7Hz Impressions & Discussion
Oct 29, 2021 at 5:09 PM Post #481 of 4,309
Why even cancelling it? You know Amazon has no question asked return policy right? If you are so afraid then just get the Tri i3 Pro (I don't even know what is this brand).
I know, but I'm currently in Israel, so there are both shipping costs and import taxes that I can't recoup if I don't like them, not to mention that the international shipping is alreasy a bit of a headache one way; I dread the thought of trying to send them back to be honest.
, I've

Hi, I was one of the early buyers and I can tell you, for me on my set there is no issue at all. Yes there were a couple of comments but by and large, this thread is full of owners who are overjoyed with this little stunner. If there were persistent QC and Inbalance issues, this thread would be full of negative comments, by owners about it and it's simply not here. I've read this entire thread and IMHO what is here is a lot of chatter thats been spun up based on a few comments, many of which are made be those have never heard them, but speculate because of those comments.

I get it, none of us want a lemon but the power of suggestion can be an overcoming force causing to go looking for things that aren't there. Case in point: Read that section of this thread above.

@DeJaVu replies with a link where one can test for inbalance. Moments later, @Fat Larry responds, back in love with his Timeless, having chased away those ghosts at that website. We've all done it, I have at least, been taken by a suggestion, gone looking for something that doesnt exit, convince my self that it does, then realized it doesn't......

I've read every review I could find, watched every YouTube Vid there is and the overwhelming majority of owners and reviewers are blown away by how good these are. Go through the YouTube Videos and just read the comments. They're full of praise from owners, many of whom don't participate here on HF. In my opinion, there's no problem here. There may be a couple of instances but it's safe to say that hundreds of units have been sold if not thousands and QC issues are not being widely reported. That tells me something .... it's pretty low risk.

I've owned lots of planars and can unequivocally state that these punch WAY above their weight by orders of magnitude. The good news is, Amazon has a generous return policy, so if you pick up a set there, and are unhappy, you can off load them again. I think the risk is negligible, but only you can decide that for yourself. :ksc75smile:
Hm, this is a convincing reply, thanks 🙏 I think one thing is that the channel imbalances are in the super high frequencies where older ears are less sensitive. I'm 23 and have always taken care of my ears very well, so that could also be a contributing factor. In any case, I will ask around a bit more.
Oct 29, 2021 at 5:17 PM Post #482 of 4,309
I know, but I'm currently in Israel, so there are both shipping costs and import taxes that I can't recoup if I don't like them, not to mention that the international shipping is alreasy a bit of a headache one way; I dread the thought of trying to send them back to be honest.

Hm, this is a convincing reply, thanks 🙏 I think one thing is that the channel imbalances are in the super high frequencies where older ears are less sensitive. I'm 23 and have always taken care of my ears very well, so that could also be a contributing factor. In any case, I will ask around a bit more.
Oh I don't know amazon ship to Israel. From my experienced, usually only a handful of people got problem with theirs, but those handful also speak the loudest. My second pair going to come early next month, we'll see if there is any problem with it or not. My first pair is flawless.
Oct 29, 2021 at 5:19 PM Post #483 of 4,309
I know, but I'm currently in Israel, so there are both shipping costs and import taxes that I can't recoup if I don't like them, not to mention that the international shipping is alreasy a bit of a headache one way; I dread the thought of trying to send them back to be honest.

Hm, this is a convincing reply, thanks 🙏 I think one thing is that the channel imbalances are in the super high frequencies where older ears are less sensitive. I'm 23 and have always taken care of my ears very well, so that could also be a contributing factor. In any case, I will ask around a bit more.
It seems that you are convinced / have convinced yourself there is a real problem, even speculating why most people don’t detect it. Life is too short to live with doubts and regrets. If as logical an argument as @holsen made does not allay your fears, move on and don’t look back…. Just my unsolicited $0.02…
Oct 29, 2021 at 6:25 PM Post #484 of 4,309
Aliexpress discount is online, but they didn't price adjust so I somehow have to pay VAT now and not upon delivery. Thus, the price difference is only $10, not sure if they held their side of the bargain or if I misunderstand Aliexpress pricing
Oct 29, 2021 at 8:24 PM Post #485 of 4,309
Aliexpress discount is online, but they didn't price adjust so I somehow have to pay VAT now and not upon delivery. Thus, the price difference is only $10, not sure if they held their side of the bargain or if I misunderstand Aliexpress pricing
Hmm. I know the sale.price.comes.into effect Nov 11 but they are offering discount on request now. If you follow them, some "member" discount will kick in now but not the $170 which must be requested through chat.
Oct 29, 2021 at 9:16 PM Post #486 of 4,309
Hmm. I know the sale.price.comes.into effect Nov 11 but they are offering discount on request now. If you follow them, some "member" discount will kick in now but not the $170 which must be requested through chat.
How do you guys get the discount? Does the seller give the discount code after the chat?

