Are VD ICs Overkill in my system?
Jun 23, 2003 at 1:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 21, 2003
OK the past 6 months Ive been here, I have been through alot of gear. What I have settled on is a Philips 963SA & MMF7 turntable as my sources, the Corda HA-1 mkII as my headphone amp and the Sony CD3Ks as my primary cans.

Because I also use the 963 and the turntable as my speaker and home theater sources, I use the tape loop on my Kenwood Surround Receiver for the feed to the Corda head amp.

I bought some Virtual Dynamic Nites and Reference ICs here at nice prices and am using the Nites from the 963SA to the CD inputs on the receiver. I am using the VD References from the turntable to the phono inputs on the receiver.

The tape out from the receiver is connected to the one set of RCA inputs on the Corda amp with Outlaw PCA ICs.

It all sounds great to me.

My question having the expensive VD ICs in this mid-fi setup of mine a waste? Would I be just as well off using Outlaws or another capable mid level connector for the ICs between the 963SA and turntable to the receiver?

Jun 23, 2003 at 2:04 AM Post #2 of 19
Yes, it is a waste, please sell them to me for cheap.

Seriously though, the only way to know for sure is to try a different lower priced interconnect and see if you can tell the difference, and that difference is worth whatever you paid for the more expensive cable. If you like the way your system sounds, then I wouldn't worry about it (unless you need money of course

If you are looking for a no-risk cable to try, these (I'd go for the Ultras) look tempting:

He apparently has a good return policy, and I'm sure a lot of people (including myself would like to know how the Ultras compare to high end cables.
Jun 23, 2003 at 2:17 AM Post #3 of 19
I haven't heard the VDs you have, but I know the price point more or less. I'd say if they are working out in your system then keep them. If they are high quality cables that are just a little over the top for your components then at least you are prepared for future upgrades.

It would be ludicrious to downgrade. For your system I'd be looking in the $200 to $300 (used) range. I don't believe that price alone determines cable quality, but my limited experince with cables tells me that there are great benefits to be had once you approach $400 and up.
Jun 23, 2003 at 2:28 AM Post #4 of 19

Originally posted by JMedeiros

My question having the expensive VD ICs in this mid-fi setup of mine a waste? Would I be just as well off using Outlaws or another capable mid level connector for the ICs between the 963SA and turntable to the receiver?

This is actually an economics question rather than an audio one. If you need the money that you might get from selling of the expensive cables and downgrading, you might get away with it. However, from an audio standpoint, if it ain't broke don't fix it. If you like the way your system sounds, you've just met the only real criterion for a good audio system. If you start changing components, the sound might stay the same, might get better, or it might get worse. A key mistake that a lot of people (including me) make is to change a system that they like. Sometimes it can take awhile just to get back to parity with where you started.
Jun 23, 2003 at 2:33 AM Post #5 of 19

Originally posted by Hirsch
This is actually an economics question rather than an audio one. If you need the money that you might get from selling of the expensive cables and downgrading, you might get away with it. However, from an audio standpoint, if it ain't broke don't fix it. If you like the way your system sounds, you've just met the only real criterion for a good audio system. If you start changing components, the sound might stay the same, might get better, or it might get worse. A key mistake that a lot of people (including me) make is to change a system that they like. Sometimes it can take awhile just to get back to parity with where you started.

Exactly! A well set up system involves a lot of luck and sometimes a lot of costly experimentation.
Jun 23, 2003 at 3:36 AM Post #7 of 19
Since you have these expensive cables why don't you just put them in your headphone system and hear for yourself. Then it's a matter of how much the better sound (presumably) is worth to you.
Jun 23, 2003 at 3:48 AM Post #8 of 19
My rule-of-thumb is to limit cable costs to 20% of the total system cost. However, you've already purchased the VD Nites and seem to like them. So I'd keep them. They'll probably be able to last through several upgrades.

I agree with Hirsch in that "we" often mess up a system "we" are happy with in pursuit of audio nirvana; and in the process sometimes forget to smell the roses along the way. If you like your system the way it is enjoy it for a while.
Jun 23, 2003 at 4:05 AM Post #9 of 19
I find it strange that you would spend more on a pair of cables than your digital source.

But if you like 'em, keep them, since you've got 'em already.
Jun 23, 2003 at 7:05 AM Post #11 of 19
John, how about a nice high quality switch box and another pair of nice ICs and drop the reciever as a bottleneck?
Jun 23, 2003 at 1:48 PM Post #12 of 19
Another thing to consider is the likelihood of system upgrades in the future. When that occurs, you may wish you'd hung on to the VD cables. Since the money spent is a sunk cost, I agree you may as well stick with them.

Jun 23, 2003 at 2:37 PM Post #13 of 19
Thanks for the opinions guys. I pretty much agree with holding onto them...They are in the system and like you my ears it works. I also am very interested in this "high quality switchbox" you speak of ...the bottleneck of the receiver loop to the amp was probably the subtext of my question, and what I should have been targeting in my question.

Am I losing the sonic benefits of the VD cables after they go through the receiver loop and then pipe through the Outlaws to the amp?

As far as spending a bigger percent on my cables than my other components..the only reason I considered buying the VDs was the good graces and fabulous bargain prices of fellow head-fiers

Thanks guys
Jun 23, 2003 at 4:30 PM Post #14 of 19

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