun 24, 2020 at 11:47 PM Post #7,753 of 9,776
Any thoughts on what wood type this is? I was told they were Manchurian Ash, but the ash pics I've seen look nothing like mine, and mine look very much like other pics in the thread that were Zebrawood. Was Zebrawood a LTD option at one point? My used pair didn't come with the owner card with the wood info. However, my Auteur Zebrawood looked nothing like this or the other Atticus Zebrawoods I've seen on the thread. Basically want to know because these are being sold soon as I got another custom Atticus pair.
Those look really unique, quite stunning! What custom wood are you getting?
Jun 25, 2020 at 12:27 AM Post #7,754 of 9,776
Camphor burl stained purple. I wanted purple after I saw Darthpool's & Torq's purple Verite Closed, then learned Metal571 had purple Atticus, so didn't want them to be the exact same as those. 469grams with Magnesium chassis was the very light Atticus I was hoping for. It's actually a gram under my Aeolus and only 14 more than my Verite Open. Got a purple cord too. The Atticus is my first ZMF love and I've bought 6 other used or new ZMFs in the past 8 months since my first Atticus. Even without burn in it sounds great!

Jun 25, 2020 at 12:56 AM Post #7,755 of 9,776
Camphor burl stained purple. I wanted purple after I saw Darthpool's & Torq's purple Verite Closed, then learned Metal571 had purple Atticus, so didn't want them to be the exact same as those. 469grams with Magnesium chassis was the very light Atticus I was hoping for. It's actually a gram under my Aeolus and only 14 more than my Verite Open. Got a purple cord too. The Atticus is my first ZMF love and I've bought 6 other used or new ZMFs in the past 8 months since my first Atticus. Even without burn in it sounds great!

I hear you, the Atticus was my gateway drug too that got me addicted to ZMF. It’s still my favorite. Man I’m so jealous of those purple cups! Beautiful! I have a feeling when all is said and done I’ll end up owning all of his dynamics.

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