Apple - you have made me want to harm you physically.
Mar 6, 2008 at 10:57 PM Post #17 of 56
The point is tha t the iPhone users actually got a PHONE as well and all the things that go along with any phone purchase.

The update that they just charged me for was completely unjustified given that it was free to everyone else except for those specific touch users who bought it earlier and suffered through the waves of buggy firmware. They released a beta version as the final and charged you just the same for you to deal with their shortcommings. I never had any problems with all 4 previous iPods I have owned.
Mar 6, 2008 at 11:46 PM Post #22 of 56

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
its a shame other companies dont make products that can compete, i hope some new microsoft version comes out, or better google, but i think thats been shelved

if you think about it though apple doesn't really make superior products in terms of actual performance or bang for the buck. So other companies can compete in those, but they get owned by Apple being "cool" and having the brand. Also apple products are slick and easy to use further broadening their appeal compared to other brands. Apple does innovate but only in terms of show, their products aren't terrible but never a leader in performance. For example, I bet if apple were to make a headphone amp it would look really cool, be easy to use, and have a distinctive shape (for example super small) but the sound would just be middle of the pack and it would be expensive.
Mar 6, 2008 at 11:59 PM Post #23 of 56
At the risk of continuing another Apple v. PC/Windows boring debate (why does that always happen?), I think you're being a bit narrow in your view of cool and performance. It's a common mistake to judge computers only on hardware performance, and comes from I think, those that run mostly the same software. Computer hardware in most cases is only interesting because of software. Looking at less sophisticated hardware, what else do you buy only on hardware performance specs? A car, frig, TV, etc.? Doubtful. It's usability and that's part of performance which is actually getting things done. In some cases that's frame-rates, but in others it's finishing a paper. And only a small part of that is a cool factor. I completely grant Macs have historically not been the fastest machines, but if that's the only thing that mattered the Eee PC wouldn't have been the most interesting computer last holiday season. And external hip designs have certainly affected sales, but why dismiss it as only that? Again referring to a search company I mentioned awhile back, they have a bunch of Mac users and they're far from all graphic designers or technical simpletons. Some us continue for decades using Windows, but prefer using OS X when possible. This of course has little to do with the iPhone.
Mar 7, 2008 at 8:43 AM Post #25 of 56
Mar 7, 2008 at 9:08 AM Post #26 of 56
What the hell is up with these responses???

I totally agree with Germania - and what she has said nothing to do with bitchin or whining.

To be put in a position where you have to pay for extras that others get for free is insane! Free for iPhone but not Touch? C'mon! It's just rude... they're the same friggin product!
Mar 7, 2008 at 11:15 AM Post #27 of 56
Apple got here with good products like the ipod, and like most companies they take advantage and get fat and lazy when they are on top. Its the American way isnt it, screw your customers to get rich quick because a few discussting people up top make all the descions. How typical of corporate America to make its customers jump through hoops to allow them to steal more, kinda like another large entity in this country. Learn from your experience and go to a company who wants you as a customer next time. All that stuff about Apple being the only option is pure crap.
Mar 7, 2008 at 12:12 PM Post #29 of 56
Apple peeps really like to complain about complainers and roll their eyes, but I cant remember the last time consumers had to be charged for something like this in a similar product catagory. Apple aren't immune to criticism people! If consumers are unhappy with something Apple have done then they have every right to complain.

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