Ah...the joys of college.
Oct 10, 2001 at 11:18 PM Post #16 of 50
heheheh! that would be a fitting revenge! post the pictures here as well, i want to see
Oct 10, 2001 at 11:35 PM Post #17 of 50
An important college survival hint- when someone is way drunk or passed out, roll them onto their stomach, and turn their head to one side, so they don't do a "Belushi" and drown on their own vomit.

(helpful hints from "Da Budg")
Oct 10, 2001 at 11:42 PM Post #18 of 50
I am so sorry Moo. I hate when people has to suffer the idiotic stuff some a**hole generates (for some reason, I am thinking about my father in law, long, disgusting story). If you can get another roomate, do it asap. And don't let him touch your stuff ever with his vomite enameled paws.
Oct 10, 2001 at 11:50 PM Post #19 of 50

Originally posted by Budgie
An important college survival hint- when someone is way drunk or passed out, roll them onto their stomach, and turn their head to one side, so they don't do a "Belushi" and drown on their own vomit.

(helpful hints from "Da Budg")

And that was another public service announcement from Budgie. Remember kids, drink responsibly.
Oct 10, 2001 at 11:57 PM Post #20 of 50

Originally posted by Budgie
An important college survival hint- when someone is way drunk or passed out, roll them onto their stomach, and turn their head to one side, so they don't do a "Belushi" and drown on their own vomit.

I see a FAQ forming.
Oct 11, 2001 at 2:26 AM Post #21 of 50
ah, dorming. such fun. freshman year my roomate wasn't so bad, but his friends were. my room was their hangout place. they were partying in there 24/7. these guys were so bad that our hall was put under surveillance. i could not sleep in there, i'd be sleeping in friend's dorms or in the library. my grades suffered (my first semester average was 0.27!! i got kicked out college for that one). i told my friend it had to stop. he was a nice guy and tried to keep them out, but these guys were determined. one time i was with my girlfriend and had the rubberband on the doorknob. next thing i know, one of them is climbing through the window.

well, i got pissed and started breeding hamsters and letting them run around. it freaked out some of them, and the smell disgusted the rest.
Oct 11, 2001 at 4:36 AM Post #23 of 50

Originally posted by CRESCENDOPOWER
Moo, How is his personality? Can you talk to him? Try to make him feel guilty for having no consideration for others. Good luck man!

Nah, he's a dick, like I said. He doesn't remember a thing from last night, and wants me to feel sorry for him. But he did get a citation from the police, for lying unconscious on the sidewalk somewhere, drunk, and underage. So his parents I'm sure have or will be notified, and he will have to go to court to probably pay a fine or get warned or something. I was nice this time, fetching him from the police (they called and said if I didn't come get him, they would take him to the hospital to be watched, since nobody else would). Next time he's on his own.

As for everyone else, thank you for the kind words
Your hilarious stories (and often disturbing!) have cheered me up. I guess it's not so bad. I'm learning tolerance. And I would never ever let him touch my equipment! That would be crossing the line and I would unleash voodoo on his ass.

I shoulda posted a poll in this thread, perhaps something like, "In college which description characterizes you the closest"

Jude, am digging the 100+ poster...am finally in the 3 digit league! And that new quote...well...it speaks for itself

Oct 11, 2001 at 10:55 AM Post #24 of 50

Originally posted by coolvij
disturbed: That SUCKS!!! I can't believe that......eeks.....wait - is having pre-marital sex allowed by Islamic law?


LOL I asked an Arab friend he says without marriage it isnt allowed but im living in a part of the Uinted Arab Emirates where sex-before-marriage is so common I wonder where the hell that Islamic law went

Anyway whos gonna find something like that out?
Yeah if you were doing the wild thing publicly there might be a problem or if someone complains to police or something there is a *Very Slight" possiblity they will do something about it.

