Ah...the joys of college.
Oct 10, 2001 at 9:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 50


500+ MOOOderator: Needs a better MOOOOmate
Jun 26, 2001
Only in college would I get a call at 4:45 in the morning asking me to walk down the 3 flights of steps from my room to the front of the apartment, and then across the parking lot to the street, where lay a police cruiser and a couple volunteers holding...wait...no...can't be...my roommate. Drunk. Out of his brains. Smelling and looking of puke, laughing incessantly when he sees me.

"Is he a friend of yours?" the officer says.
"Roommate." I say.
"He says he's been drinking in his room and just took a walk--"
"No sir, I've been in the room since 9:30, this is the first I've heard of him."
"That's what we thought. Would you do us a favor and walk him up to your guys's room and look after him until he gets to sleep and make sure he doesn't puke in his bed or something?"
"You are a good roommate to do this."
"Thanks." (I wanted ask him what he though of my significant other as a roommate, but I refrained.)
My roommate, thinking he must say something, says "Yeah, man, you...you are the MAN man." (or something stupid to that effect)
Right now I'm freezing my ass off because it's 30 degrees outside and I'm in sweatpants and a t-shirt, so I cut short our pleasant conversation and escort my roomie back upstairs to our apartment C9, where I personally don't give a **** if he pukes in bed as long as it doesn't leak through the mattress and dribble onto me (he has the top bunk). And so here I am, 30 minutes later...the room smelling of booze and puke, and I need sleep because I have to get up at 8 to finish homework and go to class at 10, but instead feel like sharing my thoughts while they're fresh in my mind.

I have an ass for a roommate.

Headphones rule, roommates drool. Literally.

(oh, btw jude, 100 posts here...hint hint
Oct 10, 2001 at 2:40 PM Post #3 of 50
Moo, why in the world did you risk letting him sleep on the top bunk? Next time (and you know there will be a next time), just pull off his blanket and pillow, put them on the floor, and let him crash there. I bet he wouldn't even remember it. Hmm, wait, you're in an apartment, right? Make him sleep in the living room! At least then you don't have to put up w/ the (pardon the pun) nauseating smell.

Oh, and I think you need over 100 posts to get the status upgrade...
Oct 10, 2001 at 3:40 PM Post #4 of 50

I think after that episode with the roomate from hell, you ought to get the upgrade just because.....

....and a new roomate.
Oct 10, 2001 at 3:51 PM Post #5 of 50
Now I just bet he would like to be woken up with Beethoven's 9th symphony!


Or Thin Lizzy. Red Hot Chili Peppers? But punish him good :)
Oct 10, 2001 at 4:51 PM Post #7 of 50
Moo, you need 101 posts! it's 100+ member, not 100 member!

and yeah, that does suck. I can't wait til I get to deal with that crap too...
Oct 10, 2001 at 5:03 PM Post #8 of 50
Moo, I know right now your probably still upset, but ten years from now you will look back, and laugh.
When I went to college in the late 80's, and early 90's. I had a friend who was extremly drunk. He decided he was going to take some free weights, and press them over his head, and when he did he dislocated his shoulder, and pissed his pants.
When the ambulance came we took him outside. There must of been at least 100 people outside the apartment complex watching. It was very cold, and you could see the steam rising off of his pants.
Everyone was laughing. But, one of the Aggies from upstairs decided to put his finger in my buddies face, and all hell broke loose!
To make a long story short. That was the only time I have ever been taken away by the police, and I'll never forget it.
Oct 10, 2001 at 6:17 PM Post #9 of 50
yeah well, i still think my roomie is a dick. he's still asleep, and the room stinks. i have all the windows open and the fan on, so hopefully the stench of vomit and grime will go away. it was very considerate of him to dump his nasty clothes on the bathroom floor, and in the sink (the shirt is still hanging over one of our kitchen table chairs), and to bring the garbage can directly next the the bed...i guess so he can spit or something...i dunno. i hope he has a midterm today or something and is missing it. would serve him right. anyhow, i complain too much. he gives me much unnecessary stress, when home should be a place to escape school. and the unfair thing about all of this is that when he graduates, he'll be making $100,000+/year simply because his father is a successful in the cs/engineering world and knows people. and his mom's a doctor. blah. jmt, you're right about that upgrade...although i'm ahead of ya...something big planned for the end of the month. w00t!
Oct 10, 2001 at 10:00 PM Post #10 of 50
Man, that reminds me of my college days except I was the drunk roomie!
Those were the good old days. Now it's go to work...get yelled by boss...get yelled at by client...go out after work and get drunk....get up and go to work...etc...etc...

