Amps, why?
Apr 15, 2005 at 8:08 PM Post #16 of 38
Yep. My SR71 could probably blow the crap out of all the factory buds out there, seeing as how it can even power the AKG K1000 to respectable listening levels. But on the go you'd be surprised how low I listen to music - because I don't have to blast it to mask any crappy signal coming to my ears. Don't let your ears fool you, because they'll tell you that "louder=better." Instead, get a good amp and it will become "better=better" at any volume.
Apr 15, 2005 at 8:19 PM Post #17 of 38

Originally Posted by Jahn
MrSlacker proved you wrong.

he's obviously a SuperMacro
Apr 15, 2005 at 8:22 PM Post #18 of 38

Originally Posted by Asr
Hmmm so ok, none of you have really mentioned the problem of distortion. Is it not generally a problem? Amped phones can more than easily blow out your hearing without distorting?

i think you're missing the point. amping is NOT about volume. increased potential volume just happens to be a side effect of more power.
Apr 15, 2005 at 8:47 PM Post #19 of 38

Originally Posted by Jahn
Yep. My SR71 could probably blow the crap out of all the factory buds out there, seeing as how it can even power the AKG K1000 to respectable listening levels. But on the go you'd be surprised how low I listen to music - because I don't have to blast it to mask any crappy signal coming to my ears. Don't let your ears fool you, because they'll tell you that "louder=better." Instead, get a good amp and it will become "better=better" at any volume.

Second. I've found that the results of proper amping allow me to listen with greater enjoyment at lower volumes.
Apr 16, 2005 at 2:03 AM Post #20 of 38
Also, a decent amp seems to add impact, a lower noise floor(if you use line out) and improves soundstaging/imaging.

I was wondering about the impact aspect, would some of that be because of faster and larger caps allowing the power to get there on time and not run out before the work is done?
Apr 16, 2005 at 9:35 AM Post #21 of 38

Originally Posted by dvdonly
I'm a headphones newbie [...]

And also when you say "you can't play the HD 650s w/o an amp" are you saying that they just won't perform to their utmost capabilities? Or do you mean that they flat out won't play or sound totally crappy w/o a headphone amp? This is important to me as I am contemplating a Beyer DT880 purchase, but I only have a portable CD player, a PC w/ sound out, and two mid-fi receivers at home that I will be using them with.

Be aware, most people here are enthusiasts and highly exaggerate from a average person point of view. I personally made the experience that most portable players nowadays (most mp3 players) have a quite decent heaphone out.

An amp will improve the sound slightly (from 5% to maximum of 20% maybe, depending on the setup), you will get a clearer more hifi presentation. And after you get used to this slightly clearer sound, you will not want to miss it anymore and you start getting the feeling that the music sounds crappy without an amp. But in fact, from a more objective point of view (by this I mean, that most people in this world would definitely agree that an amp will hardly make a difference), this difference is really quite small.

I must say, that I use my amps as often as I can because I enjoy the more hifi sound. But, to be honest it is not worth spending 1000$, unless you are rich and do not mind spending money.
Apr 16, 2005 at 9:48 AM Post #22 of 38
I kind of agree with you on that one. I've always been under the thought that a headphone amp will clean up the sound(improving on virtually every aspect of the sound you hear, really) but increase the volume output capabilites even more significantly especially with underpowered cans. This is why I'd skip an amp on say, my ER6i, but I'd get one if I wanted the HD600's(which I do, but not for a while). Decent quality cables clean up the sound as well, and using great cables with a great amp is a killer combo, no matter what cans you prefer. That's why my signature lists a JMT amp with a Cardas HPI minicable. Together they work quite well for minimal cash for my needs.

Apr 16, 2005 at 2:06 PM Post #23 of 38
Not to mention the portability issue. An amp is one more device to bear when you go outdoors; even strapped at your unit it kills the portable aspect of you ipod or MD playa.
I'm talking by experience owning a Stax sr-001 with dedicated amp, which I now use as home headphone despite it was meant as a nomade solution. And frankly, the ultralight HP-MD33S I use when I ride out -and wihout an amp- diplays a better sound than the Stax on my Auvi MD, thanks to the four pole technology; so the feud is over: I take my phones without amps...
Apr 16, 2005 at 5:22 PM Post #24 of 38

Originally Posted by Leporello
Before the HD650 appeared, the HD600 was supposed to be nearly impossible to listen to without a decent amp.