As I said im living in the most tolerant city of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai

EDIT: Check out on worldsexguide.org (or was it guides.org??)
[The proxy here makes certian sites impossible to enter

They even ban other proxys from other countries and most anonymisers are banned already

Strange place I say] about United Arab EMirates, Dubai........you'll get some perspective on how the police treat prostitution here....(HINT: They dont do anything)
Oct 11, 2001 at 5:07 PM Post #25 of 50
Moo, that's a loser of a room mate you got but please take my advice.
I don't care if you throw your room mates moped off the 10th floor balcony
I don't care if you throw your room mate off the 10th floor balcony
i don't care if you go for a Liberal Arts degree
I don't care if you blow all your parents money on beer (your parents will by the way)

in the name of humanity just don't mess with the fire alarms...i have to put up with alarms going off at all hours of the day and night and early AM every year, year after year because i live near dorms...it doesn't help they make thoughs alarms loud enough to wake up everyone within a half mile of the dorms...last year was terrible but this year not bad...maybe the guy who was setting off the alarms got thrown off the 10th floor balcony...i hope so...
anyway good luck and be good....do me a favor and throw your room mate off the 10th floor balcony just for fun
Oct 11, 2001 at 5:41 PM Post #26 of 50

Only in college would I get a call at 4:45 in the morning asking me to walk down the 3 flights of steps from my room to the front of the apartment, and then across the parking lot to the street, where lay a police cruiser and a couple volunteers holding...wait...no...can't be...my roommate. Drunk. Out of his brains. Smelling and looking of puke, laughing incessantly when he sees me.

"Is he a friend of yours?" the officer says.
"Roommate." I say.
"He says he's been drinking in his room and just took a walk--"
"No sir, I've been in the room since 9:30, this is the first I've heard of him."
"That's what we thought. Would you do us a favor and walk him up to your guys's room and look after him until he gets to sleep and make sure he doesn't puke in his bed or something?"
"You are a good roommate to do this."

Is that it? I thought it's something exciting! You should come to England, study here, the first 2 years are mad. Let me just list a few things we did,

There is this Navy base in the same town and it's 10 minutes walk away from the Dorm, a friend took this sign stuck on the gate of the base and the guard saw him and sent out dogs to chase him down. He got away though.

We got stop by the police once, thinking we are terrorist because we were driving around in a convertible while filming with a camcorder. The Ford we were in looks exactly the same as another Ford that was connected to a known terrorist a few weeks before. We got the whole police thing on tape as well, and once we explain that we are only students and shown him what's on the tape, he let us go. He thought that we were filming the Navy base for the IRA!

Rearrange a few road signs (turn them to another direction), relocated a few bus stops...etc

Sat on a tree in a night club (me).

Took a walk to the docks in the middle of a show storm for no reason. lie in the middle of the road when drunk (me again).

Loads more I can't remember mainly because we were drunk.

Oh, the legal drinking age is 18 here so it's a party all the time the first year. sorry about he being a dick though, but you'll look back and laugh about it. We don't share rooms here, every body get's their own room if they want to. Only a few University have shared accomodation.
Oct 11, 2001 at 8:01 PM Post #28 of 50

Originally posted by squirt
Moo, that's a loser of a room mate you got but please take my advice.
I don't care if you throw your room mates moped off the 10th floor balcony
I don't care if you throw your room mate off the 10th floor balcony
i don't care if you go for a Liberal Arts degree
I don't care if you blow all your parents money on beer (your parents will by the way)

in the name of humanity just don't mess with the fire alarms...i have to put up with alarms going off at all hours of the day and night and early AM every year, year after year because i live near dorms...it doesn't help they make thoughs alarms loud enough to wake up everyone within a half mile of the dorms...last year was terrible but this year not bad...maybe the guy who was setting off the alarms got thrown off the 10th floor balcony...i hope so...
anyway good luck and be good....do me a favor and throw your room mate off the 10th floor balcony just for fun

OMG this is serious what if there is a real fire but you dont run out thinking it's that idiot tripping the alarm?
Oct 11, 2001 at 8:34 PM Post #29 of 50
kerykeion: that's what I thought.......


you all are makin me think I should go to my local community college (no dorms....that's right - NO DORMS WHATSOEVER).... and.....uh, be an educated gas station attendent.

I mean, honestly - with a roomie like the ones mentioned in this thread.......I dunno....that whole "college experience" looks kinda.....crappy....
Oct 11, 2001 at 11:12 PM Post #30 of 50
coolvij and other's going to college ... a bit of advice: room with a friend your 1st year in college.. a trustworthy friend.. at least for the first year. That way, you can avoid being randomly partnered or tripled up with someone who you have no clue about. Trust me, having a bad roommate can and will affect your daily routines, schoolwork, headphone listening, etc..

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