2006 NBA Playoffs Thread
Jun 14, 2006 at 7:47 AM Post #121 of 158

Originally Posted by rx7_fan
Like LeBron, D.Wade, or any elite NBA players didn't play the Raptors. So what is your point when u said " ....against the Toronto Raptors.. on a team that starts Luke Walton?" Don't roll your eyes at me, that's for lil girls on the cheerleading squad.

Yes, but they actually have some other players on their team who can score.

LeBron and D. Wade score with higher efficiency than Kobe, they just don't receive as many opportunities.

Take a gander at their stats for some insight...then you will realize why Kobe did nothing in the fourth quarter in game seven against the Suns.

Jun 14, 2006 at 8:13 AM Post #122 of 158
yeah, there's no excuse for that game 7. but how many people could do what he did in that series' game 3?

whatever, i still like kobe.
Jun 14, 2006 at 8:25 AM Post #123 of 158
You guys stop derailing the thread into a Kobe discussion. The Lakers are not playing in the Finals. Let's talk about Steve Nash instead


Such a funny pic. I don't have much chest hair, but for those that do, do you do this at clubs? If not, you should probably start.
Jun 14, 2006 at 12:08 PM Post #124 of 158

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
Yes, but they actually have some other players on their team who can score.

LeBron and D. Wade score with higher efficiency than Kobe, they just don't receive as many opportunities.

Take a gander at their stats for some insight...then you will realize why Kobe did nothing in the fourth quarter in game seven against the Suns.


So what if Kobe did nothing in 4th quarter in Game 7 against the Sun, Shaq didn't do shiet in the last 15minutes of game 2 against the Mavs... For whatever reasons, those two just gave up in that game... Yes, it was a big name players/ superstars gotta show up with their best when it counts. But it doesn't make you a bad player if you have a bad game. And apparently, Kobe and Shaq have theirs at unfortunate times. Ooh and about that efficiency BS you're throwing at me, Kobe had a higher efficiency in his 81 points game than Wilt Chamberlain's 78 and 100 points game. I think that is more of an accurate comparison.

And in the regular season, this was how the feild goal percentage was broken down

#1: Shaq @ 60%
#2: Eddy Curry @ 56%
and so on... too lazy to just pointlessly list people. but Kobe was at 45% and Lebron 48%.

So neither of those fools are close to Shaq 60%, so don't throw in percentage at me, because when talking about feild goal percentage you gotta throw in O'Neal, Curry, Parker, Wallace (Gerald, not Ben), and Bogut.

And about the comment "Yes, but they actually have some other players on their team who can score." that really has nothing to do with Kobe, that's has to do with the organization/scouting to get players. Kobe do not sign players, Jerry Bus does. So what is the point of that comment? Are you saying that the Lakers are a bad team? Maybe so, but i'm talking about individual players.
Jun 14, 2006 at 7:40 PM Post #125 of 158

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
...against the Toronto Raptors...on a team that starts Luke Walton.

It should probably be noted that Kobe scored 62 points in 3 quarters against the same Dallas Mavericks this year under the defensive minded coaching of Avery Johnson. So if he kept playing could certainly have approached or surpassed 81 that game. And that team is in the Finals!

But you're right, he did nothing in the 4th quarter of that game. But that's only because he sat down for the entire thing since he was beating the team by himself through 3 quarters; Kobe - 62 , Mavs - 61.

Now let's get the thread back on topic of the Finals.

With the 2-3-2 Finals format, does anyone think the Heat can take all 3 at home? I think Dallas will take 1 and go back home up 3-2.
Jun 14, 2006 at 8:06 PM Post #126 of 158

Originally Posted by Borat
With the 2-3-2 Finals format, does anyone think the Heat can take all 3 at home? I think Dallas will take 1 and go back home up 3-2.

Its hard to say...

If Dirk/terry/howard settle for jumpers all day I dont think Dallas can win on the road. They have to be aggressive and draw fouls going to the hoop. IMHO thats the only way they stand a chance. I have never seen a team win a final series with jumpers being the primary source of offense. If this team pulls that off, it will be unprecedented.

The thing about Miami is thay only really play when theyre facing elimination. Shaq makes his freethrows, D-Wade drives and sticks big shots, Gary payton makes the big plays. With that mindset, Dallas will always have a good chance to steal one on the road. BUT they have to play aggressive and not settle for jumpers.

IMHO a BIG part of it depends on how well Riley can motivate his team. If he can convince his players that EVERY home game is an elimination game, it will be tough for Dallas. If Miami farts around lile they did in the 3rd quarter its over.... "D" in 6.

My prediction, Miami will drop one of these games at home. I dont think they have the ability to play every game with the urgency/intensity like they did the last 5:10 of game 3.

Jun 16, 2006 at 4:08 AM Post #127 of 158
whoohoo, its all tied up. Looks like this is going to be a great series after all
Jun 16, 2006 at 1:34 PM Post #128 of 158
Someone better wake up Dirk. He has not showed up at all. With this format the Mavs will be going back to Dallas down a game. The poor shooting was contagious last night. Cuban must be going nuts, it looked like he wanted to cry when they showed him in the stands.
Jun 16, 2006 at 4:24 PM Post #129 of 158
Looking bad...really bad for the Marv. I'm sure who ever win the next game will win the championship. Miami is playing as a team. I still can't believe that Dirk is strugling so bad in the past 2 or 3 games.
Jun 19, 2006 at 4:38 AM Post #131 of 158
Wade is great, but c'mon now, 24 free throws! And no one gets that call he got at the end of OT....no one. There was some minor contact, but not enough to call that. It's the end of the game. You let the players decide the outcome of the game. Much like the refereeing in the World Cup, those guys are having too much of an impact on the outcome of the games.

edit: It was 25 free throws. Excuse me. I'm totally wrong about this now.
Jun 19, 2006 at 4:39 AM Post #132 of 158
I don't think they would call palming on Wade if the ball was glued to his hand and he just carried it around... There was a lot of BS foul calling going on in that game, just rediculous how weak those fouls were. The mavs players need to be sure and hold their breath while guarding Wade, it seems if you even breathe on him while he shoots, they call a foul. I can't stand watching a game like that...
Jun 19, 2006 at 4:46 AM Post #133 of 158
Oh, and genius defensive coaching strategy in the 4th by Avery. Are you kidding me?! Run a secondary defender at Wade to help Harris. Get Wade to give up the ball. He was doing anything he wanted to during a stretch there, one on one against Harris at the beginning of the shot clock. He was the only one scoring for the Heat, didn't you notice that? This is the Finals! Make someone else beat you!

At least get Wade to pass it, he'll probably get it back, but at least you would burn time off the shot clock or make it more difficult. Deny him the ball. Do something!
Jun 19, 2006 at 5:04 AM Post #135 of 158
Another one sided call game. It is suck when the game came down to the free throw shooting contest, well in this case, the Marv didn't get that much chance to shoot free throw.

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