A little about the Shozy Alien

Sep 5, 2014 at 6:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3,126


The Hiss King
Aug 9, 2006

Update I: I have uploaded RMAA results for the Alien Gold along with RMAA results, too.
Update II: I have written about the evolutionary changes from Black to Gold in this article which is illustrated with a number of photographs.
Since a lot of you are here for the SQ question alone, let me copy and paste my thoughts from my longish rant at ohm.

I have since posted RMAA results
It goes like this:

Finally, some good news. Indeed, sound is very good. Hiss levels are lower than the iPod shuffle and signal quality is similarly high. Plug in any stupidly sensitive earphone you have, andy stupidly low-Ω balanced armature earphone you have, and whammo! Great resolution, incredible left/right control, great detail. 

In every area, its performance edges out the original shuffle, just not by a huge lead. It's hiss levels that really set it apart from the now nine year-old iPod. I guess you could mention, also that the shuffle can't play 24-bit files. I would argue that if you really care about 24-bit, not to mention not blasting your ears by random restarts and blasts of volume, you probably aren't looking for a player like the Alien. I could be wrong.

If I am wrong and all you care about is good-sound and all-else-be-damned, Alien is awesome. But then, you probably are not reading this site.

You can read the rest at the rant. Evidently this is a 'pre-production' unit. However, I think that's an evasion. There's been a first batch out for a while. And it looks the same. Great sound though. 
If anyone wants RMAA to back up my claims, I will think of putting some measurements up at ohm. 
Ask me anything. 
Sep 6, 2014 at 11:01 AM Post #4 of 3,126
I think we are broken into two camps: those that value sound quality only and will spare no body part in achieving the best even if it means tossing a device later and wasting money, and those that prefer balance. I fall into the latter camp. I know that a lot of us do not. The SQ of the Alien is very good. Honestly, though, other than hiss being much lower than an iPod shuffle 512 (from 2005), a player that remains one of the best performing portable players out there, the difference in how each draws the core sound from my staple of earphones/headphones, is similar. 
In other words, I'm waiting for an updated/upgraded iPod shuffle from 2005 with good memory. I'm a screenless player junkie, but that player, because it lacks a screen, has to be well thought out. Alien is good sounding. End of story.
Sep 6, 2014 at 11:08 AM Post #5 of 3,126
I totally agree with you. I would love the best SQ possible, without sacrificing playability, UI, etc. What you described, would drive me nuts. I'd rather have the ipod than deal with headaches.
Sep 6, 2014 at 12:02 PM Post #7 of 3,126
Ipod shuffle 1gen was distinguised from other DAPs out at the time because it was not capacitively coupled output.  I believe capacitively coupled will roll of the lows.  He conducted 40Hz square wave test with and without load(earbuds).  It's interesting how the shuffle was the only one that wasn't capacitively coupled of the group he tested at the time(includes 2 other ipods?
  1. iPod Shuffle
  2. Zen Micro
  3. Dell DJ 20GB
  4. 15GB iPod (3rd Generation)
  5. iPod Mini 
Sep 6, 2014 at 8:50 PM Post #8 of 3,126
Nothing really has changed. The same shuffle will still put better quality signal into the same loads versus modern players. If only it wasn't for that damnable hiss. And, if only if it had gapless... of course gapless necessitates a more complicated firmware. 
Nov 11, 2014 at 2:55 AM Post #9 of 3,126
I've finally picked one of these up as my own unit, (not a loan). I'll chime in with some thoughts once it arrives.

I hear feedback was taken in and some changes were made, I'll simply go in fresh and post my experience.
Nov 12, 2014 at 1:00 AM Post #12 of 3,126
  Have any owners of these found that it just stops playing unexpectedly? I've tried twice now to leave mine playing to burn it in and when I come back to it, the light is on, but no music is playing - I'm not sure what's going on!?

I've read it doesn't have any repeat option, so my guess is the album has finished playing?
Nov 12, 2014 at 1:27 AM Post #13 of 3,126

I've read it doesn't have any repeat option, so my guess is the album has finished playing?

The only problem is that I can't get it to resume no matter what I do. I've tried skipping to the next track or folder and switching off and back on. So far only plugging in the power seems to reset it and allow it to work normally again. Hopefully I'm just doing something wrong
Nov 12, 2014 at 1:36 AM Post #14 of 3,126
The only problem is that I can't get it to resume no matter what I do. I've tried skipping to the next track or folder and switching off and back on. So far only plugging in the power seems to reset it and allow it to work normally again. Hopefully I'm just doing something wrong

Ugh, not good.

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