Ath-l3000 impressions
Aug 12, 2005 at 9:12 PM Post #227 of 350
Thx warubozu. I just read the thread. I agree with the sentiments of others. This would be a frustrating and disappointing experience for some.

- walk
Aug 12, 2005 at 9:32 PM Post #228 of 350

Originally Posted by walkman666
Thx warubozu. I just read the thread. I agree with the sentiments of others. This would be a frustrating and disappointing experience for some.

- walk

Hmm, maybe I'm just not that sympathetic, but how many people actually hear this defect in normal use? I mean sure, it shouldn't be there, but if you've gotta listen to test tones to root it out, I guess personally it wouldn't bother me...

Hate to jinx walkman666 or chefguru, but I wouldn't be surprised if your L3k exhibited the same issue.


Aug 12, 2005 at 10:31 PM Post #229 of 350
OK. I guess for the benefit of other owners or future owners I will chime in my opinion...

My bottom line: This manufacturing defect is unacceptable in such "precious" headphones... I did paid 1.7K ( much less than MSRP ) for them, yet I also feel somewhat dissapointed in AT for poor QC. I guess, I am somewhat very lucky in that I purchased them from Ayt999 and he very graciously is helping me to get them fixed. For this I am truly thankful. But still there is no excuse from AT for its poor performance.

Actually, I did hear it while playing music. It has to be a bass-(deep)-rich tune(s.) Maybe the issue was prominent in my pair, than in others that may require a test CD for the problem to become evident.... who knows.

I will like to describe the issue for the sake of other owners: It is not the typical distortion that you would hear from a bad driver under bass-stress. In fact to my ears the bass coming from the driver was normal, clean. Yet there is something else that comes along for the ride. And it sounds as others have accurately described as if there is something touching the driver when the deepest bass notes hit. It sounds as a mechanical distortion, hard plastic vibration. One way to put it is that the sound "distorts" the driver and not the usual "bad driver distorts the sound." As if there was something over tighthtened (or Under, who knows) in the driver surroundings.
Incidentally, one very interesting thing I observed is that when I played the same track(s) but in .MP3 format, the distortion was almost non-existing or non-detectable. So this may be consistant with the fact that compression into MP3 does eliminate some lower (and higher) frequencies, which may be the ones causing the "mechanical reververation." I, originally, found this quite intriguing until I realized that it was probably the lack of the extreme low frequencies on the MP3 file that resulted on my findings.

At this point I would recommend to anyone considering this headphone to be aware of this issue and either have a way to test on site for this defect or wait until the issue is formaly confirmed from AT and resolved.
I also know that headphones that were manufactured early, and also late ones, have had this issue. So it may not be related to a specific manufacturing period.
Aug 13, 2005 at 1:19 AM Post #230 of 350

Originally Posted by CD44hi
OK. I guess for the benefit of other owners or future owners I will chime in my opinion...

At this point I would recommend to anyone considering this headphone to be aware of this issue and either have a way to test on site for this defect or wait until the issue is formaly confirmed from AT and resolved.
I also know that headphones that were manufactured early, and also late ones, have had this issue. So it may not be related to a specific manufacturing period.

Step 1: Cancel order for L3000
Step 2. Substitute Stax Omega II for the L3000.
Step 3. Search continues for an Electrosatic amp.

I was able to cancel my order for the L3000 as the dealer was out of stock. So I am putting the money to good use by getting the Omega IIs.
Aug 13, 2005 at 12:00 PM Post #231 of 350
Not too worried either, Jason. However, I do think some folks have a valid point of view if they hear this defect under normal listening, which some say, or based on a (IMHO) valid opinion that new stuff should be quality tested and in perfect working order (a principle thing). Fortunately, for me, a certain "A-T guru" who kindly secured my L3000 also tested my unit before shipping from Tokyo and said it was defect-free.

