A little about the Shozy Alien
Mar 31, 2015 at 6:25 AM Post #1,651 of 3,126
Mm. The alien distorted at high volumes and was a pain to use, the shuffle feature didn't work for longer than an hour. Sold it because of this.

I guess it's completely fair to complain about the Shozy's lack of features, but I don't think the Shozy is trying to be an iphone or ipod killer, it's clearly offering superior (and unique) sound quality albeit at the expense of some pretty crucial features, it's up to you whether those things are deal breakers or not. FWIW I have been using my Shozyshuffler program since day one and have no need to try the inbuilt shuffle feature bug.
I find it pretty odd that yer getting distortion at high volumes. Normally I can't even push most mp3 players to volumes as high as what the Shozy can do, the shozy pushes past most of these volumes and holds it's own distortion free.
It could perhaps be that I am experiencing my Shozy quite differently from other users as I have used replaygain in conjunction with the foobar conversion tool, so all my FLAC files are permanently replaygained to a value of 89db. This will mean my files are quieter than others, but I assure you I am blasting my ears in the volume department and have almost listened near max volume with my Shozy > PFE 232's (just a few notches away from max). Replaygaining files might sound stupid, but most modern albums are defaulting around the 97db mark, and lots of clipping occurs at this default.
Just this week I recieved a Cowon iAudio E3, it's pretty nice, but for example, listening to the same replaygained FLAC files that the Shozy gets treatment of, the E3 even at max volume plays them too quietly. I have to play mp3 files MP3gained to 97db (ie their default) to get on par with the Shozy volume equivilent 89db FLAC files, and then of course lots of clipping and distortion is heard from the E3.
Point is that the E3 is louder than a iphone or Android handset and the Shozy does better than both of those, with files playing at only 89db...

I know this is too late (as u've sold yours), but if anyone else out there feels as tho the Shozy is distorting at high volumes, I urge them to try replaygaining their files to 89db and then having another go, because in this case it might not be the Shozy at fault but rather the loudness war ruining everything...
For me to date, the Shozy demonstrates again and again at being the best device I have ever heard at playing my music at the loudest volumes I can handle, distortion free. Adding the Soundmagic A10 can take things that little extra 5-10% if I really want it, but it's not necessary. Honestly... I am in audio bliss :)
Mar 31, 2015 at 10:05 AM Post #1,653 of 3,126
Mm. The alien distorted at high volumes and was a pain to use, the shuffle feature didn't work for longer than an hour. Sold it because of this.

yes on mine there was a lot of the available volume pointless as it would distort. I would only ever go around 3/4 clicks up from default for all I needed. it is finicky to use, I just like the sound and the fact it disappears in the pocket with no distractions, just set and forget. All the others the weight/size you never forget its on you
Mar 31, 2015 at 3:31 PM Post #1,654 of 3,126
yes on mine there was a lot of the available volume pointless as it would distort. I would only ever go around 3/4 clicks up from default for all I needed. it is finicky to use, I just like the sound and the fact it disappears in the pocket with no distractions, just set and forget. All the others the weight/size you never forget its on you

You see with my files at 89db I am doing something like 20 clicks past the default boot up volume to get mine to a place that I like. I'll check later today exactly how many clicks it is, but it's most definitely double figures (and no distortion at all).

EDIT: Yep I just double checked and I am at about 20-25+ pushes of the volume from default 'just switched on' volume level. But before people lose their ****, remember my files have been replaygained to 89db.
Today I am going to try and do a better comparison between a replaygained 89db flac file with the same file replaygained to 97db (pretty much what it was before I replaygained it), and report back in regards to any additional distortion I might be hearing. I will also report how many volume nudges I need from default level to get to a similar level to the 20-25 pushes at 89db.
Apr 1, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #1,657 of 3,126
... FWIW I have been using my Shozyshuffler program since day one and have no need to try the inbuilt shuffle feature bug.....