Enjoy these days because to tell you the truth it only gets worse after college. Man do I need a beer - well actually Kettle One/Tonic.
Oct 10, 2001 at 10:05 PM Post #11 of 50

Originally posted by MooGoesTheCow
yeah well, i still think my roomie is a dick. he's still asleep, and the room stinks. i have all the windows open and the fan on, so hopefully the stench of vomit and grime will go away. it was very considerate of him to dump his nasty clothes on the bathroom floor, and in the sink (the shirt is still hanging over one of our kitchen table chairs), and to bring the garbage can directly next the the bed...i guess so he can spit or something...i dunno. i hope he has a midterm today or something and is missing it. would serve him right. anyhow, i complain too much. he gives me much unnecessary stress.

I had a terrible roomate...he someone how managed to sneak his girl in he dorms (Muslim country=Girls BANNED from Male dorms") bothe were extremely drunk........had sex in front of me........I left the place only to come back to find the place trashed by them. They used my bed while I was gone EEEYUCK. Worst of all if a girl if found in the male dorms here all hell would break loose I would go to jail, get kicked out of university permanently, and in jail I wold be beaten along with the pathetic dude who lived with me.

I didnt have class the next day but I had a midterm the day after so i decided to stay....she stayed in the room becaus eit was daytime and too dangerous to leave...she took a bath and used my stuff...MY shampoo bottle (Damnit that was good shampoo) and I had to clean the *ahem* mess she and the d00d made for me. Worst of all she tried to make it up to me for all the trouble as a sexual favor. KABLAM I went nuts........on that day....I must have screamed my lungs off at her. Whats the world becoming to?

I would have been luterally whipped by the cops...sometimes Islamic laws are difficult to deal with...especially in this situation.

Anyway managed to get her out late at night and i could finally breath.and fortunate I had studied for the midterm the next day.

I screamed at the guy and complained that I need a new roomate and they got me a new one who is much decent and quite helpful
I'd marry him after the last guy I had.

Thats my expeience a few months ago
MooGoesTheCow, why dont you try changing roomates if you are living at university premises?
Oct 10, 2001 at 10:08 PM Post #12 of 50
Yup yup yup!...This is personally why I laugh when I read peoples posts saying:

"I'm going to college and going to live in the dorms next year...what closed headphone should I get so I don't disturb my roommate? Are Grados too loud, will they leak and bother him?"
Oct 10, 2001 at 10:35 PM Post #13 of 50
Is it by some freak incident, ALL dorms have one 'normal' person and one drunk-ass person? Ugh... Thats something I don't look forward to next year... I hope my roommate is a nerd or something, it'd make my life a lot easier... or a very decent guy who could hook me up with girls or something
Oct 10, 2001 at 10:52 PM Post #14 of 50
disturbed: That SUCKS!!! I can't believe that......eeks.....wait - is having pre-marital sex allowed by Islamic law?

Oct 10, 2001 at 10:59 PM Post #15 of 50
drag his sorry inconsiderate ass out of bed and into the hallway, strip him down to his underwear and use a sharpie to draw rude words on him. then take his picture and post it on the net. make sure his mother gets one, too. this is how people like him learn, so you would be doing him a favor. i knew a guy who would pass out drunk and smelly all the time in college. once i stuck lit cigarettes in his mouth, ears, nose and one down the crack... then put a speaker next to his head and BLASTED him with music. ah, memories...

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