ATH-A900Ti's.......3 years on.
Jul 24, 2011 at 3:38 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Jul 24, 2011
Hello everybody!
Long time lurker, first time poster :) I just want to start by saying that the combined knowledge and experience on these forums is truly astounding. You guys should be incredibly proud of what you have built up here.
Anyway, onto my story! I purchased the ATH-A900Ti's about 3 years ago as my first foray into the world of high end headphones. Set me back an arm and a leg (at least, by my standards!), and no one in my life could fathom why someone would spend $450 on a set of headphones, and there were times when I asked myself if I were crazy. Well after I received them, I can tell you that those doubts vanished.  They were, without a doubt, the most amazing thing I had ever heard (probably the worst thing I could ever do, cause now everything else sounds like crap!). I have since bought my brother a pair of Beyerdynamic DT250's, but I rate the 900Ti's a bit better in terms of SQ, and 10x better in terms of comfort. I drive my HP from an ASUS Xonar HDAV 1.3 Deluxe, which I have also been incredibly impressed with. I don't believe I have the necessary skills to properly describe the sound of the 900Ti's, just that they are fantastic.
With that out of the way, I need to get on to the gripes I have with this headphone, and perhaps Audio Technica in general.
The build quality of the headphone, and even the quality control, ARE.JUST.AWFUL. There is something very very wrong with the composition of the plastic that the headband is made of. In less then a year, with NO harsh treatment, stress fractures and cracks started to appear in every concentration point. And now, at this stage of it's life, the plastic has completely gone brittle, and will literally crumble. The quality of the plastic is just awful, I really can't emphasise it enough.  But even material quality aside, from a general engineering standpoint, I have to ask what they were possibly thinking on some parts. Inside the "3D wing" housing, there is the pin that holds the "wing" to the plastic housing. Holding this pin in, is 2 absolutely tiny bits of plastic. Now, these 2 tiny bits of plastic, are under a significant amount of loading 24/7 from a seriously stiff spring, which is part of the wing design. It is not a matter of *if* these 2 bits of plastic will fail, but *when*. And given how substandard the plastic is, for me is was fairly early. It's clear that these 'phones were not meant to last, which, for a pair of $450 limited edition cans, is just unacceptable to me.
I dearly love the quality these HP deliver and being limited edition i would dearly love to hang onto them, and everything up to the can swivel point is ok, so I am going to do my utmost to 'frankenstein' them with another headband and probably do a recable with black dragon. I'll see how I go. Could end up with some very interesting pictures :) In the meantime I've ordered a pair of Ultrasone Pro 900's.  I've read a lot on them, and would like to try out Ultrasone's legendary bass, as I'd say I lean towards that.
Thanks for reading guys!
Jul 24, 2011 at 5:07 AM Post #2 of 10
Nice to see a community member talking about Audio-Technica headphones. I own a pair of AD700..and have been for about 3 years as well - I've worn them to bed, slept with them on (accidentally) and actually worn them outside in the real world, subject to much scrutiny by onlookers :) 
The thing is - they haven't shown any trace of wear and tear and seem as new as the day I bought them. Odd that the 'closed' series would have lesser build quality. 
Jul 24, 2011 at 5:58 AM Post #3 of 10
Honestly bro, I think there was just something terribly wrong with the composition of the plastic when they cooked it up! **** shame really :-@ But I def think that some of the choices exacerbated the problem. In the coming weeks I'll be trying to perform some CPR on them, so I'll see how it goes.
Jul 24, 2011 at 9:05 AM Post #4 of 10
The A900Ti is a nice sounding headphone. Sorry to hear about your experience. I didn't experience any issues with them build quality wise, nor have I had any similar problems with the other AT's I've owned (and I've owned quite a few). However, I did not own my pair as long as you've had yours -- only around a year or so, though they were heavily-used during that time. The one thing I didn't care for with the Ti was their titanium cups, which looked pretty but were also very prone to being scratched, even when I handled them delicately. If you end up not liking the Ultrasone then consider giving the Kenwood KH-K1000 a try, their overall tone is similar to the Ti but they have more bass and better separation.
Jul 25, 2011 at 6:51 PM Post #5 of 10
I have the ATH-A900Ti as well and luckily have no issues with the build quality at all. I'm very sorry to hear that you do. I'd hate mine breaking. They're incredibly hard to come by these days. Good luck with fixing them one way or the other!

By the way, how do you store your headphones? I have mine in their own metal boxes, with the lids always closed. Free from humidity and dust.
Jul 25, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #6 of 10
I know right! My experience absolutely flies in the face of general opinion 'round here, so I'm sure I've just been very unlucky. But yes, I shall be doing my utmost to revive them, cause the SQ is just too good to lose. Will post up some pics when the ungodly union of the A900's and a cheap-no-name-headset are complete :)
Jul 25, 2011 at 9:47 PM Post #7 of 10
I bought my A900's few weeks ago, good sounding..but i cant comment on build quality. Hopefully they last for some years. 

Jul 27, 2011 at 11:39 AM Post #8 of 10
I'd say they would Fabio, cause everyone else's seem to last fine except mine! lol. But I've been doing some ... errr....controlled butchering down the shed, and I must say things are coming along nicely. But while doing so, I was thinking back to when I first received them, and remembered that I did have some issues with them out of the box......
The 2 rubber tubes that covered the upper metal wires of the headband were too short! Only one side would actually go in the hole of the housing, and at the other end it would be loose and flap around a bit lol! So that was a bit frustrating. But also the "wings" *and I keep calling that, cause i have no idea what their real name is) would squeek as well. Which was fine most of the time, but if you ever had a lull in the music, you could hear it straight away and was, again, frustrating as hell. Hmmmm. In hindsight, I bloody shouldda returned em, cause I did buy them from an Australian dealer. Ahh well, another case of 20/20 hindsight I guess!
Jul 27, 2011 at 1:17 PM Post #9 of 10

I'd say they would Fabio, cause everyone else's seem to last fine except mine! lol. But I've been doing some ... errr....controlled butchering down the shed, and I must say things are coming along nicely. But while doing so, I was thinking back to when I first received them, and remembered that I did have some issues with them out of the box......
The 2 rubber tubes that covered the upper metal wires of the headband were too short! Only one side would actually go in the hole of the housing, and at the other end it would be loose and flap around a bit lol! So that was a bit frustrating. But also the "wings" *and I keep calling that, cause i have no idea what their real name is) would squeek as well. Which was fine most of the time, but if you ever had a lull in the music, you could hear it straight away and was, again, frustrating as hell. Hmmmm. In hindsight, I bloody shouldda returned em, cause I did buy them from an Australian dealer. Ahh well, another case of 20/20 hindsight I guess!

It looks like you got a defective pair. 

Post some pics soon. 
Jul 30, 2011 at 12:06 PM Post #10 of 10
Oh man, that sucks major balls. Hindsight is a bitch. Well, not really, because you can learn things from it. But still...

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