AKG owners unite...
Apr 11, 2005 at 9:40 PM Post #76 of 368
If what you are hearing is distortion at high volume levels, the problem might not be the headphones.
The headphones might simply be reproducing the signal the electronics are feeding them. Or - to put it another way - your electronics are clipping.
The "50%" gain setting is irrelevant. I can't recall ever playing with an amp that could be turned up all the way without distortion. If you're using a lot of EQ (or tone controls), it's possible to run an amp into distortion at a low gain setting.
I bet your headphones (assuming they're functioning properly) can handle all the clean signal your amp can feed them. If they sound good at lower settings, then there's a chance the amp is clipping.
If you aren't certain your headphones are functioning correctly, you can send them to AKG and get them checked out. Yes- it is possible that there's something wrong with the headphones, but if they sound okay at lower volumes, it might be the electronics.
Apr 11, 2005 at 9:51 PM Post #77 of 368
Hmm.. I'll have to look into it further. I hear the same problem on my pimetas (18v supply) at high volume as well. The bass just starts distorting on bass-heavy material, pretty badly. I'm guessing from your statement that this shouldn't be happening, correct? Or at least, if it starts distorting, it should be at volumes where I can't keep the phones on my head
Apr 11, 2005 at 10:27 PM Post #79 of 368

well, what have we here




The AKG 271s.






I took a moment to observe the build on them. Pretty rugged, and the twist-headband design is quite neat as well. Looks are pretty impressive, IMO.

Initial after-5-minute thoughts on the sound: Detail. Lots and lots of clear, beautiful detail. Outmatches my Shures, which is quite amazing, I'd say. As for bass, I can't really notice a huge lack of it. Listening to one of my highest bass-demanding songs, Paradise Lost - Don't Belong, the bass is punchy and responsive. Vocals stand out loud and clear. Also seems to bring quite a nice atmosphere as well. I can't wait until they burn in

Speaking of which, how can I burn these guys in? I mean, with the audio turning off after taking them off. D:
Apr 11, 2005 at 10:33 PM Post #80 of 368

Originally Posted by grandcross

Speaking of which, how can I burn these guys in? I mean, with the audio turning off after taking them off. D:

Well you can disable the little button that makes them turn off

Or you can just put something in between the button and its little mechanism.
Apr 11, 2005 at 10:42 PM Post #81 of 368

Originally Posted by motherone
I'm a huge fan of my AKG K401's... I've got them amped with either pimeta or a PPA w/Diamond Buffers, depending on my source (computer = pimeta, CD rig = PPA).

I am finding one disconcerting problem with them, though -- they distort BADLY on my PPA at anything above 50% on the volume (gain on the amp is 10). I believe it's due to the bass -- not sure if anyone else has seen this problem.

The 401 does everything perfectly for me, except for the bass.... It really needs some help there.

Anyone have any suggestions on whether the K501 is a worthy upgrade? It's either going to be that, or some sennheisers (though I hate the thought of going with such a "common" can

to my ears k501 are worth the upgrade , they are more refined/detailed and you can ear this ; but they really don't help the bass syndrome and will likely be still more light in bass.

There are some mods you can perform for bass though , one is rolling for 30/50hrs a 20/40hz bass loop to fullburn and release the drivers in order to get them answer as best they can to the lowest basses

..the other mod is the "tape mod" which consists in applying some tape bands on the ext of the shells , you decide position/size to your likings , it imporve the bass too. anyhow those improvemnts are quitemarginals , even if in my case both of them somehwat help to fill my need for bass
Apr 12, 2005 at 2:43 AM Post #82 of 368
grandcross - Nice pictures! Congrats on your new headphones.
Apr 12, 2005 at 2:51 AM Post #83 of 368

Originally Posted by grandcross
Speaking of which, how can I burn these guys in? I mean, with the audio turning off after taking them off. D:

As I found out from philodox, after I amused myself for quite some time, the thing is switched on & off by a button that's activated by the headband. You can either hang the headphone off something by the headband or put some tension on the headband and tie it to the frame.
Apr 12, 2005 at 3:36 AM Post #84 of 368