 Just curious about this part in your post, what shuffler program are you using? Although my shozy alien hasn't arrived yet...
My Shozy Gold limited edition got delayed, the shop I pre-ordered from just sent me an email informing me that Shozy had some problem with their production hence the delay, no ETA.
Man I was hoping it isn't an April's Fool joke...
Apr 1, 2015 at 10:41 AM Post #1,659 of 3,126
  Absolutely in love with this little device! I personally think it is perfect. Feels great and solid in the hand and easily controlled. No problems thus far with 16/44.1 WAV and ordering/organization is very predictable. I did notice that the Alien does take into consideration the entire file name. Kings of Leon song 17 is named 07-17 and is played last even with the 07 structure. I had to rename it 07-Seventeen for it to play in the correct order. Mine is a 004xx series silver edition. I have been able to recreate the following actions on every attempt...5-6 times by now. normal play mode, 2sec (-) press = repeat folder, 2sec (-) press = repeat song, 2sec (-) press = shuffle, then back to normal mode. I know this has been discussed but the 2nd (-) press was thought to go back to normal mode which mine does not. This is great for me since I tend to listen to certain songs over-and-over if the mood strikes me! 

i got play function exactly like this.
the 2nd press don't go back to normal mode. glad i have the song repeat function.
my alien cannot play flac at all. i try to convert many times and many methods but didn't work, so my songs is all wav format.
the song i can have bit/freq is 24bit/48Khz max.
Apr 1, 2015 at 11:30 AM Post #1,660 of 3,126
   Just curious about this part in your post, what shuffler program are you using? Although my shozy alien hasn't arrived yet...
My Shozy Gold limited edition got delayed, the shop I pre-ordered from just sent me an email informing me that Shozy had some problem with their production hence the delay, no ETA.
Man I was hoping it isn't an April's Fool joke...

ive had the same email, man what a bummer. this includes the regular models I believe aswell. I may have to cancel and look for an alternative
Apr 1, 2015 at 4:46 PM Post #1,661 of 3,126
   Just curious about this part in your post, what shuffler program are you using? Although my shozy alien hasn't arrived yet...
My Shozy Gold limited edition got delayed, the shop I pre-ordered from just sent me an email informing me that Shozy had some problem with their production hence the delay, no ETA.
Man I was hoping it isn't an April's Fool joke...

I go into great lengths to detail about it. Go to page 38 of this thread and read my post.
Apr 1, 2015 at 4:48 PM Post #1,662 of 3,126
Recently I feel that the alien might be too much to handle, like not knowing the song and having to take out the sdcard and well what can I say using other dap have definitely been easier, battery life wise more if not same. Since I mostly use it on the move, i need it to sound better to justify for screenless and stuff or at least have more battery life.
I guess I will save up money for another dap.
Apr 1, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #1,663 of 3,126
Recently I feel that the alien might be too much to handle, like not knowing the song and having to take out the sdcard and well what can I say using other dap have definitely been easier, battery life wise more if not same. Since I mostly use it on the move, i need it to sound better to justify for screenless and stuff or at least have more battery life.
I guess I will save up money for another dap.

I thought this too but its actually such a relief having one less decision make- which song is next. Instead you just load it up with music that you like and put your attention on other things including the world around you. 
Plus the form factor and build quality is pretty hard to beat for portability.
And of course the sound which I doubt can be touched in that price range.
Apr 1, 2015 at 10:09 PM Post #1,664 of 3,126
I thought this too but its actually such a relief having one less decision make- which song is next. Instead you just load it up with music that you like and put your attention on other things including the world around you. 
Plus the form factor and build quality is pretty hard to beat for portability.
And of course the sound which I doubt can be touched in that price range.

The Alien was a leap of faith for me, but it's secured top spot for my portable listening pleasure - it pairs incredibly well with the Noble K10s and never ceases to amaze with a well-recorded album.
Apr 1, 2015 at 10:31 PM Post #1,665 of 3,126
I've actually reconfigured my portable listening setup because of the Alien. I've bought a nice USB DAC/Amp (Geek Out) for when I'm listening at the computer which is most of my listening. Its pretty hard to beat a USB DAC/Amp for size and sound quality at the price range. And of course the computer is much better interface than any DAP. No worries about battery life either.
The Alien is for my portable listening, or listening while reading a book, or just listening while not doing anything, just enjoying the music. It's like a little zen listening device. 
So for about USD 350 I have a  better and more customizable combination of portability, SQ, interface, battery life, power, etc than than any DAP at that price range (I suspect). 

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