1964 EARS V6 Thread
Nov 3, 2012 at 3:50 PM Post #257 of 931
Does that mean that the V6 will be considerably brighter on the top end? 
I'm lost when it comes to graphs...
Bugger. I'm really finding it tough to decide between the V3 and V6. Hurry up and get your V6s in, folks! :D
Nov 3, 2012 at 4:12 PM Post #259 of 931
Does that mean that the V6 will be considerably brighter on the top end? 
I'm lost when it comes to graphs...
Bugger. I'm really finding it tough to decide between the V3 and V6. Hurry up and get your V6s in, folks! :D

They're certainly not rolled off. It also depends on your definition of bright. But I can say that they are quite emphasized and sparkly. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 4:30 PM Post #260 of 931
Yeah, it really depends on your point of view.
There are times, every once in a while, where I find my Merlin a bit bright. Most of the time it's perfect though. Kind of like with the Audio Technica W1000x, Denon D7000, Ultrasone Signature Pro, Sennheiser HD800, etc. 
And there are times, every once in a while, where I wish the V3 had more sparkle. Again, most of the time it's just fine the way it is. Kind of like the Thunderpants TP1, VMODA M80, HiFiMAN HE400, LCD-2, etc. 
I'd go by the type of music you like, and the type of source/amp you'll be using, along with how much you want to spend. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #261 of 931
Vitaliy sent them to me along with the 2 other models as well.
You can repost it I'm too lazy.

Thanks. I do wish 1964 would post them on their website for each model. They used to have them up back when I got my 1964-T and then they got taken down for some reason and never went back up. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 5:05 PM Post #263 of 931
Agreed. As much as I love graphs, I can totally understand why a lot of companies don't want to release them. It probably does just as much harm as it does good, since people often get confused on how to read them. Add in the various compensation and smoothing that can be done, and the fact that every system will produce different results which are thus not directly comparable, and I can see why someone like Heir or JH Audio says "no thanks" to the whole thing. 
I assumed this was the case with 1964 when they decided to take them down, but now I'm not sure. 
Nov 3, 2012 at 7:06 PM Post #264 of 931
What Vitaliy told me earlier this week: 
He made it clear that the V6 wasn't tuned to be highly analytical like let's say the Etymotic. But the tuning (and special balanced armatures used) was done to deliver a reference signature "that's made to appeal to audiophile listener." He said reviews by current V6 owners that the sound is pointing toward warmth are accurate, but also that the CIEM is not ruler flat but are designed to point toward neutral. Bass in the V6 is meant to be more extended and punchy rather than the somewhat boomy sound of the Quad. 
Nov 5, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #265 of 931
What Vitaliy told me earlier this week: 
He made it clear that the V6 wasn't tuned to be highly analytical like let's say the Etymotic. But the tuning (and special balanced armatures used) was done to deliver a reference signature "that's made to appeal to audiophile listener." He said reviews by current V6 owners that the sound is pointing toward warmth are accurate, but also that the CIEM is not ruler flat but are designed to point toward neutral. Bass in the V6 is meant to be more extended and punchy rather than the somewhat boomy sound of the Quad. 

How about the highs? How do they compare? (I read your initial glowing review of the Quads!)
Nov 5, 2012 at 10:45 AM Post #266 of 931
How about the highs? How do they compare? (I read your initial glowing review of the Quads!)

I haven't gotten my pair yet, ac3320, but Vitaliy said last week that the highs are quite extended (beyond human hearing capability actually), but are tuned to be not harsh or fatiguing. I hope to see my pair sometime this week. 
Nov 6, 2012 at 11:27 AM Post #268 of 931
More V6 impressions, please, since you have a few days with them. Let us know how it compares to your other customs or universals. Thank you.
Nov 6, 2012 at 11:59 AM Post #269 of 931
Hey everyone,
I didn't see a welcome thread so I posted a hello in the Misc forum.
I found this forum a few months ago during my research into my first set of custom IEM's. I cut my teeth over the years on several poor ear buds, then some Shure E2's and E3's. I discovered the 'Multi-IEM Review - 263 IEMs compared' thread first and consumed it like a thirsty man in the desert. This led me to the 1964ears threads which grabbed my attention. I've been reading through the '1964 Ears (The Appreciation Thread)' and I'm about 1106 posts into it (Jan/2011). Haven't reached Eric's official Quad review yet... Loving all the insights for sure!
I ordered demo's of the 1964 Duals, V3 & Quads which I've been enjoying for several weeks. I play in two bands and have had ample time to compare them in multiple venue's via Aviom, as well as in my iPhone 5. The V3 & Quads are VERY nice, with me leaning towards the Quads more. Then the V6 is announced... <insert panicked wallet image>. I've really spent more time than is probably healthy pondering color and artwork choices. These will be my first customs and I really want them to be something I'll love to look at as much as listen to.
I just wanted to say hello and let you all know how much you've helped me to understand what my ears have been hearing all these years. Terms like sound stage, analytical, sound signature, recessed, articulated, etc... are now a proper part of my audio vocabulary. 

I'm looking forward to your comparisons on the V6's. I'm going to use them for live work more than personal listening and need to be sure they are not fatigueing and are well suited for live use. I may need to see about a V6 demo before I return the quads...
Thanks again for a great forum!
Don (AKA Mongo)
Nov 6, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #270 of 931
Hey everyone,
I didn't see a welcome thread so I posted a hello in the Misc forum.
I found this forum a few months ago during my research into my first set of custom IEM's. I cut my teeth over the years on several poor ear buds, then some Shure E2's and E3's. I discovered the 'Multi-IEM Review - 263 IEMs compared' thread first and consumed it like a thirsty man in the desert. This led me to the 1964ears threads which grabbed my attention. I've been reading through the '1964 Ears (The Appreciation Thread)' and I'm about 1106 posts into it (Jan/2011). Haven't reached Eric's official Quad review yet... Loving all the insights for sure!
I ordered demo's of the 1964 Duals, V3 & Quads which I've been enjoying for several weeks. I play in two bands and have had ample time to compare them in multiple venue's via Aviom, as well as in my iPhone 5. The V3 & Quads are VERY nice, with me leaning towards the Quads more. Then the V6 is announced... <insert panicked wallet image>. I've really spent more time than is probably healthy pondering color and artwork choices. These will be my first customs and I really want them to be something I'll love to look at as much as listen to.
I just wanted to say hello and let you all know how much you've helped me to understand what my ears have been hearing all these years. Terms like sound stage, analytical, sound signature, recessed, articulated, etc... are now a proper part of my audio vocabulary. 

I'm looking forward to your comparisons on the V6's. I'm going to use them for live work more than personal listening and need to be sure they are not fatigueing and are well suited for live use. I may need to see about a V6 demo before I return the quads...
Thanks again for a great forum!
Don (AKA Mongo)

You.. ordered demo's? Can you teach me how to do this >:O.

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