What? That is rediculous. The problem is they aren't any or much better than headphones of the same price without an amp, and it makes quite a difference with them.
Apr 16, 2005 at 7:59 PM Post #25 of 38

Originally Posted by zachary80
What? That is rediculous. The problem is they aren't any or much better than headphones of the same price without an amp, and it makes quite a difference with them.

In my experience the difference between an unamped (say, from the headphone jack of my Denon cdp) and amped HD600 is close to zero. Can't remember who it was that stated on these forums that an unamped HD600 is no better than 25$ crap headphone from your average stereo store. So much for credibility,

The HD600s and now the HD650s have a funny reputation of "needing" or "justifying" the purchase of ridiculously priced amplifiers and "source". I guess even many of those who cannot afford this kind of equipment, find this idea appealing. It gives them the feeling that an average 300$ phone they got with their hard earned noney, actually *is* a much more expensive piece of eguipment, like a sheep in wolf's clothes


Apr 16, 2005 at 8:38 PM Post #26 of 38

Originally Posted by Leporello
In my experience the difference between an unamped (say, from the headphone jack of my Denon cdp) and amped HD600 is close to zero. Can't remember who it was that stated on these forums that an unamped HD600 is no better than 25$ crap headphone from your average stereo store. So much for credibility,

The HD600s and now the HD650s have a funny reputation of "needing" or "justifying" the purchase of ridiculously priced amplifiers and "source". I guess even many of those who cannot afford this kind of equipment, find this idea appealing. It gives them the feeling that an average 300$ phone they got with their hard earned noney, actually *is* a much more expensive piece of eguipment, like a sheep in wolf's clothes



I think you have it backwards. The 600 and 650 are both very good headphones that will not be the "bottleneck" in the system if you use them with a $5000 source and a $2500 amplifier. It is not that they "need' those expensive components to sound "good" but they will not be "embarassed" by them.

Note: quotes added because they are fun

Note2: This does not preclude that other headphones will be embarrassed or may not sound even better.
Apr 16, 2005 at 9:02 PM Post #27 of 38
I go out and tried the supermacro 3 at a store, although many head-fier here say how great it sound, I found the improvement to my ipod + um2 only around 5%, it's really subtle (may be not for audiophile). that make me re-consider whether it's worth the extra weight for outdoor use.
Apr 17, 2005 at 1:34 AM Post #28 of 38

I go out and tried the supermacro 3 at a store, although many head-fier here say how great it sound, I found the improvement to my ipod + um2 only around 5%, it's really subtle (may be not for audiophile). that make me re-consider whether it's worth the extra weight for outdoor use.

woah cool what store?? i thought xin was the only one who sold them...(you're talking about the supermacro amplifier by xin right?)

with my hd650 (and the supermacro v1) there's such a difference i feel stupid even writing it (compared to the out on my iPod)...
Apr 17, 2005 at 8:46 AM Post #29 of 38

Originally Posted by seeberg
I kind of agree with you on that one. I've always been under the thought that a headphone amp will clean up the sound(improving on virtually every aspect of the sound you hear, really) but increase the volume output capabilites even more significantly especially with underpowered cans. This is why I'd skip an amp on say, my ER6i, but I'd get one if I wanted the HD600's(which I do, but not for a while). Decent quality cables clean up the sound as well, and using great cables with a great amp is a killer combo, no matter what cans you prefer. That's why my signature lists a JMT amp with a Cardas HPI minicable. Together they work quite well for minimal cash for my needs.


ER6is for the money rock. ER6is do not need an amp but I bought a Gilmore Lite for from my Senn 650 and found synergy with the Etys. Worth $300; maybe not in most people's books but... for me is just made a good thing great. I sold my Senn 650 to fund, amoung others, the ER4Ps.

Now I want a portable amp
Actually, need is the right word.

msrl makes a good point that an amp for the 650 only adds 5-20%. I agree that sound quality on the 650 to be up maybe 20%. However, music for me produces an emotional response. 650s without amp sound nice, huge soundstage...but sort of muddy. With amp, muddiness gone, everything tighter and faster sounding. 20% increase in sound quality, sounds about right...but that is a HUGE difference in my emotional response. I went from, not using them at all in favor of the much cheaper Etys in to using them. YMMV
Apr 17, 2005 at 9:09 AM Post #30 of 38
Hearing your response on the ER6i's makes me wanna start a ER6i Groovalizer/Appreciation Thread!

now only if the ER6i came in as many colors as the iPods themselves...
I'd get mine in Crystal Topaz Pearlescent, to match a certain character's unmentionables in a certain book I wrote


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