Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-3
Feb 15, 2013 at 1:33 AM Post #286 of 1,285
i'll take a look at that and see what people have to say. Would definitely be an easy solution.

I don't understand how price is not a factor...
Both the Mjolnir and the GS-X have preamps + headphone amps, except GS-x is $1,750 more.
I think you should pick the Mjolnir, because the differences between these amps will be subtle and too hard to determine which your prefer w/o actually auditioning.  Your risk of buyer's remorse is the same, but your sunk costs w/ the Mjolnir will be less incase you wanted to resell it/keep it.
2nd I'd only consider the GSX if I had multiple other headphones that I wanted to use it with, as this amp is more versatile.
3rd I'd still be hesitant to buy the GS-X because I think the Bryston BHA is equally as versatile, has just as strong reviews, and is over a grand cheaper.  Also I could buy a used WA22 and a Mjolnir for the price of that used GS-X, which would also be much more versatile.
Feb 15, 2013 at 6:24 AM Post #287 of 1,285
The Mjolnir and GS-X couldn't sound more different.  While the Mjolnir is good, it's really aggressive and top tilted.  The GS-X is more polite with a better balance tonally.
For your needs though, neither is a 'good' buy.  Until my new GS-X lands, the Burson Soloist I have now is much better top to bottom than the Mjolnir and GS-1 I had.  It's not even close.
If the new GS-X lands on my doorstep and blow the doors off, I'll eat crow but last year... the Burson was tops for me.  The WA22 is an expensive, less capable B22.  Just buy a B22 :wink:  The BHA-1 isn't well thought out.  Gain choices of high and really high.  Balanced by using a unity gain discrete inverter, no RCA output for the pre.  Low power unless balanced, AC coupled etc.  Has it's fans though.
Feb 15, 2013 at 9:41 AM Post #288 of 1,285
The Mjolnir and GS-X couldn't sound more different.  While the Mjolnir is good, it's really aggressive and top tilted.  The GS-X is more polite with a better balance tonally.
For your needs though, neither is a 'good' buy.  Until my new GS-X lands, the Burson Soloist I have now is much better top to bottom than the Mjolnir and GS-1 I had.  It's not even close.
If the new GS-X lands on my doorstep and blow the doors off, I'll eat crow but last year... the Burson was tops for me.  The WA22 is an expensive, less capable B22.  Just buy a B22 :wink:  The BHA-1 isn't well thought out.  Gain choices of high and really high.  Balanced by using a unity gain discrete inverter, no RCA output for the pre.  Low power unless balanced, AC coupled etc.  Has it's fans though.

GS-X "couldn't sound more different" than Mjolnir.  Soloist "not even close" to the Mjolnir.  These sound like exaggeration to me.
I agree the Mjolnir is aggressive and top tilted, but IMO this is splitting hairs with the soloist and GS-X.
Feb 15, 2013 at 9:48 AM Post #289 of 1,285
Everyone's ability to hear is different and that's how I heard it.  The WA22>B22>Soloist are similar tonally but the technical ability scales up from WA22 to Soloist.
But if the differences are splitting hairs to you, why opt for the expensive ones?
Feb 15, 2013 at 9:59 AM Post #290 of 1,285
Everyone's ability to hear is different and that's how I heard it.  The WA22>B22>Soloist are similar tonally but the technical ability scales up from WA22 to Soloist.
But if the differences are splitting hairs to you, why opt for the expensive ones?

The WA22 was designed before the advent of the planar magnetic boom that Audez'e and Hifiman brought into this market, so perhaps it works better with the likes of HD800. I heard the HD800 scales really well in a fully balanced setup.
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:09 AM Post #291 of 1,285
Looking to buy a DAC and amp for LCD-3's. Have roughly 1800 to spend give or take. After reading this thread and a few more it seems like the Gungnir and Mjolnir are the best bet for my budget. 

I was wondering though, are there any all in one DAC/amp's that would be a better choice? Something like a Burson Conductor?

What would you describe their sound signature like?

If the LCD-3 is your only headphone and your choice is only between these two amps.  IMO - I would go MJ and a better DAC ie..  NAD M51, PWD2 or something other than the Gungnir.
If you plan on having a variety of headphones both low impedance and high impedance I would say the GS-X would be a better choice.  Still, a good DAC would be preferred.
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:15 AM Post #292 of 1,285
Going from one to the other, tubes used would alter this some...
WA22 to B22.. staging gets better, otherwise stand ins for each other using LCD
B22 to Soloist... clarity, focus, staging and bass depth improve otherwise similar
I would add that the Soloist is the only amp I've had that make the HD800 not only competitive with the LCD line but preferable.  Previous attempts on the B22 and Peak were not worth holding on to.
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:25 AM Post #293 of 1,285
Going from one to the other, tubes used would alter this some...
WA22 to B22.. staging gets better, otherwise stand ins for each other using LCD
B22 to Soloist... clarity, focus, staging and bass depth improve otherwise similar
I would add that the Soloist is the only amp I've had that make the HD800 not only competitive with the LCD line but preferable.  Previous attempts on the B22 and Peak were not worth holding on to.

Different HD800s may be the cause as well.
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:32 AM Post #294 of 1,285
If the LCD-3 is your only headphone and your choice is only between these two amps.  IMO - I would go MJ and a better DAC ie..  NAD M51, PWD2 or something other than the Gungnir.
If you plan on having a variety of headphones both low impedance and high impedance I would say the GS-X would be a better choice.  Still, a good DAC would be preferred.

Whats wrong with the gungnir? You would prefer a different dac paired with the mj? I thought they were a match made in heaven..
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:37 AM Post #295 of 1,285
Whats wrong with the gungnir? You would prefer a different dac paired with the mj? I thought they were a match made in heaven..

Nothing is wrong with the gungnir

There're other / better DACs out there - some at a higher cost and some not.  IMO don't be tied down to the gungnir just because it's made by Schiit.  
At an even lower cost I would go with the XDA-2.  Of course it dosn't match esthetic (looks) wise, but if cost is an object - you get more for less.
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:37 AM Post #297 of 1,285
The Mjolnir / Gungnir is indeed extremely good - it´s just that when you listen to Gungnir with other amps (and other DACs with the Mjolnir) - it is pretty obvious that the Gungnir is a bit "coarse". I would compare the Gungnir to e.g. Hegel´s HD10 DAC. The latter has received accolades some time back. 
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:39 AM Post #298 of 1,285
Mojo/Gungir any good for the LCD-3?
Feb 15, 2013 at 10:42 AM Post #300 of 1,285
The said stack is perfect for both LCD-3 and LCD-2. Of the LCD-2 r1 and r2, I love the r1 with the Mjolnir / Gungnir. 

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