Originally Posted by lini
amartignano: I wouldn't be surprised, if you were going to like your K240M - but I'd be surprised, if you liked it better than your K501. I remember, when I was going from the K240M to the K400, the latter was better in just every aspect (especially in extension and imaging) - from then on, the K240M was just collecting dust. The later step up from the K400 to the K501 also seemed to be such a universal improvement to me, but to a significantly smaller degree - whereas the K240S is more a side-grade in order to get a different sound (with significantly more bass

Greetings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini

When my original pair of 240Ms crapped out, I got a pair of K501s and found it to be a rather substantial downgrade, at least for the type of music I listen to. I returned the 501s and got a new pair of 240Ms.
Apr 12, 2005 at 7:32 AM Post #85 of 368

Originally Posted by MikeAKGGuy
I think if they sound good at lower volumes, the amp(s) are distorting.

Oh, by the way, you can hear the difference between the K 401 and K 501.

Well, I disassembled the PPA and think I ran into a problem on the rail-isolation JFETs. New ones are one the way. Still not sure why I'm getting distortion on the Pimeta's, though. I'll have to dig further on those.

I know a lot of folks talk about the differences between the K 401 and the 501. Most say that the 501 is more detailed, but even more bass-shy than the 401. I did read a post on here that said the new versions of the 501 no longer have the bass problems.. Can anyone confirm it?
Apr 12, 2005 at 8:15 AM Post #86 of 368

Originally Posted by motherone
the 501 is more detailed, but even more bass-shy than the 401.

I would not say it that way. The K401 is about 90 - 95% of the K501. It may be that the K501 has better high end extension and the K401 does not. This would tend to make the K401 sound a little less bright or detailed and so it will sound darker which some may take to mean that it has more bass. Not really. Heck, even AKG labelled the K401 for rock and the K501 for classical. Ah, no, it doesn't do rock any better than the K501, there is no up ramp at 2KHz - 5 KHz.
Apr 12, 2005 at 9:42 AM Post #87 of 368
I just received mine this morning, and they are really comfy!!! I dont have an amp yet, so im driving them straight from my iriver H340. They actually seem to sound ok, even though i have to pump the volume up. Doesnt seem to be any real distortion.

I cant believe how many more little things i hear with these phones. I thought my MS-1s had really good clarity but with the k501s, i can hear Diana Krall's lips as she sings (or licks her lips every now and then??). The thing is they dont sound as ... i dunno how to say it ... lush? warm? as the ms-1s. Everything seems a bit further away as well. Oh yeah, and some of my crapper mp3/ogg vorb files sound really...well...crap when i listen to them with the k501s. And they didnt sounds anywhere near as crap with the ms-1s.

Not sure if i prefer the k501s to the ms-1s for jazz yet, but definitely classical. Cant wait to get an amp to drive them.

anyways, enough blabbing. im just so happy to have got them
Apr 12, 2005 at 10:23 AM Post #88 of 368
i love my k501s - they are the only headphones to satisfy me completely for the purpose i got them. that would be classical and jazz.

feel the love!
Apr 12, 2005 at 1:11 PM Post #89 of 368
The K 501 has lighter diaphragms than the K 401 which give it better transient response. The diaphragm also has different corrugations so it has less bass distortion. The overall effect is that it has better transients and more detail sonically.
Psycho-acoustically, if there's more detail to the sound with less distortion, your ear thinks there's less bass. In real life, there isn't that great of a difference in bass.

OH - I forgot to add - IMHO!
Apr 18, 2006 at 10:35 PM Post #90 of 368

Originally Posted by lini
Well, alright then - I keep on being a liar and have hated the K240M and K400 quite a bit in their times, while I still hate the K501 and the K240S a lot today. Not so much hated: K240DF, K270S, K500, K271S, K24P...

Grinnings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini

This is really funny to read now. You say that you hate the k240s's, and then in your signature it says:

Current favourites: AKG K240S - "The new Groovalizer"


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