cheers, - walk
Aug 13, 2005 at 12:02 PM Post #232 of 350
Not too worried either, Jason. However, I do think some folks have a valid point of view if they hear this defect under normal listening, which some say, or based on a (IMHO) valid opinion that new stuff should be quality tested and in perfect working order (a principle thing). Fortunately, for me, a certain "A-T guru" who kindly secured my L3000 also tested my unit before shipping from Tokyo and said it was defect-free. Maybe this defect will still manifest itself over time, but currently, I'm enjoying them mucho and am content along the lines you state. Definitely a gray area here in terms of various individual owners' sentiments...

cheers, - walk
Aug 13, 2005 at 12:47 PM Post #233 of 350

Originally Posted by walkman666
Not too worried either, Jason. However, I do think some folks have a valid point of view if they hear this defect under normal listening, which some say, or based on a (IMHO) valid opinion that new stuff should be quality tested and in perfect working order (a principle thing). Fortunately, for me, a certain "A-T guru" who kindly secured my L3000 also tested my unit before shipping from Tokyo and said it was defect-free. Maybe this defect will still manifest itself over time, but currently, I'm enjoying them mucho and am content along the lines you state. Definitely a gray area here in terms of various individual owners' sentiments...

cheers, - walk

So you are telling that your A-T guru friend knows that some units have that problem? What he says about the problem? Can you ask to him? This would be a very good help for many owners...

Aug 13, 2005 at 3:43 PM Post #234 of 350
It's the same problem that you have discovered in your cans, Nik. Otherwise, you and the fellow head-fier (who does not work for A-T, he just knows the line well) who informed me of this problem both have the same degree of information. I guess you'll need to contact audio technica for repair.

I wish I could share more, but I don't have any further knowledge other than what aty999 told me about this problem which has been posted throughout some of the other L3000s threads. Browse through the various threads on the L3000s, but I believe the most info has already been mentioned in this thread and the one you started.

- walk
Aug 14, 2005 at 10:05 PM Post #235 of 350
I have no words to describe the sound of the L3000. Just to know... I love them A LOT, yes a lot more than R10, Omega and Qualia...

I hope to have time to write something more... (I have rwote a lot in our italian forum...).


About the "defect" see in the other thread.
Aug 15, 2005 at 1:51 AM Post #236 of 350

Originally Posted by Nik
I have no words to describe the sound of the L3000. Just to know... I love them A LOT, yes a lot more than R10, Omega and Qualia...

About the "defect" see in the other thread.

DOH! I didn't see that one coming

This defect, Nik is it noticeable during music playback. I gotta be honest here I haven't noticed it as I don't know what I am suppose to be listening for.

I haven't done a test tone cd as I don't like the sound of them, it's boring listening to them
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:04 AM Post #237 of 350
Very Nice Headphone !

I just got my ATH-AD2000 yesterday and i am reallly surprised by the sound of ATH...!

just want to know what is the difference of AD2000 and L3000

some ppl said it is similiar
Aug 15, 2005 at 3:02 AM Post #239 of 350

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
This defect, Nik is it noticeable during music playback. I gotta be honest here I haven't noticed it as I don't know what I am suppose to be listening for.

I had ayt999's set before they were fixed. I spent a week listening to mostly classical and it wasn't really apparent with it, I guess not enough bass. I ran off a quick set of test tones with the demo version of Adobe Audition that sounded each frequency from 9 to 480 Hz for a second and ran that on my set at volume. (It's a really strange effect, sort of like being in an earthquake. It looks like about 15 Hz is where the L3000 starts and about 20 Hz before it really kicks in). On my pair no unusual vibration was present.
Aug 15, 2005 at 3:10 AM Post #240 of 350

Originally Posted by gpalmer
I had ayt999's set before they were fixed. I spent a week listening to mostly classical and it wasn't really apparent with it, I guess not enough bass. I ran off a quick set of test tones with the demo version of Adobe Audition that sounded each frequency from 9 to 480 Hz for a second and ran that on my set at volume. (It's a really strange effect, sort of like being in an earthquake. It looks like about 15 Hz is where the L3000 starts and about 20 Hz before it really kicks in). On my pair no unusual vibration was present.

Well I am happy even if it is present or not as I enjoy the music and as I don't notice it, it's not a problem for me. As for others I am sorry to hear this and hope AT will fix them quickly for them

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