Oct 29, 2021 at 9:50 PM Post #487 of 4,309
Hmm. I know the sale.price.comes.into effect Nov 11 but they are offering discount on request now. If you follow them, some "member" discount will kick in now but not the $170 which must be requested through chat.


I got this strange reply:

Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay. we. change price for you
u make order and don't pay
Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay

Not sure what they want.
Oct 29, 2021 at 9:52 PM Post #488 of 4,309

I got this strange reply:

Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay. we. change price for you
u make order and don't pay
Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay

Not sure what they want.
I think maybe they want me to initiate the chat after clicking Order, but before paying.
Oct 29, 2021 at 10:34 PM Post #489 of 4,309

I got this strange reply:

Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay. we. change price for you
u make order and don't pay
Alibaba Translation

u make order and don't pay

Not sure what they want.
You need to start the process of payment but cancel the process before payment is made. Can be tricky. I am told it is best if you change a digit or two of the payment card you are using.

The effect of the "cancelled payment" is that the seller will see the attempted transaction and the seller can then alter the price to the agreed price.

If you are happy with the altered price, you then make payment - properly this time. If not, chat again or ignore the incomplete payment. The transaction will show up on your AliExpress account as, "awaiting payment".
Oct 29, 2021 at 10:53 PM Post #490 of 4,309
You need to start the process of payment but cancel the process before payment is made. Can be tricky. I am told it is best if you change a digit or two of the payment card you are using.

The effect of the "cancelled payment" is that the seller will see the attempted transaction and the seller can then alter the price to the agreed price.

If you are happy with the altered price, you then make payment - properly this time. If not, chat again or ignore the incomplete payment. The transaction will show up on your AliExpress account as, "awaiting payment".
The process can indeed be tricky and frustrating. In one transaction I was not able to place the order without immediately paying. This was because in my country only credit card payment is allowed by AE. Even AE customer service could not help. I told the seller my problem and he sent me a personal link to a special page with the agreed price where I could order and pay. So to avoid the hassle I suggest you ask the seller to do this as it's evident sellers can do this.
Oct 30, 2021 at 11:49 AM Post #491 of 4,309
Just heard back from Dudo Store. They will offer $170 including standard shipping if you use the contact button. Tell them you heard on Head-Fi.

I have have no skin in this game. Just public service to my fellow head-fi enthusiasts! Happy Shopping Listening
I contacted Dudo via AliX, and eventually convinced them to send me a dedicated payment link of 170 USD. I suggest others also ask Dudo for a special payment link! No need to cancel transactions or type in an incorrect credit card number. Note: I haven't paid yet, but am aiming to after I check my finances this weekend.

They said they will honour AliX return policy as well, in case possible find this a bit weird (I certainly did, which is why I got them to confirm in writing).

Thanks @holsen for establishing the contact!
Oct 30, 2021 at 12:37 PM Post #492 of 4,309
I contacted Dudo via AliX, and eventually convinced them to send me a dedicated payment link of 170 USD. I suggest others also ask Dudo for a special payment link! No need to cancel transactions or type in an incorrect credit card number. Note: I haven't paid yet, but am aiming to after I check my finances this weekend.

They said they will honour AliX return policy as well, in case possible find this a bit weird (I certainly did, which is why I got them to confirm in writing).

Thanks @holsen for establishing the contact!

I was having so much trouble, they offered to send me a payment link. Should get it later today, hopefully, after they wake up. Thanks, too, to holsen.
Oct 30, 2021 at 3:14 PM Post #493 of 4,309
Thanks Yves. Great review, love Crin's presentation and humor. I agree with his A rating on tonality, but I think the technicalities are a bit better, maybe A+, due to the detail retrieval and resolution. And if the Timeless had some better staging, I think its technical score might creep up in to the S- realm. At least to my ears. Imaging to me is actually excellent. I'm not sure what other people are hearing, but I'm getting pinpoint accuracy out of mine. And regarding the staging, it's just very intimate, that's all. As if you're a part of the music rather than just listening to it. For most IEMs that's a drawback, but with the clarity and resolution of the Timeless it's almost an advantage. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Admittedly, I've had my MESTs put the hurt on the Timeless with a few select tracks, so I'm not suggesting it's perfect by any stretch. But man is it good for a fraction of the price.
Ok, I spent the day listening to my Anole VX and MEST, comparing them against the Timeless (I realize not a fair comparison), and I have to retract my earlier statement above regarding technical scoring. Definitely not upper-tier technicalities when compared directly against these others. I have to also admit that I'm hearing that "softness" that Crinacle mentioned in his review. I guess Crin is Crin for a reason and even though I wasn't specifically listening to the Timeless with his comments in mind, I eventually came to the same conclusions. Outstanding performance for $200, but it's clear they don't play in the same sandbox with the $1k+ heavyweights. Solid "A" rating for sure, which is amazing for their price. But no more. Can't wait to see what 7Hz comes up with next, though. If they can bring this technology to the next level, they might hit that "S" tier at sub-$1k pricing and that planar sound, which I love. That would be exciting.
Last edited:
Oct 30, 2021 at 4:51 PM Post #495 of 4,309

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