Aesthetic Phones?
Jun 5, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #46 of 75
KSC-75! Ok, i kidd

ESW9 ftw!
Jun 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM Post #47 of 75
Grado looking like a torture device? Barely. Not everybody can appreciate the elegance and simplicity in design of Grado headphones.

Sennheiser designs their headphones for aliens. They are also the most uncomfortable crap I've ever put on my head.
Jun 5, 2009 at 3:32 PM Post #48 of 75
I think audio-technica has the most thought-out aesthetics by far. I think my next headphones will be AT, I got the urge for wood headphones after too much plastic/metal Ultrasones.
Jun 5, 2009 at 3:57 PM Post #49 of 75
Grado design team just watched Mash, saw Radar's cans and went 'thats the one!' - the rest is history.
Jun 5, 2009 at 4:34 PM Post #50 of 75

Originally Posted by LarsP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Omega II's;


Lars, you sure have good taste!

The SR-007MK2 sure looks nice, and so do the SR-007BL...

Jun 5, 2009 at 5:40 PM Post #51 of 75
Are those Omega's as heavy and bulky as they look?
Jun 5, 2009 at 6:37 PM Post #52 of 75
12.9oz without cable / 1.1lbs with cables, not too bad. Weight isn't that much of an issue unless you have neck or posture problems, I always get fatigued by uncomfortable pads before anything else.
Jun 5, 2009 at 6:58 PM Post #53 of 75
For me, aesthetics is more about removing anything that isn't essential to the design. Extra ornament always looks dated within a few years. Something like the K-701 is hopelessly blinged out. In ten years it will have the same aesthetic appeal as one of those cheesy 1970s stereos. Those were considered cool in their day but are laughed at now. The same will happen for much of what's on the market.

I like the K-1000. It has nothing it doesn't need and there's zero ornamental crap. I guarantee the K-1000 will still look futuristic in 2029. The HD-800 will look dated in comparison.

The Sennheiser HD-650, however, will hold up much better. It is understated and all business.

The Beyerdynamic DT48 has incredible build quality and there isn't a single unnecessary thing on it. Same with the Grado HP-1000 series, which has fine build quality and nothing more than it needs.

Minimalism is not boring. It is the only design that holds up in the long term and it forces designers to deal directly with the goals and utility of the object. It's the hacks who build something common and then tart it up with the fashionable bling of the day.
Jun 5, 2009 at 8:41 PM Post #55 of 75

Originally Posted by Darek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
is the girl in the last pic ryoko hirosue ?

doesn't look like her. face shape is totally different.
Jun 5, 2009 at 9:03 PM Post #56 of 75

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For me, aesthetics is more about removing anything that isn't essential to the design. Extra ornament always looks dated within a few years. Something like the K-701 is hopelessly blinged out. In ten years it will have the same aesthetic appeal as one of those cheesy 1970s stereos. Those were considered cool in their day but are laughed at now. The same will happen for much of what's on the market.

I like the K-1000. It has nothing it doesn't need and there's zero ornamental crap. I guarantee the K-1000 will still look futuristic in 2029. The HD-800 will look dated in comparison.

The Sennheiser HD-650, however, will hold up much better. It is understated and all business.

The Beyerdynamic DT48 has incredible build quality and there isn't a single unnecessary thing on it. Same with the Grado HP-1000 series, which has fine build quality and nothing more than it needs.

Minimalism is not boring. It is the only design that holds up in the long term and it forces designers to deal directly with the goals and utility of the object. It's the hacks who build something common and then tart it up with the fashionable bling of the day.

Agreed. Which makes this a strong contender, IMO:


À propos K701, Duchamps Fountain anyone?
Jun 5, 2009 at 9:17 PM Post #57 of 75
I think Beyerdynamic's 2005 models (770/880/990) all look pretty nice IMO.

Also, the ESW10JPN looks very nice in pictures, though I'm not sure how it would look on someone.

Denon with the Lawton Audio cups look really nice as well (in pictures, anyway).

The new HF-2 is a real looker, IMO. I agree that the SR325i was a very nice looking one, the gold really worked for it.
Jun 6, 2009 at 6:03 AM Post #58 of 75
I havent seen the Grados in person, but I think they look unique and nice in their own way. Probably not particularly popular in modern terms.

I'm curious if anyone here likes how the Ultrasones Pro 900 look compared to probably the Ultrasones HFI 780, Pro 2500, or HFI 2200.
Jun 6, 2009 at 9:20 AM Post #59 of 75

Originally Posted by mbd2884 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are those Omega's as heavy and bulky as they look?

They are quite heavy, weighing in at 512 gram (including cable).
But they don't feel that way when you have them on your head, thanks to the great wearing comfort. Large soft earpads and a headband that distribute the weight evenly over the skull.
Jun 6, 2009 at 11:51 AM Post #60 of 75

Originally Posted by trigg3rhappy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm curious if anyone here likes how the Ultrasones Pro 900 look compared to probably the Ultrasones HFI 780, Pro 2500, or HFI 2200.

The Pro 900 look very nice from the point of view of its intended function (the studio), but it gives a very wrong message in public. It's a real eyesore to people because it isn't eyecandy like the HFI-2200/HFI-780 so people don't think I'm wearing them to be a cool kid or to enjoy music but simply to be rude/show off the two gigantic circles eating my ears. I'm thinking about doing a hello kitty sticker mod on them so I can use it in public without drawing disapproving looks.

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