Ask the user above anything about his gear.
Jan 20, 2011 at 4:46 PM Post #31 of 91
There's a fundamental problem with this thread's premise surely, unless you mandate that everyone can only edit their original posts in reply...?

Sorry, don't have any questions for the above...
Jan 21, 2011 at 7:41 AM Post #33 of 91
Why? Ultimately pretty simple. The AE works well for me in winter commutes as a balanced compromise of comfort, usable isolation, sound quality discernible in portable use, weight and social acceptability (for what I'm genuinely prepared to wear out in the street). Better than: SRH840, AH-D1000/2000, ATH-anything (of course I've directly compared the ESW series), Q010-MDR1SL, K518, K181, DT250-80, HD280, HD215, HD25-1, MDR-D66SL, MDR-7506, MDR-7509HD, HFI-750/780, Beats Solo HD and more...

... with the latest failed candidate (pre-AE2) being this:

(and the reasons for failure differ of course. Only closed or semi closed / otherwise isolating full-sizes mentioned here, but obviously I've had others)

Furthermore, not only has the AE been my choice for winter commutes, it's the longest-lived continuously owned, somewhat regularly used headphone in my collection since I joined Head-Fi. As I said, they are a compromise - but for example they offer significantly more practicality, usable isolation and comfort than many other phones which might sound better under ideal conditions, they also do sound better than some widely-recommended-on-Head-Fi phones which are similarly-priced (or cheaper and are referred to as Bose-killers), and what's more they are not the dorkfest that most closed phones which are popular here are.

If I had to pick the next best overall compromise, it'd be the better sounding / better isolated, visually inoffensive and equally tractable HD25-1... but the thing gives me a raging headache after just over an hour. For the longest time I did keep a 25 in my stash, but it just wasn't being used over the Triport due to the comfort issue, so I finally got rid of it last year I think.

I'm not part of the Head-Fi common peer group. I actually buy (re-buy even, when I don't have a reference phone to hand... I make a point of not trusting my audio memories) then try competitors in the actual use I plan to put it to and don't have the label anxiety that seems to pervade here... that for example a headphone that is less tractable, no less expensive, and sounds no better than something from the 'wrong name' but comes from the 'right name' gets lauded.

After a very long search and literally thousands of dollars wasted buying and reselling headphones, it appears that the AE2 is the replacement candidate I'd been seeking over the 3+ years I've had the AE's. That a huge amount of money has been wasted is undoubted, but as a dedicated, if frequently absent these days (wonder why?) Head-Fi'er, I probably wouldn't have done the search any other way... unlike many Head-Fi'ers who'd form a predetermined peer-influenced 'opinion' at the Apple Store after 30 seconds, or more typically just read something plausible and parrot it as their opinion

Jan 21, 2011 at 8:08 AM Post #35 of 91
Got to say this a weird concept for a thread and a bit of a cluster-F to read, but certainly interesting. I'm in, will ask some questions soon, if anyone has questions of my gear (check profile) - please ask away.
Jan 21, 2011 at 8:18 AM Post #36 of 91
Eddie, how do you compare that E16 combo you have going, with the others you had. Is there a noticable different, to what extend was the LD V better/different f.e.?
Jan 21, 2011 at 8:36 AM Post #37 of 91
[size=x-small]I've come to the conclusion that there is a not a big difference between solid state amps when it comes to basic sound. You can get amps like Meier ones which have special features like cross feed and active balanced ground that make it distinguish itself, but if you are just taking two solid state amps without the whistles and bells - they should sound the same.[/size]
[size=x-small]The E9 is smaller, lighter and cheaper than the LD-V so in my book it is better, even though the LD-V had better build quality and RCA in (E9 has a soemtimes crackly volume dial and only TRS line in). [/size]
[size=x-small]When/if I'm richer in the future, I will buy something with high build quality and features (probably whatever Meier's high end is then) but on my present budget and since I spend most of time on electrostatics anyway, the E9 is fine.[/size]
Jan 21, 2011 at 8:49 AM Post #38 of 91
clear answer, thanks
Jan 21, 2011 at 10:46 AM Post #39 of 91
[size=x-small]Bit of a random question but when you look for the bd gel pads they often say - fit DT770, DT990…. But the DT770 has a different rim size to the DT880 and 990??? Do they stretch more than other pads?[/size]
[size=x-small]Do the gel pads fit any beyers other than the DT770 and if so, did you try them with your DT990 and how did they sound.[/size]
Jan 21, 2011 at 3:28 PM Post #40 of 91
my 990's are editions/premiums, not the pro's. I think they only fit the pro's, but someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not 100% sure about that.
I have them on my DT770's permanently, didn't try on something else. They isolate even better now then they did and bass is a little bit tighter I think. I use those with drumming on my e-kit, both the isolation as the tighter bass (for the kick bass) are positive for that.
In general, they were a reel pain to install. On the 770's they're very tight.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:08 PM Post #41 of 91
Have you guys tried the Beyerdynamics Dt250-250?
Jan 22, 2011 at 11:52 PM Post #42 of 91
To SIi3nce:
Previously Owned: ATH-m50, Ck-10, K701, K702, Sr-60, SR-80, SR-225, Ultrasone 750, RS-1, KSC-75, PX-100, Yuin Pk3, Shure Se530/535, Grado Gr8, Dtx900, UE superfi.3, Fischer DBA-02, Sennheiser IE8, Yuin OK1, Sennheiser Hd 595, Denon D2000, Beyerdynamics Dt-880 600 ohm, Hifiman Re-zero

Which one do you regret letting go the most?
Jan 23, 2011 at 1:18 AM Post #45 of 91

I'm not sure if this will be annoying or fun, but I'm in.  My signature is not so interesting, except that it captures what I've settled on for now.  My linked profile sort of chronicles the journey.

SOLD - Etymotic ER4P/S
SOLD - Westone 3
SOLD - Denon AH-D5000
SOLD - UE Triple.fi10
SOLD - Westone UM3X
SOLD - Ultrasone HFI 780, DIY Damped, dual entry SPC recable
SOLD - Shure SE530
SOLD - Audio Technica ESW10jpn - Sold, and missed!
SOLD - Ultrasone Proline 750
TRADED - Sennheiser HD580 - 600 grill, 650 cable
SOLD - Grado SR125
Lost (Don't ask...) - UE 5 pro

how did you lose your 5?

also, how would you say your dba-02 compares to the triple fi

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